[Amended 6-20-2018 by Order No. FY 18-092]
The Mayor shall annually set the current water usage rates. The rate shall be based on 100 cubic feet of water usage and be uniform for all accounts. The fee so charged shall be established by the Mayor and shall be such as to produce revenues commensurate with the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining all water delivery and treatment works. Any increase in the rate exceeding 10% in a single year shall require approval of the Greenfield City Council. Any increase in the rate exceeding 15% in a single year shall require approval of 2/3 of the Greenfield City Council. Any increase in the rate exceeding 25% in a single year shall require approval of 9/10 of the Greenfield City Council. Should the Council not approve proposed increases, the Mayor shall immediately cut operations and capital spending so that the rate remains commensurate with the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining all water delivery and treatment works. Each user fee so charged shall be calculated so as to reflect the user's fair share of the operating costs based on the volume of the water delivery as determined by the Director. The fee shall be reviewed annually and set forth in the Policy on Water and Sewer Service and User Fees. No fee increase shall take effect until 30 days following notice to all users either by first class mail or by publication in a newspaper in general circulation within the City and conspicuously on the municipal website.
Charges for material and labor shall be set forth in the Department of Public Works Policy on Water and Sewer Customer Services.
The owner of the premises shall be responsible for the payment of all charges for water and service furnished to the property. (By state law, all charges for water or service become a lien against the charge.) When ownership changes, the name and address of the new owner must be given to the Department of Public Works at once so bills may be promptly rendered. No sale or other transfers of title of property in the Town of Greenfield shall operate to bar the Town in collection of water service charges.
The Town will undertake to deliver to property owners the original bills for water and other charges against them, as committed by the Department of Public Works, and the sending of such original bills may be deemed to constitute a sufficient notification of same and a demand for their prompt payment.
The failure of the property owner to receive his/her bill does not relieve him/her from obligation of its payment nor from the consequences of its nonpayment as required.
When charges for water supplied or for service rendered remain unpaid for more than 30 days, a demand notice will be mailed.
When charges remain unpaid for more than one year, a lien shall be placed against the property.
Water service may be discontinued if charges for water supplied or for service rendered remain unpaid 90 days after they become due. When water service has been discontinued for nonpayment of charges, services will not be restored until all bills are paid in full; including charges related to turning the water off, and charges related to turning the water on.
No person who owes an overdue bill for water charges shall be entitled to the further use of water at the same or any other premises until such water charges are paid in full, together with any other costs.
All water passing through a meter must be paid for, whether used or wasted. A minimum charge will be assessed for water service from the date the water is turned on.
If a meter gets out of order or fails to register, the consumer will be charged at the average daily consumption as shown by the meter when in order, for the corresponding period of two years proceeding.