[Adopted 1-27-2016 by Ord. No. 430]
The owner, occupant or tenant of every property abutting any sidewalk or public walk as described in § 276-12 above shall be required to remove or cause to be removed snow and ice from the full width and length of all the abutting sidewalk or public walk within 24 hours after the last snow or ice has fallen. To the extent that the private property includes a fire hydrant, the same persons shall be responsible for maintaining a cleared pathway to and a three-foot area around the hydrant.
Where snow and ice are removed, they shall not be piled or placed in the gutter or in any stormwater sewer inlet, nor shall they obstruct any fire hydrant.
Snow and ice removed from sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and other private property shall not be deposited, shoveled, pushed, thrown or plowed onto any public street. The piling of snow and ice on any property that restricts the sight distance and limits the operators of motor vehicles entering public highways is prohibited.
It shall be unlawful to park, or allow to be parked or placed, any motor vehicles or other vehicle, trailer, equipment, or any other obstacle on any public street two hours after the start of any continuous snowfall and until the snow has been completely plowed for the full width of the cartway.
Any member of the West Whiteland Township Police Department, or other employee of the Township of West Whiteland who is engaged in road work, is hereby authorized to remove, or have removed, any vehicle abandoned or parked upon any public street which is in violation of the terms and provisions of this article, and to take, or have taken, any such vehicles to the nearest garage or other place of safety. The registered owner of any such vehicle shall be promptly notified in writing of the place to which the vehicle has been removed and how to recover it upon payment of any and all towing and storage charges. Should a vehicle owner move his vehicle after a tow truck has been dispatched, the vehicle owner shall be responsible for any charges incurred for dispatch.
Any person who willfully violates or willfully permits the violation of any of the provisions of this article shall be subject to a fine in the amount of at least $25, but not to exceed $600, plus all court costs, including reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Township. Upon a finding of liability for committing or permitting the violation in a civil enforcement proceeding commenced by the Township, the defendant shall pay the fine, plus all court costs, including attorney fees. No judgment shall be imposed until the date of determination of a violation by a District Justice, and such fines, costs and attorney fees shall be collectible before any District Justice as like fines, costs and attorney fees are now by law collectible. If the defendant neither pays nor timely appeals the judgment, the Township may enforce the judgment pursuant to the applicable Rules of Civil Procedure.