[Ord. 404, 8/9/1994, § 1]
As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context.
Any false alarm which is not an intentional false alarm as defined herein.
A communication to the Police or Fire Department or to any radio system which in turn communicates with the said Police or Fire Department indicating that a crime, fire or other emergency situation warranting immediate action by the Police or Fire Department has occurred or is occurring.
A mechanical device designed to automatically transmit an alarm by wire, telephone, radio or other means (i) directly to the Police or Fire Department, (ii) to a person who is instructed to notify the Police or Fire Department of the alarm or (iii) to activate a bell or sounding device to be heard outside a building which is intended to alert the Police, Fire Department or others to the existence of a crime, fire or other emergency situation warranting action by Police or Fire Department.
An alarm to which the Police or Fire Department responds resulting from the activation of an alarm device when a crime, fire or other emergency warranting immediate action by the Police or firemen has not, in fact occurred, not to include alarms caused by natural causes such as storms, power failures or other causes not caused by a faulty or over sensitive alarm device.
The Fire Department of or for the Borough of Wormleysburg including any Wormleysburg fireperson.
An alarm device designed to transmit an alarm to a person who is instructed to notify the Police or Fire Department of the alarm.
A false alarm resulting from the intentional activation of an alarm device by an individual under circumstances where the individual has no reasonable basis to believe that a crime, fire or other emergency warranting immediate action by the Police or Fire Department has occurred or is occurring.
An individual, corporation, partnership, incorporated association or other similar entity owning the premises with an alarm device.
The Police Department of or for the Borough of Wormleysburg including any Wormleysburg police officer.
An alarm device designed to automatically transmit a recorded message over a regular telephone line directly to the Police or Fire Department, or to a person who is instructed to notify the Police or Fire Department, of the alarm.
In this Part, the singular shall include the plural; the plural shall include the singular; the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
[Ord. 404, 8/9/1994, § 1]
All property owners, lessees of property or a person otherwise occupying a premises within the Borough of Wormleysburg, which presently has an alarm device in operation on its premises or which premises is hereafter provided with an alarm device shall, within 40 days of the date of the enactment of this Part, provided the Chief of Police of the Borough of Wormleysburg with the following information:
Name or names of property owners.
Home and business addresses and the home and business telephone numbers of the property owner or property owners.
The physical location of the alarm device at the property.
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least two individuals who have keys to the premises at which the alarm device is located and who are authorized to enter the premises at any time, but who do not reside at the premises at which the alarm device is located.
A general written description of the device other than schematics.
If the device is to be leased or rented from, or is to be services pursuant to a service agreement by a person or entity other than the owner, the name, address and telephone number of that person or entity must be provided.
Each owner providing the information set forth in subsections (A) through (F) above shall also sign a statement in the following form:
The undersigned owner of a premises containing an alarm device, intending to be legally bound hereby, agrees with the Borough of Wormleysburg that the undersigned, nor anyone claiming by, through, or under the undersigned, shall make any claim against the Borough of Wormleysburg, its public officials, employees or agents, for any damages caused to the premises and property at which the alarm device is located, if such damage is caused by a forced entry to said premises by police officer or fireperson or other authorized agent of the Borough of Wormleysburg in order to answer an alarm from said alarm device at a time when said premises are or appear to be unattended or when in the discretion of the person(s) responding the circumstances appear to warrant a forced entry. The aforesaid information and statement shall be set forth in writing by the owner, dated, signed and filed with the Police Department of or for the Borough of Wormleysburg.
[Ord. 404, 8/9/1994, § 1]
No alarm shall sound externally in excess of 30 continuous minutes.
[Ord. 404, 8/9/1994, § 1]
No person shall create an intentional false alarm.
[Ord. 404, 8/9/1994, § 1]
With respect to any false alarm occurring 30 days after the installation of an alarm service to which the Police Department or Fire Department, or their personnel, respond, the owner shall pay to the Borough of Wormleysburg the following fees:
First to third alarm each calendar year
no charge
Fourth to tenth alarm each calendar year
$40 per alarm
All alarms in excess of 10 each calendar year
$60 per alarm
[Ord. 404, 8/9/1994, § 1]
When a false alarm occurs, the Police Department, within 60 days from the date of the false alarm, shall notify the owner of the premises in which the alarm device is situated from the false alarm emanated that a false alarm is due and the amount thereof. Said notice shall be in writing and mailed to the owner at the owner's last known address by regular mail, postage prepaid. Failure of the Police Department to mail notice of assessment of a false charge within 60 days from the occurrence of the false alarm shall preclude the Borough of Wormleysburg from assessing a false alarm charge.
A false alarm charge shall be due and payable at the office of the Police Department 30 days from the date of the mailing of the notice of assessment of the charge.
Failure of a person to pay a false alarm charge on or before the date shall constitute a violation of this Part and shall subject said person to the penalties set forth herein.
[Ord. 404, 8/9/1994, § 1]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part 6 of Chapter 10 of the Borough of Wormleysburg Code of Ordinances shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs of prosecution and upon failure to make prompt payment of same or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days.