[Ord. No. 2488, 3-16-2010]
There shall be a Town of Windham Energy Commission having the powers and duties set forth in this division for the promotion of energy efficiency, conservation, alternative energy in the Town of Windham, with the overall goal of planning and executing a path to a sustainable energy future. The Commission shall be known as the "Town of Windham Energy Commission," and is referred to in this division as "the Commission."
[Ord. No. 2488, 3-16-2010]
The Commission shall consist of seven regular members and two alternate members who are electors of the Town of Windham.
Except as otherwise provided below, the regular and alternate members shall be appointed to offices of terms of five years.
The Mayor shall appoint the members of the Commission subject to the concurrence of the Council. Regarding the regular members, at the first appointment the Mayor and Council shall appoint one regular member for a term of one year; one regular member for a term of two years; one regular member for a term of three years; one regular member for a term of four years; and three regular members for a term of five years. Thereafter, as the term of each initial regular member expires, the Mayor shall appoint successors for a term of five years. The Mayor shall appoint alternate members for a term of five years, subject to concurrence by the Town Council.
The members of the Commission shall be town residents interested in energy conservation and production.
Upon a vacancy on the Commission, the Mayor shall appoint a successor subject to the concurrence of the Town Council.
The Town Council may remove any member of the Commission in accordance with the Town Charter.
Commission members shall serve without compensation or reimbursement of expenses incurred.
[Ord. No. 2488, 3-16-2010]
The Commission shall have the following enumerated powers and duties, and all powers and duties necessarily implied to accomplish these enumerated powers and duties:
To research and review the energy usage of the town, both the municipal corporation and the community.
To recommend energy production and conservation policies and practices for the town. In this regard, the Commission shall evaluate and report to the Town Council about the feasibility of the Town of Windham creating its own municipal utility for the distribution of electricity and/or aggregating energy demand and using brokers or other facilitators to provide least-cost energy to meet that aggregated demand.
To appear at hearings, meetings, and forums to comment upon and submit information relating to energy production and conservation within the town.
On behalf of the town, to apply for grants to execute the purposes of the Commission.
To prepare and periodically update strategic and action plans for energy conservation, efficiency, and production within the town, and to present those plans to all appropriate persons and bodies. Such plans shall include, but not be limited to, performance baselines, benchmarks, and targets to enable the Town Council to evaluate and track the effectiveness of energy initiatives.
To monitor local, regional, national, and international trends in energy usage, conservation, efficiency, and production that may be instructive for the town in helping it lower costs, minimize waste, and minimize fossil fuel emissions.
[Ord. No. 2488, 3-16-2010]
The Council may appropriate funds for the use of the Commission. Such funds may include, but not be limited to, a percentage of grant funding obtained by the Commission or the town for administration of energy conservation and efficiency projects.
The town may create enterprise, revolving, or special revenue funds from which the town may disburse energy conservation appropriations pursuant to this division.
[Ord. No. 2488, 3-16-2010]
The Commission shall report at least annually to the Town Council about the Commission's activities and outcomes.