[Ord. No. 2578, § 2, 9-4-2012]
There shall be a Town of Windham Senior Center Advisory Board (Board) having the powers and duties set forth in this division. The overall goal of the Board will be to advise the Town Council about the efficient and effective operation of the Windham Senior Center.
[Ord. No. 2578, § 2, 9-4-2012]
The Board shall consist of five regular members and two alternate members with term limits of two years and four years to be staggered terms.
Pursuant to the Town Charter, the Mayor shall appoint the members of the Board subject to the concurrence of the Town Council.
Upon a vacancy on the Board, the Mayor shall appoint a successor subject to the concurrence of the Town Council.
Board members shall serve without compensation or reimbursement of expenses incurred.
[Ord. No. 2578, § 2, 9-4-2012]
The Board shall have the following enumerated powers and duties, and all powers and duties reasonably necessary to accomplish these enumerated powers and duties:
Recommend those best practices to the Town Council and town staff.
To reach out to the entire Windham community and seek ways to involve Windham seniors in healthy, productive activities at the Windham Senior Center.
To recommend programs and activities for the senior center.
To recruit volunteers and volunteer agencies to work at the senior center.
To seek grants, foundation support, and charitable donations for the senior center.
To regularly report to the Town Council about policies and practices to improve the senior center.