[Ord. 97-06, 7/7/1997, § 1; as amended by Ord. 09-00, 10/2/2000]
The Township, by Ord. 97-07 [Chapter
1, Part 2D], heretofore created a Shade
Tree Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Second Class Township Code and part of that ordinance required the Commission to prescribe such rules and regulations and to impose such penalties for violations as it may deem necessary provided, that the rules and regulations are approved by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 2]
The Board of Supervisors, by this Part, hereby approves, adopts and places in full force and effect the following regulations regarding the planting, removing, maintaining and protecting of shade trees in the Township of Spring.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 3]
The Shade
Tree Commission shall have authority with respect to the planting, removing, maintaining and protecting of such
trees and shall be responsible for the review of subdivisions and the plans as are authorized by the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter
27] and subdivision regulations.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 4]
PERMIT A permit in writing as issued by the Secretary of the Shade Tree Commission of Spring Township.
PERSON Any individual, firm, association or corporation.
SHADE TREE Any tree, shrub or other woody plant within the right-of-way of any public street in the Township of Spring, or that part of any tree, shrub or other woody plant which extends within the lines of any public street in said Township.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 5]
1. Application. The application for any permit required hereunder shall be made in writing to the Secretary of the Shade Tree Commission upon forms furnished by the Commission and shall specify the particular kind of work or operation the applicant desires to perform thereunder and shall state the exact locations and species of any tree or trees affected. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Shade Tree Commission to submit every such application promptly to the Commission for approval or disapproval.
2. Time of Permit. The permit shall be effective for such length of time as the Commission shall in each case determine, which shall be indicated on the permit.
3. Revocation. The Commission may revoke any permit issued pursuant to this Part upon notice to the permittee, for violation of the conditions of said permit or of this Part.
4. Permit Fees. Fees for all permits issued pursuant to the provisions of this Part shall be established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
5. Bond. The Commission may, at its discretion as a condition precedent to the issuing of the permit, require the applicant to file a bond satisfactory to the Commission or to deposit securities satisfactory to it to guarantee the compliance by the applicant with the terms and conditions upon which the permit is issued.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 6]
1. Trees Required. Shade
trees shall be planted in all new residential subdivisions, as provided in the Township Subdivision Ordinance [Chapter
22], including land abutting any street previously opened. The type of shade
trees shall be subject to approval of the Commission and installation shall be made under the supervision of the Commission.
2. Permit Prior to Building or Zoning Permit. There shall not be issued to any subdivider a building and/or zoning permit unless a shade tree permit has been issued and a bond filed or cash deposited with the Commission to insure compliance with this Part and regulations adopted thereunder. No certificate of completion or occupancy shall be issued without filing a certificate of compliance by the Commission. Such certificate shall state that the necessary work has been completed or that sufficient security had been deposited.
3. Bond or Deposit. The bond or cash deposit shall equal the cost, as determined by the Commission, of purchasing, planting and maintaining for two years the required shade trees.
4. Number, Size and Location of Shade Trees. The number size, species and location of shade trees planted in subdivisions shall be in accordance with a plan approved by the Shade Tree Commission.
5. Shade trees shall be planted by the subdivider within two years from the issuance of a permit or at such time as may be authorized by the Commission. Failure to plant the trees shall be a default and the bond or cash deposit shall be forfeited. Any funds derived from a default shall be expended by the Commission to plant the required trees.
6. Subdivider shall maintain all shade trees for a period of two years following planting and shall replace trees as may be required.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 7]
No shade tree shall be planted on any public street within 10 feet of a paved sidewalk or curb or within 100 feet to an intersection in Spring Township until a permit is granted therefor, such permit to designate the place where such tree is to be planted. The Commission may refuse a permit to plant any species of tree which in its opinion is not suited to the location. Every effort shall be made to locate trees so as not to interfere with the installation and maintenance of sidewalks and utilities.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 8]
1. Pruning, Trimming or Removal. It shall be unlawful for any person, without first obtaining a permit to cut, prune, break, climb with spurs, injure in any manner or remove any shade tree, to cut down or interfere in any way with the main roots of any shade tree; to spray with any chemicals or insecticides any shade tree; to place any rope, guy wire, cable, signs, posters or other fixtures on a shade tree or tree guard or to injure misuse or remove any device placed to protect shade trees, except in case of immediate necessity for protection of life or property.
2. Protection During Construction. Prior to any building operation or the performance of any work whatsoever in the Township in the vicinity of any shade trees, such builder or worker or subdivider shall submit to the Commission a plan of the area in which such building, work or construction shall be done and such plans shall include the location of all major shade trees, clearly depicted by mark showing approximate height and breadth or, if appropriate, shall be designated "wooded area." Upon receipt of such plans, which plants shall show the tree or trees to be cleared and those to remain, the Commission shall rule on such plans and may regulate which other trees are to be cleared or protected.
Before any such work shall be commenced, in connection with any building operation or the performance of any work whatsoever in the Township in the vicinity of any shade trees, guards shall be placed at all shade trees which may be affected by such work so as to effectually prevent injury to them. Plans should show all existing trees.
3. Protection from Animals. It shall be unlawful for any person to fasten any animal, thing or object to any shade tree or cause any animal, thing or object to be placed or to stand so as to cause injury to any shade tree.
4. Protection of Roots. No person shall, without first obtaining a permit, place or hereafter maintain any stone, concrete or other substance which shall impede the passage of water and air to the roots of any shade tree unless such person shall leave an open space of ground surrounding the trunk of the tree, such space to be not less than four square feet.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 9]
1. Minimum Height. All shade trees shall be kept trimmed so that the minimum height where they overhand any public walk or road shall be 15 feet. However, the Commission reserves the right to designate a higher clearance on certain highways where heavy traffic or other conditions make it expedient. Shade trees having branches projecting over a public walkway shall be kept trimmed so that the lowest branches shall have a minimum height of eight feet or to such other height as may be specified by the Commission.
2. Failure to Trim Shade Trees as Required. In case the owner of such property shall neglect or refuse to trim such trees upon being notified in writing by the Commission to do so and within the time specified by such notice, the Commission may after the expiration of the date specified in said notice cause such trimming to be done at the expense of the owner and the entire cost thereof shall be a lien upon said premises and shall be filed and collected by the Township in the manner as municipal claims are filed and collected.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 10]
1. Notice to Remove. The Commission may, upon written notice, require owners of property to cut and remove trees afflicted with the Dutch Elm or other disease which threatens to destroy or injure shade trees in the Township.
2. Failure of Remove. Upon failure to comply with such notice within 30 days of receipt, the Township may cause the work to be done and levy or collect the costs thereof from the owner of the property.
3. Collection of Costs. The cost of such work shall be a lien upon the premises from the time of commencement of work, which date shall be fixed by the Township Engineer and filed with the Township Secretary. Any such lien may be collected by action in assumpsit or by lien filed in the manner provided by law for the filing and collection of municipal claims.
[Ord. 97-06, 10/7/1996, § 11]
1. The Shade
Tree Commission's permit requirements and regulatory powers to no apply to
trees outside the public street except as provided in §
25-110 above. However, many
trees planted outside the public street may grow into the street and thereby become subject to the provisions of this Part.
2. Any person planting a tree within 30 feet of the public street is advised to consult the Commission to avoid possible future problems.
[Ord. 96-05, 10/7/1996, § 12; as amended by Ord. 09-00, 10/2/2000]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part or who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the regulations of the Shade Tree Commission of Spring Township, upon conviction thereof in any action brought before a district justice in the manner provided for enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 2001-02, 11/5/2001, § 1]
PERSON Includes any natural person, partnership, association, firm or corporation. The singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular and the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
[Ord. 2001-02, 11/5/2001, § 2]
No person shall maintain or permit to be grown or growing along the street or Township road abutting the owner's property which shall constitute a hazardous or dangerous condition to the use of the highway or those which impair the use and maintenance of the public road or street.
[Ord. 2001-02, 11/5/2001, § 3]
Every owner of property in the Township shall be required to keep limbs and branches of all trees growing upon such property or along the street, sidewalk, curb or alley abutting upon such property trimmed so that no part of such limbs or branches or of the foliage growing thereupon, shall have a clearance of less than eight feet above the surface of the sidewalk or of less than 14 feet above the surface of the roadway of any street or alley.
[Ord. 2001-02, 11/5/2001, § 4]
It shall be the responsibility of property owners in the Township to confirm to the requirements of this Part as to trees upon property owned by them or along streets, alleys and sidewalks abutting upon such property and, upon notice from the designated Township Officer, to remove any tree or trees growing in violation of § 25-402 of this Part and to trim or cut the branches or limbs of trees as required by § 25-403 hereof. Any person failing to comply with any such notice, within the time limit stated therein, shall be guilty of a violation of this Part and, upon the expiration of such time limit, the designated Township Officer shall have the authority to cause the work required by such notice to be done by the Township or under contract therewith and to collect the cost of such work, with an additional amount of 10% from any such property owner in default.
[Ord. 2001-02, 11/5/2001, § 5]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 and, in default of payment, to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days.