[Ord. 2007-03, 5/2/2007, § 501; as amended by Ord.
2009-02, 4/6/2009]
1. Intent. The intent of the Highway Commercial District is to promote
the following:
A. To permit a concentration of retail establishments, commercial offices,
and community facilities that may be too large or intensive to adapt
to a downtown or village setting;
B. To minimize the impacts of highway commercial activity.
C. To encourage the clustering of commercial establishments.
D. To encourage shared development features.
E. To meet minimum standards of health, safety, and welfare by protecting
against hazards and nuisances.
2. District Regulations. Only uses listed below shall be permitted in
the Highway Commercial District. All uses must conform to the lot,
yard setback, and maximum height requirements stipulated herein, as
well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
3. Design Standards.
A. Front yard landscaping strips shall be required along the road (see
Supplemental Regulations - "Landscaping").
B. Off-street loading spaces and outdoor storage areas (exclusive of
outdoor sales) shall be screened from the roads and adjoining properties
(see Supplemental Regulations - "Landscaping").
C. Shared parking facilities shall be required where applicable (see
Supplemental Regulations - "Parking").
D. On-site lighting of buildings and surrounding areas shall employ
hooded or screened fixtures that confine glare to the site, and security
lighting should be directed toward the building, rather than the area
around it (see Supplemental Regulations - "Lighting").
E. Speaker and/or public address systems used in external areas shall
be designed to keep audible impact at ambient levels.
[Ord. 2007-03, 5/2/2007, § 502; as amended by Ord.
2012-04, 5/7/2012]
1. Intent. The intent of the Interchange Commercial District is to promote
the following:
A. To provide sites configured to accommodate uses seeking prominent
B. To promote uses that will not compete with the Central Business District
or Waterfront Business District.
C. To encourage development that is reflective of the region's character
and historic nature including architectural treatments and design
D. To require integrated site design.
E. To designate the interchange commercial district as a receiving area
for transferred development rights.
2. District Regulations. Only uses listed below shall be permitted in
the Interchange Commercial District. All uses must conform to the
lot, yard setback, and maximum height requirements stipulated herein,
as well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
3. Front Yard Requirements.
Front yard setback: Along SR 550
ROW Width
33 feet
50 feet
80 feet
100 feet
Required setback
83.5 feet
75 feet
60 feet
50 feet
All other roads the building setback shall be 50 feet.
4. Traffic Management Standards. The following traffic management standards
shall be applied to all developments within the Interchange Commercial
A. All plans for vehicular access from the interchange access road shall
be submitted to the Township for approval. If the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation (PennDOT) approval is required, plans shall be submitted
to the Township and PennDOT concurrently for review and approval.
B. The Township shall require a traffic impact study to be prepared
by a qualified professional for any proposed development within the
Interchange Commercial District, except when the proposed development
is expected to generate less than 100 vehicle trips on the interchange
access road during the road's daily peak travel period.
C. Upon final review of the traffic impact study, the Township may recommend
improvements to the applicant to minimize the proposed development's
traffic impact and maximize public safety. All recommended improvements
shall be included in zoning, site plan, and/or subdivision review
of the proposed development.
D. Any new right-of-way providing vehicular access from the interchange
access road shall be located a minimum distance of 300 feet from the
point at which the exit/entrance ramp intersects the interchange access
E. Any new right-of-way providing vehicular access from the interchange
access road shall be no closer than 800 feet measured from center
line to center line from any existing or proposed new vehicular access.
F. Direct vehicular access to uses fronting on an interchange access
road shall be used where direct access currently exists.
G. Any right-of-way providing vehicular access, other than that which
currently exists, within the Interchange Commercial District shall
be of a type equal to or of a lower order than the highest order road
(the interchange access road) serving the interchange.
H. In order to minimize vehicular access points from the interchange
access road, shared driveway features shall be required. Access easements
connecting adjoining properties and land developments for vehicular,
bicycle, and pedestrian access shall be provided, as agreed by the
municipality and the developer.
I. A minimum of 2.5% of the total number of required parking spaces
shall be provided for on-site bicycle storage.
5. Design Standards. All proposed development to be located within the
Interchange Commercial District shall meet the following requirements
and shall be noted on development plans:
A. All portions and sides of buildings shall utilize the same materials
that are used on the designated front of the building. Unpainted concrete
block, except when textured or tinted, shall not be used on building
B. Facades greater than 45 feet in length shall employ one or more of
the following architectural design strategies:
Use of varying materials, textures, and/or colors.
Use of architectural detailing or elements, such as windows,
colonnades, porches, porticos, columns, pilasters, cornices, and canopies.
Varying horizontal elevations, bump-outs, and recesses.
C. Facades of commercial buildings facing a public right-of-way or parking
area shall have a minimum of 30% of the ground floor exterior area
devoted to windows or display windows.
D. For properties with frontage along the interchange access road, the
building's primary facade shall be oriented towards the interchange
access road.
E. Bulk trash receptacles, mechanical equipment, outdoor storage, loading
docks, and other accessory uses shall be located or screened in such
a manner as to be hidden from all off-property views.
F. All utility lines, including electric, telephone, data, and CATV,
shall be installed underground except as provided below:
Single-family dwellings constructed on lots subdivided prior
to the effective date of this Part and existing agricultural uses
requiring additional utility service shall be exempt from the requirements
of Subsection 5F above.
Junction boxes, transformers, and other apparatuses essential
to utility service which, due to their function, are required to be
located above-ground, shall be screened from view of public rights-of-way,
as long as the height of screening will not affect motorists' visibility.
6. Buffer and Landscaping. Along Airport Road (TR 422).
A. Building Setback along Airport Road (TR 422) is a minimum of 500
feet from Airport Road.
B. Buildings and parking lots shall be screened from the intersection
of Airport Road and I-99 bridge a distance of 1,000 feet to the east.
C. A combination of berms, grading and landscaping, along with evergreens
and deciduous trees shall be included.
D. The developer shall be required to provide a three-dimensional computer
generated rendering showing one view each from the east and westbound
approaches on Airport Road (TR 422).
E. The berms shall be landscaped with shrubs and trees.
[Ord. 2007-03, 5/2/2007, § 503]
1. Intent. The intent of the Village Commercial District is to promote
the following:
A. To concentrate a mix of residential uses, neighborhood scale retail
uses, personal services, community facilities, specialty shops, and
home occupations.
B. To encourage adaptive reuse of buildings.
C. To provide for the public convenience and to avoid congestion.
2. District Regulations. Only uses listed below shall be permitted in
the Village Commercial District. All uses must conform to the lot,
yard setback, and maximum height requirements stipulated herein, as
well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
3. Building Requirements. All uses must conform to the requirements
stipulated herein, as well as other appropriate requirements of this
A. No structure shall exceed 2,500 square feet in ground floor area.
B. All drive-in primary and accessory commercial uses and all mobile
homes (even if placed on permanent foundations) are prohibited from
the Village District.
C. This district shall be limited to two total uses per property; either
one residential and one commercial or two residential or two commercial.
[Ord. 2007-03, 5/2/2007; as added by Ord. 2010-05, 8/2/2010]
1. Intent. The intent of the Highway Mixed Use District is to promote
the following:
A. To permit a concentration of retail establishments, commercial offices,
and community facilities that may be too large or intensive to adapt
to a downtown or village setting.
B. To allow for mixed uses based on historical uses.
C. To encourage the clustering of commercial establishments.
D. To encourage shared development features.
E. To meet minimum standards of health, safety, and welfare by protecting
against hazards and nuisances.
F. To provide suitable redevelopment options and to promote sustainability
and economic viability of designated mixed use areas within the Township
and to preserve the unique character of these neighborhoods.
2. District Regulations. Only uses listed below shall be permitted in
the Highway Mixed Use District. All uses must conform to the lot,
yard setback, and maximum height requirements stipulated herein, as
well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
3. Design Standards.
A. Front yard landscaping strips shall be required along the road (see
Supplemental Regulations - "Landscaping").
B. Off-street loading spaces and outdoor storage areas (exclusive of
outdoor sales) shall be screened from the roads and adjoining properties
(see Supplemental Regulations - "Landscaping").
C. Shared parking facilities shall be required where applicable (see
Supplemental Regulations - "Parking").
D. On-site lighting of buildings and surrounding areas shall employ
hooded or screened fixtures that confine glare to the site, and security
lighting should be directed toward the building, rather than the area
around it (see Supplemental Regulations - "Lighting").
E. Speaker and/or public address systems used in external areas shall
be designed to keep audible impact at ambient levels.
F. Structures destroyed by fire, flood or other unintentional means
shall be permitted to be rebuilt within their original building footprint
within one year of the structure's destruction. Thereafter, redevelopment
of sites shall conform to all requirements of this chapter.