[Adopted 12-17-2014 by Ord. No. 6-2014]
New Salem Borough hereby approves entering into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement (hereinafter referred to as "agreement") to obtain Zoning Officer and Building Code Officer services from Spring Grove Borough, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference (and which shall be filed with the minutes of the meeting at which this article was enacted), with the intent and effect that New Salem Borough shall be bound by the agreement.[1]
Editor's Note: Said agreement is on file in the Borough offices.
New Salem Borough is authorized to enter into the intergovernmental agreement for the purposes contained therein and attached hereto, and the President or Vice President of the Borough Council, acting alone or together with the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of New Salem Borough to execute said agreement on behalf of the Borough and to execute and deliver any additional instruments, and to take such further actions, as may be necessary or appropriate to carry forth the agreement and the transactions to be effected under the agreement.
As required by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act,[1] the following matters are hereby set forth:
The conditions of the agreement are set forth in the Articles of Agreement attached hereto.
New Salem Borough shall participate in the agreement and obtain Zoning Officer and Building Code Officer services from Spring Grove Borough for a term as as provided therein.
The purposes and objectives of the agreement are to obtain Zoning and Building Code Officer services from Spring Grove Borough.
The manner and extent of financing the agreement are that i) no borrowing will be required by New Salem Borough, ii) funds to implement New Salem Borough's obligations under the agreement shall come from normal and usual budgeted amounts for such matters, and iii) New Salem Borough shall be charged by Spring Grove Borough for the services rendered at a price to be agreed upon in the agreement.
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.