[Ord. 84, 1/12/2000, § I; as amended by Ord. 122-2006, 12/15/2006]
This Part is adopted in order to better insure the safety of the residents of Township, to prevent the dangers caused by ice, snow and stormwater run-off from driveways onto Township and state highways, to assure appropriate clear site triangles at intersections, and to address other problems caused by the design and placement of unregulated intersections. It shall apply to all new driveway construction and to improvements to existing driveways. Driveway improvements subject to this Part include paving, repaving, widening for purposes of adding another lane, and/or changing or modifying a driveway entrance.
The term "driveway," as used in this Part, does not include field access entrances used for agricultural purposes.
These provisions do not apply to normal maintenance of existing gravel driveways, such as adding additional gravel, or the like.
[Ord. 84, 1/12/2000, § II]
No person shall perform any work within the Township affecting stormwater flow or discharge within the right-of-way of any street until the Township shall have issued a permit for such work.
A permit application shall be submitted to the Township by the landowner prior to commencing work on any driveway. The application shall be on forms provided by the Township. The application shall be accompanied by a filing fee and escrow deposit as may be established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors or as mandated herein.
The Township Engineer and Township Road master shall review the application and discuss any comments or concerns with the applicant.
The Township shall issue the permit for constriction of the driveway within 14 days of its submission, provided that the driveway meets all of the requirements of the applicable ordinances.
If the Township Engineer or the Township Road master reject the permit application, they shall provide written notice to the applicant listing the reasons for rejection.
All work shall be performed in strict compliance with the drawings and specifications as set forth on the permit application or as required by any applicable ordinance.
[Ord. 84, 1/12/2000, § III]
The Township Engineer and/or Township Roadmaster shall, as necessary, inspect the driveway and confirm that it conforms to this Part. Such inspection (and any permitting hereunder) shall not constitute any representation as to the safety or efficacy of the design or installation.
No paving of any driveway shall commence until the Engineer or Roadmaster has inspected the site and approved the work to be preformed.
[Ord. 84, 1/12/2000, § IV; as amended by Ord. 122-2006, 12/15/2006]
The construction of new driveways and improvement of existing driveways shall conform in all respects to the requirements set forth in § 22-615 of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] and any amendments, supplements or replacements thereof. All requirements set forth therein shall be applicable to each driveway in the Township, including a requirement that the first 20 feet of each drive be paved, that certain grades be maintained, that certain clear site triangles be provided, and that surface drainage be constructed in a manner which shall not endanger occupants, users, or other residents.
The applicant must construct the driveway to the construction standards outlined in § 22-615 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] no later than six months following the date of issuance of the use and occupancy permit for new construction. For driveway installations unrelated to building construction all entrance improvements shall be completed no later than 12 months following the issuance of the driveway permit.
[Ord. 84, 1/12/2000, § V]
The Board of Supervisors may adopt, by resolution, a fee schedule for purposes of the application and review process. In addition, an applicant must post a security deposit in an amount as determined by resolution of the Board of Supervisors on the recommendation of the Township Engineer to be escrowed with the Township for the purposes of insuring full compliance with and completion of the driveway specifications as established hereunder.
Upon satisfactory installation of the driveway, and after the same has been approved by the Township Engineer or Township Roadmaster, the Township shall refund the escrow deposit less any costs or Township expense to the applicant.