[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991]
Wherever a space is marked off on any street for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle parked there shall be parked wholly within the lines bounding that space, and it shall be a violation of this Part for any person to park a vehicle or allow it to remain parked otherwise.
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991]
Only angle parking shall be permitted on the following portions of streets:
On all streets where angle parking is required, every vehicle parked at the angle shall be parked with its front nearest the curb.
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991; as amended by Ord. 1812, 11/22/1993; by Ord. 1827, 2/14/1994; by Ord. 1828, 2/14/1994; by Ord. 1860, 10/10/1994; by Ord. 1866, 12/12/1994; by Ord. 1896, 10/9/1995; by Ord. 1913, 4/22/1996; by Ord. 1917, 6/10/1996; by Ord. 1921, 8/12/1996; by Ord. 1922, 8/12/1996; by Ord. 1926, 10/28/1996; by Ord. 1935, 1/27/1997; by Ord. 1940, 7/14/1997; by Ord. 1961, 3/24/1998; by Ord. 1962, 3/23/1998; by Ord. 1969, 6/22/1998; by Ord. 1976, 9/28/1998; by Ord. 1977, 10/26/1998; by Ord. 2001, 4/24/2000; by Ord. 2004, 12/27/1999; by Ord. 2005, 12/27/1999; by Ord. 2019, 8/14/2000; by Ord. 2024, 8/28/2000; by Ord. 2026, 8/28/2000; by Ord. 2027, 8/28/2000; by Ord. 2038, 11/27/2000; by Ord. 2044, 2/26/2001; by Ord. 2056, 11/26/2001; by Ord. 2062, 3/25/2002; by Ord. 2064, 3/25/2002; by Ord. 2074, 9/23/2002; by Ord. 2089, 2/24/2003; by Ord. 2098, 6/30/2003; by Ord. 2106, 9/22/2003; by Ord. 2107, 9/22/2003; by Ord. 2110, 9/22/2003; by Ord. 2119, 4/12/2004; by Ord. 2120, 4/12/2004; by Ord. 2121, 4/12/2004; by Ord. 2155, 7/11/2005; by Ord. 2159, 8/8/2005; by Ord. 2202, 9/25/2006; by Ord. 2204, 10/9/2006; by Ord. 2208, 1/8/2007; by Ord. 2237, 5/29/2007; by Ord. 2249, 10/22/2007; by Ord. 2266, 5/27/2008; by Ord. 2275, 12/22/2008; by Ord. 2320, 7/16/2012; by Ord. 2321, 8/20/2012; by Ord. 2340, 2/18/2014; by Ord. 2349, 2/17/2015; by Ord. 2351, 4/20/2015; by Ord. No. 2375, 6/20/2016; by Ord. No. 2376, 6/20/2016; by Ord. No. 2415, 7/16/2018; by Ord. No. 2444, 3/20/2020; and by Ord. No. 2445, 3/20/2020]
Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations:
Abard Drive
From Thompson Run Road for a distance of 50 feet east
Alley Way
By Fourth Avenue and Fourteenth Way
Arrowhead Road
From Rochester Road north to Duquesne Light Utility Pole No. 75/638
Atlantic Avenue
Between Perry Highway and First Street
Babcock Boulevard
From Short Street to 3344 Babcock Boulevard
Beech Street
For a distance of 120 feet east from the intersection of North Fremont Avenue
Beech Street
From North Fremont Avenue to Norbert Street
Braunlich Drive
From Tillotson Circle to Highlands Place
Braunlich Drive
For 93 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Tillotson Circle
Browns Lane
From Chapel Drive to 498 Browns Lane
Browns Lane
From McKnight Road to Northway Mall Drive
Browns Lane
From McKnight Road to Pinewood Terrace
Buehner Drive
From its intersection with Evergreen Road for a distance of 150 feet
Byron Road
From Elm Road the driveway at 106 Byron Road
Calderwood Avenue
For 90 feet from its intersection with Balph Avenue
Casper Avenue
Between Gass Road and Reel Avenue
Chapel Drive
Between Browns Lane and Babcock Boulevard where posted
Clarion Drive
From the driveway at 32 Clarion Drive to the intersection of Simplon Street
Cleveland Avenue
Between West View Avenue and Queen Avenue
Connie Drive
From 121 Connie Drive to 128 Connie Drive
Connie Drive
From 184 Connie Drive to 210 Connie Drive
Corbett Court
From Browns lane to the Northway Mall parking lot
Eileen Drive
Dead end
Elm Street
Between Washington Boulevard and Lee Avenue
Evergreen Heights Road
Abutting upon the property of "On Line Systems"
Evergreen Road
From Buehner Drive to the entrance of Willow Tree Apartments
Fairley Road
Beginning at a point approximately 71 feet 4 inches east of the driveway for 106 Fairley Road and extending to a point 200 feet, measured along the outside edge of the existing roadway, on the south side of 114 Fairley Road
Fifth Avenue (Laurel Gardens)
From First Street in a northerly direction to Fourteenth Way
Fifth Way
From a sign to be installed approximately 132 feet north of Fourteenth Way to a sign to be installed approximately 192 feet north of Fourteenth Way
First Street
From the westerly side of Second Avenue to the termination of First Street
Fourteenth Way
From Second Avenue west for a distance of 300 feet
Gaymor Avenue
Glarius Avenue
Between Ravenswood Avenue and Klemont Avenue
Glarius Avenue
For a distance of 100 feet north of an unnamed dead-end street, from November 1 to April 1 annually
Goldsmith Road
From 362 Goldsmith Road to the corner
Grant Avenue
From Trion Road to 30 feet west thereof
Grant Avenue
Between Trion Road and Oak Street
Harding Road
South (even-numbered side)
Entire length
Hillendale Road
For a distance of 100 feet north and 100 feet south of Westmont Road
Henderson Road
Between Gardner Place and the entrance to the McKnight Village Recreation Area
Hiland Valley Drive
From the intersection with Perry Highway/Route 19 to a point 117 feet west of the intersection, aligning with the eastern side of the building housing units 301, 303 and 305
Hiland Valley Drive
From the intersection with Perry Highway/Route 19 to a point 350 feet west of the intersection
Houston Road
For a distance of 50 feet in an easterly direction from Park Place
Ivy Avenue
For 50 feet from its intersection with Gas Road
Kentzel Road
Between McKnight Road and Siebert Road
Lipp Avenue
From the driveway at 245 Lipp Avenue in an easterly direction to the dead end
Louise Drive
From its terminus with Reis Run Road and extending through residential property situate at 112 and 114 Louise Drive
Maple Drive
From Hillcrest Drive to Longvue Drive
Maple Street
From its intersection with Lee Avenue Extension in a northerly direction to the termination of Maple Street as a dead end
Mattys Drive
From its intersection with Bascom Avenue extending 240 feet west therefrom
Mazer Avenue
From 38 Mazer Avenue to Katherine Street
Mulkerrin Drive
From its intersection with Connie Drive to the westerly property line of 164 Connie Drive
Nichols Road
From its westerly intersection with Tillotson Circle for 200 feet along the southerly side
Oak Street
The Grant Avenue intersection and 30 feet northbound
Ocenas Avenue
From its intersection with Bascom Avenue extending 220 feet west thereof
Old Evergreen Road
Between Siebert Road and Kentzel Road
Orchard Avenue
For a distance of 245 feet north of the Sixth Avenue, Thompson Drive Extension and Orchard Avenue intersection
Peony Avenue
Abutting upon Herge Field
Peony Avenue
From Gass Road for a distance of 100 feet
Perry Highway
For a distance of 140 feet north from the Chateau Perry Apartments driveway
Perry Highway
From the northerly property line of Hiland Presbyterian Church to the southerly property line of Hiland Presbyterian Church
Perrysville Road
From 5321 Perrysville Road to Winter Avenue
Quaill Avenue
From Bellevue Terrace to the cemetery
Roderick Drive
Between Sunderland Drive and Babcock Boulevard
Rosecrest Drive
Entire length
Rosecrest Drive
Between 95 Rosecrest Drive and Old Perry Highway
Rosecrest Road
From the westerly side of Perry Highway proceeding westerly to Rosecrest Drive
Schitzen Park Road
From Babcock Boulevard easterly to 22 Schitzen Park Road
Schwitter Avenue
For a distance of 100 feet from its intersection with Perry Highway
Second Street
East and Both
From the 3-way intersection of Jackson, Brandt and Second Street down to 133 Second Street
Short Street
Entire length
Spruce Valley
All parts of the turnaround at the northern end, from November 15 through and including April 15 annually
Sprucewood Drive
From 148 Sprucewood Drive through 154 Sprucewood Drive
Third Street
Between 107 Third Street and 115 Third Street
Third Street
For 60 feet from the southerly side of its intersection with Three Degree Road
Tillotson Circle
From 110 Tillotson Circle to Braunlich Drive
Tillotson Circle
From 124 Tillotson Circle to 128 Tillotson Circle
Trion Road
Entire length
Unnamed alley between Grove Avenue and Clairmont Avenue
From the east end of the unnamed alley continuing for a distance of 65 feet in a westerly direction
Unnamed alley between Klemont Avenue and Ravenswood Avenue
Entire length
U.S. Route 19 (Perry Highway)
From Lindley Lane southerly for a distance of 250 feet
U.S. Route 19 (Perry Highway)
Between Winter Avenue and the HOV parking lot
Valleyvale Drive
Entire length
Vassar Avenue
The turnaround area at the easterly end thereof
Waltherman Avenue
Entire length
West View Avenue
From 249 West View Avenue to Bepler Street
West View Avenue
From the westerly boundary line of the property at 245 West View Avenue to and including the entire frontage of 157 West View Avenue
West View Avenue
From the entire frontage of 130 West View Avenue to the intersection with Perrysville Avenue
West View Avenue
From the westerly line of 200 West View Avenue to and including the frontage of 158 West View Avenue
Williams Street
At the turnaround
Winter Avenue
Between U.S. Route 19 (Perry Highway) and Old Perry Highway
Woodland Road
From Siebert Road to Glen Lane
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991; as amended by Ord. 1856, 8/22/1994; by Ord. 1920, 8/12/1996; by Ord. 1947, 10/6/1997; by Ord. 1948, 10/27/1997; by Ord. 1959, 2/23/1998; by Ord. 2046, 4/23/2001; and by Ord. No. 2436, 12/2/2019]
Parking shall be prohibited in the following locations at all times on the days and between the hours indicated in this section, as follows:
Fifth Avenue
In the Laurel Gardens Plan of Lots
Mon. - Fri.
6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
First Street
Entire length
7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.; 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Fourteenth Way
Between Fourth Avenue and Fifth avenue
Mon. - Fri.
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fourth Avenue
From First Street to Fourteenth Way
Mon. - Fri.
Fourth Avenue
In the Laurel Gardens Plan of Lots
Mon. - Fri.
6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Hoffman Boulevard
For 180 feet from its intersection with Babcock Boulevard
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Hoffman Boulevard
For 300 feet from its intersection with Babcock Boulevard
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Morelli Drive
From a sign to be installed at a utility pole to a sign to be installed at the property line
From Nov. 1 - Apr. 1
Ninth Street
Between Sixth Avenue and Eighth Avenue in the Laurel Gardens Plan of Lots
Mon. - Fri.
6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Rosecrest Drive
From Perrysville Road to the top of Rosecrest Drive in front of 95 Rosecrest Drive and 5347 Perrysville Road
During events which are held at the North Hills School District Martorelli Stadium
Second Avenue
From 106 Second Avenue south to First Street In the Laurel Gardens Plan of Lots
Mon. - Fri.
6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Second Avenue
In the Laurel Gardens Plan of Lots
Mon. - Fri.
6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Second Street
Between Second Avenue and Fourth Avenue
Mon. - Fri.
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sixth Place
From Bell Telephone Pole 357/2 northwardly to Third Street
Mon. - Fri.
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sixth Place
From First Street in a northerly direction to Bell Telephone Pole 357/2
Mon. - Fri.
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Unnamed alley abutting Grove Avenue
Entire length, except for residents with a valid resident parking permit
8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
York Drive
Within 150 feet of the intersection of Bascom Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, or to allow to remain parked, on any of the following streets or parts of streets, any vehicle other than a passenger car (which shall not include any bus, motor home or passenger car attached to a trailer of any kind):
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991; as amended by Ord. 1811, 9/13/1993]
No person shall park a vehicle, or allow it to remain parked, for longer than the time indicated, in any of the following locations, at any time on the days and between the hours indicated:
Parking Time Limit
Tillotson Circle
Between 121 Tillotson Circle and 135 Tillotson Circle
72 hours
U.S. Route 19 (Perry Highway)
From Schars Lane to Jackson Street
Mon. - Sat.
7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
2 hours
U.S. Route 19 (Perry Highway)
From Lindley Lane to Schars Lane
Mon. - Sat.
7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
2 hours
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991; as amended by Ord. 1825, 1/10/1994; by Ord. 1839, 5/23/1994; by Ord. 1843, 7/11/1994; by Ord. 1854, 8/22/1994; by Ord. 1862, 10/24/1994; by Ord. 1892, 9/11/1995; by Ord. 1911, 4/8/1996; by Ord. 1916, 6/24/1996; by Ord. 1924, 9/9/1996; by Ord. 1941, 7/14/1997; by Ord. 1942, 7/14/1997; by Ord. 1952, 11/24/1997; by Ord. 1953, 12/8/1997; by Ord. 1954, 12/8/1997; by Ord. 1960, 2/23/1998; by Ord. 1968, 5/26/1998; by Ord. 1972, 7/27/1998; by Ord. 1973, 7/27/1998; by Ord. 1987, 6/28/1999; by Ord. 1988, 7/12/1999; by Ord. 1993, 7/26/1999; by Ord. 2021, 8/14/2000; by Ord. 2063, 3/25/2002; by Ord. 2070, 8/12/2002; by Ord. 2095, 5/27/2003; by Ord. 2096, 5/27/2003; by Ord. 2097, 5/27/2003; by Ord. 2100, 6/30/2003; by Ord. 2130, 8/9/2004; by Ord. 2132, 9/13/2004; by Ord. 2160, 8/8/2005; by Ord. 2161, 8/8/2005; by Ord. 2170, 11/28/2005; by Ord. 2172, 11/28/2005; by Ord. 2178, 1/9/2006; by Ord. 2181, 4/10/2006; by Ord. 2183, 5/8/2006; by Ord. 2185, 6/12/2006; by Ord. 2186, 6/12/2006; by Ord. 2187, 6/12/2006; by Ord. 2193, 6/26/2006; by Ord. 2197, 7/10/2006; by Ord. 2203, 9/25/2006; by Ord. 2206, 11/13/2006; by Ord. 2215, 12/11/2006; by Ord. 2216, 12/11/2006; by Ord. 2235, 4/23/2007; by Ord. 2240, 7/9/2007; by Ord. 2250, 10/22/2007; by Ord. 2256, 12/10/2007; by Ord. 2373, 6/20/2016; by Ord. 2289, 12/14/2009; by Ord. 2295, 4/12/2010; by Ord. 2298, 6/28/2010; by Ord. 2307, 9/26/2011; by Ord. 2345, 1/5/2015; by Ord. 2364, 1/19/2016; by Ord. No. 2386, 2/21/2017; by Ord. No. 2394, 3/20/2017; by Ord. No. 2427, 8/19/2019; by Ord. No. 2437, 12/2/2019; by Ord. No. 2467, 7/19/2021; by Ord. No. 2475, 10/18/2021; by Ord. No. 2512, 1/16/2024]
The following are established as special purpose parking zones, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle or to allow it to remain parked, in any such zone, except as specifically provided for that zone:
Authorized Purpose or Vehicle
Arbor Drive
Entire length
Parking by permit only
Beech Street
In front of 24 Beech Street
Handicapped parking
Clarwin Avenue
In front of 5213 Clarwin Avenue
Handicapped parking
Clarwin Avenue
In front of 5214 Clarwin Avenue
Handicapped parking
Clarwin Avenue
In front of 5238 Clarwin Avenue
Handicapped parking
Devlin Funeral Home, on the easterly side of Perry Highway (Route 19)
3 spaces in front of the main entrance
Handicapped parking
Denny Park
2 spaces
Handicapped parking
Dixon Drive
Entire length, 12:01 a.m. Mon. through 5:00 p.m. Friday
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents
Eakin Avenue
In front of 110 Eakin Avenue
Handicapped parking
Eakin Avenue
In front of 125 Eakin Avenue
Handicapped parking
East Forest Avenue
In front of 15 East Forest Avenue
Handicapped parking
East Forest Avenue
In front of 19 East Forest Avenue
Handicapped parking
East Orchard Avenue
In front of 18 East Orchard Avenue
Handicapped parking
East Orchard Avenue
In front of 49 East Orchard Avenue
Handicapped parking
Eileen Drive
Adjacent to the driveway along 131 Eileen Drive
Handicapped parking
Enger Avenue
In front of 131 Enger Avenue
Handicapped parking
Enger Avenue
In front of 145 Enger Avenue
Handicapped parking
Fifth Avenue
In Laurel Gardens
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents
Fifth Avenue
In front of 126 Fifth Avenue
Handicapped parking
Fifth Avenue
In front of 128 Fifth Avenue, Laurel Gardens
Handicapped parking
Fifth Way
Behind 114 Fourth Avenue
Handicapped parking
First Avenue
From approximately 18 feet north of the walkway in front of the residence at 160 First Avenue and continuing south to the end of the walkway
Handicapped parking
First Street
In front of 92 First Street
Handicapped parking
Fourth Avenue
In Laurel Gardens
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents
Fourth Avenue
In front of 105 Fourth Avenue
Handicapped parking
Fourth Avenue
In front of 111 Fourth Avenue
Handicapped parking
Fourth Avenue
In front of 117 Fourth Avenue
Handicapped parking
Grandview Avenue
In front of 997 Grandview Avenue
Handicapped parking
Grant Avenue
In front of 200 Grant Avenue
Handicapped parking
Grove Avenue
In front of 201 Grove Avenue
Handicapped parking
Harding Road
West of the driveway for 135 Harding Road
Handicapped parking
Harvard Avenue
Between the southerly property line of the residence at 63 Harvard Avenue, starting at the front step entrance to the residence and continuing easterly 20 feet along the property line
Handicapped parking
Houston Road
From the entrance to Ross Elementary School in a westerly direction to 208 Houston Road
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents
Mayer Park
2 spaces
Handicapped parking
Mulkerrin Drive
In front of 102 Mulkerrin Drive
Handicapped parking
Ninth Street
Between the yard and the gravel off-street parking area in front of the residence located at 103 Ninth Street, just east of the shared walkway
Handicapped parking
Ninth Street
In front of 106 Ninth Street
Handicapped parking
North Fremont Avenue
In front of 110 North Fremont Avenue
Handicapped parking
Park Place
From Richmond Circle in a southerly direction to the dead end
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents
Penn Drive
In front of 3 Penn Drive
Handicapped parking
Perry Highway
In front of 816 Perry Highway
Handicapped parking
Ravenswood Avenue
In front of 740 Ravenswood Avenue
Handicapped parking
Renton Avenue
In front of 1705 Renton Avenue
Handicapped parking
Richmond Circle
From the Ross Elementary School gate northbound to Twin Oaks Drive
Parking by permit only Monday - Friday
Rodenbaugh Avenue
In front of 4486 Rodenbaugh Avenue
Handicapped parking
Rosecliff Park
2 spaces
Handicapped parking
Rosecrest Drive
In front of 95 Rosecrest Drive
Handicapped parking
Rosecrest Drive
Entire length
Parking by permit only
Scharmyn Park
2 spaces
Handicapped parking
Second Avenue
In front of 112 Second Avenue
Handicapped parking
Sixth Place
In Laurel Gardens
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents
Sixth Place
At the side gate of 101 First Street, Laurel Gardens
Handicapped parking
Sixth Place
In front of 106 Sixth Place, Laurel Gardens
Handicapped parking
Stevens Drive
Entire length
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents
Third Street
In front of 103 Third Street, Laurel Gardens
Handicapped parking
Tillotson Circle
A distance of 596 feet in a southerly direction from the intersection of Nichols Road
Resident parking for residents and guests of residents of Tillotson Circle and the Governor's Ridge Apartments pursuant to a vehicle registry submitted to the Ross Township Police Department by the property manager of the Governor's Ridge Apartments
Timberlane Drive
Between the northerly property line of the residence at 106 Timberlane Drive, starting at a utility pole on the northern edge of the property and continuing southerly to the end of the property at the southern edge of the driveway
Handicapped parking
Unnamed alley paralleling Grove Avenue
Entire length, between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m.
Parking by permit only
Willow Drive
In front of 1025 Willow Drive
Handicapped parking
Winter Avenue
Between Perry Highway and Perrysville Road
Parking by permit only
Automatic Revocation of Special Purpose Parking Zone. Whenever a handicapped parking zone has been adopted by the Ross Township Board of Commissioners and the person benefiting from the same has either died, recovered from her/his handicap and/or moved from the premises, the special purpose parking zone is hereby automatically revoked upon receipt of notification of any of those events. Upon receipt of notification, the Ross Township Public Works Department shall remove all signs or other indices of the existence of the special purpose parking zone.
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991]
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle (other than a pedalcycle) on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of any street, except that standing or parking for the purpose of loading or unloading persons or property shall be permitted on the following named streets on Monday through Saturday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and for no longer than necessary for the loading or unloading.
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991]
The areas described below as fire lanes shall be so marked with appropriate signs, indicating the same, and the parking of motor vehicles thereon is prohibited, and for that purpose, the Township Manager be and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to purchase and install such signs.
Street or Location
Designated Areas
Good Lane
20 feet/10 feet
On the southerly side of Good Lane, 20 feet in width from Perry Highway for a distance of 100 feet and then 10 feet in width from that point for a distance of 380 feet to Willow Drive
Driveway of Holiday Inn on McKnight Road
20 feet on both sides of the driveway
Portion of the driveway areas leading to the parking lots and to McKnight Road
Malvern Street
12 feet
Southerly side, entire length
4770 McKnight Road
20 feet
Along the southerly side of the building beginning at the southwest corner thereof and proceeding east for 100 feet
McKnight-Siebert Shopping Center
20 feet
Along the easterly side of a portion of the structure
Nickelby's, 4976 McKnight Road
20 feet
Description in Ord. No. 1581
North Hills Village Shopping Center
20 feet
Area in the vicinity of Sun Drugstore, the Hobby Shop and Gee Bee Department Store, except that the area at the westerly end of Sun Drugstore shall be designated as a 10-minute loading zone
Pace Membership Outlet off the westerly side of McKnight Road
25 feet
From the base of the curb surrounding the warehouse building and also on Idaway Drive
Red Lobster, 4766 McKnight Road
20 feet
Description in Ord. No. 1581
Ross Park Mall
20 feet
A strip of land around the perimeter, except any area designated as a service court
Towne North Towers Apartment for the Elderly at 99 Corbett Court
30 feet
Northerly side
Vic's Shop 'N Save Market, 1001 Ross Park Mall Drive
20 feet
Along the north, west, south, and east side of the market
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991]
Any person who violates any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $15 and costs. Provided: it shall be the duty of the police officers and of parking enforcement personnel of the Township of Ross to report to the appropriate official all violations of any provision of this Part, indicating, in each case: the section violated; the license number of the vehicle involved in the violation; the location where the violation took place; and any other facts that might be necessary in order to secure a clear understanding of the circumstances attending the violation. The police officer or other person making the report shall also attach to or place upon every such vehicle a notice stating that the vehicle was parked in violation of this Part. The notice shall contain instructions to the owner or driver of the vehicle that if he will report to the office of the Chief of Police and pay the sum of $5 within 48 hours after the time of the notice, or if he will place the sum of $5, enclosed within the envelope provided, in any of the special parking fine boxes installed at various locations within the Township of Ross, that act will save the violator from prosecution and from payment of the fine and costs prescribed in the first sentence of this section.
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991; as added by Ord. 1797, 1/25/1993]
It is hereby declared illegal for any person parking a vehicle on public or private property reserved for a handicap person or severely disabled veteran, which property has been posted in accordance with Departmental regulations, and which posting shall further notify the public of this section of the Ross Township Code and the possible penalties for violation thereof. Persons operating vehicles lawfully bearing a handicap or severely disabled veteran registration plate or displaying a handicap or severely disabled veteran parking placard when such vehicles are being operated by or for the transportation of a handicap person or severely disabled veteran shall be permitted to park in the space reserved for that purpose. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine in accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code. The Motor Vehicle Code, at the date of the adoption of this Part, provides for a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $200. If the violator pays the fine to the Ross Township Police Department within 48 hours of the time of the issuance of citation for violation, the same is hereby established at the lowest permissible amount which is now $25. Notice of the parking violation and the right to prepay shall be given as set forth in § 15-410 hereof. All handicapped parking signs shall meet PennDOT specifications.
Designation of Handicapped Spaces.[1]
Editor's Note: See § 15-407 for specific locations designated for handicapped parking.
[Ord. 1726, 10/14/1991; as added by Ord. 1942, 7/14/1997; and as amended by Ord. 2356, 5/20/2015]
Permit parking is established in the Township of Ross, and the Board of Commissioners shall identify by resolution or motion of the Board the streets in the Township where permit parking shall be established and enforced.[1]
Editor's Note: See § 15-407 for specific locations designated for parking by permit only.
Permits shall only be issued by Ross Township in a form as approved by the Township.
Permits shall only be issued to residents of the subject street. Residents may apply for parking permits and shall be required to show photo identification and proof of residency on the subject street.
Residents may be limited in the number of permits per household at the discretion of the Township, dependent upon availability on the subject street. Residents may be required to show photo identification and proof of residency on the subject street.
A copy of this section shall be issued with the permit, and the resident shall execute a receipt thereof.
No person shall duplicate, forge or alter any permit or knowingly display a false permit.
The permits issued pursuant hereto shall be valid for a period of one year. Applications for renewal may be made beginning November 1 of the preceding year.
The permit shall be displayed prominently on the dashboard of the motor vehicle of the resident to whom it is assigned.
Any resident may apply for a guest parking permit for periods of time shorter than 14 days, provided space is available.
Any person violating any provisions hereof is subject to citation and a fine not to exceed $300, and daily citations may be issued.
[Ord. No. 2374, 6/20/2016; as amended by Ord. No. 2394, 3/20/2017; and by Ord. No. 2461, 1/19/2021; by Ord. No. 2483, 6/20/2022; by Ord. No. 2519, 5/20/2024]
Stopping, standing, or parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations:
Eileen Drive
West of 155 and 158 Eileen Drive; every Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
Reel Avenue
On the north side of Reel Avenue
Rossmor Court
In the areas known and numbered as 150 to 160 Rossmor Court
Second Street
On the east side of Second Street
Spruce Court
In the areas known and numbered as 149 to 163 Spruce Court