[Adopted 5-2-2016]
If the Planning and Zoning Commission, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals finds that the nature and intensity of any proposed activity, use or development may have a significant impact on the site and its surrounding areas or that an application to any such commission or board may substantially affect regulated areas, then the Town may require additional technical assistance, which term shall also include legal assistance, in reviewing, evaluating and processing an application in accordance with its regulations. The Town will estimate the expense of the additional technical assistance based on a preliminary estimate prepared by a qualified party or expert. The amount of this estimate plus 50% of such amount for contingency will be the applicable technical assistance fee to be deposited with the Town. The applicant will pay the technical assistance fee simultaneous with submission of any such application or prior to review of such application.
Upon completion of the technical review, including any conditions of approval made in the final action by the commission or board on the application, the Town will determine the costs incurred, pay the invoice of the qualified expert, and refund any excess amount to the applicant. The applicant will not be responsible for costs incurred for technical assistance that exceed 150% of the Town’s estimate.