[Ord. 147, 8/11/2008, § 700; as amended by Ord. No. 2022-255, 6/13/2022]
It is the intent of this Part and this zoning district to provide for low-density residential development not exceeding 4/3 (1.33) dwelling units per acre of net tract area, as defined in this chapter, where public sanitary sewage disposal and public water supply systems can be provided. It is also the intent of this Part to provide a conditional use, clustered single-family detached dwellings not to exceed two dwelling units per acre of net tract area, as defined in this chapter.
[Ord. 147, 8/11/2008, § 701; as amended by Ord. 176, 3/14/2011, § I]
Uses Permitted by Right. A building or other structure may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied, by right, for any of the following purposes:
Any use permitted by right in the R-1 Residential District.
Conditional Uses. A building or other structure may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied when authorized as a conditional use for any of the following purposes:
Any use permitted as a conditional use in the R-1 Residential District may also be permitted in the R-2 District as a conditional use.
Clustered single-family detached residential development in accordance with the provisions of §§ 27-704, 27-1401, 27-1402, 27-1403, and 27-1404 of this chapter.
Special Exceptions. A building or other structure may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied when authorized as a special exception for any of the following purposes:
Any use permitted as a special exception in the R-1 Residential District may also be permitted as a special exception in the R-2 District.
Public or private educational uses, including an educational services center and storage related to the educational uses, provided the property is served by public water and public sewer.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2021-248, 2/8/2021]
Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking spaces, as defined in § 27-202 of this chapter, in the R-2 District, shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 27-1306 of this chapter. Limited on-street parking may be permitted only in accordance with the provisions of § 27-1306, Subsection 1A(1)(c), of this chapter.
Signs. Signs shall be permitted in the R-2 District only in accordance with the provisions of § 27-1314 of this chapter.
Accessory Uses. Accessory uses to any of the foregoing permitted uses shall be permitted in the R-2 District only in accordance with § 27-1319 of this chapter.
Open Space and Recreation. All subdivisions and land developments in the R-2 District shall comply with the recreation and open space standards of § 22-426 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22]. The design, disturbance, permitted uses, ownership, maintenance and management of open space shall comply with the applicable standards of § 27-1404 of this chapter.
Trails. Trails shall be provided for all subdivisions and land developments in the R-2 District in accordance with the Township approved trail plan.
[Ord. 147, 8/11/2008, § 702; as amended by Ord. 196, 8/12/2013, § VII]
Single-Family Detached Residential Uses, Agricultural Uses and Nonresidential Uses. The following standards shall be applicable to single-family detached residential uses, agricultural uses and nonresidential uses, except where the Conservation Subdivision Design Overlay, Part 11.1, applies in accordance with § 27-11.101, Subsection 3.
[Amended by Ord. 211, 2/13/2017; and by Ord. No. 2023-260, 6/12/2023]
Minimum Net Lot Area, Lot Width and Yards. The required minimum net lot area shall be calculated according to the definition of net lot area in § 27-202 of this chapter.
Minimum Net Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Front Yard
Minimum Side Yards
Minimum Rear Yard
With Public Sewage Disposal
3/4 acre
125 feet
50 feet
30 feet
40 feet
With No Public Sewage Disposal
1 1/2 acres
150 feet
60 feet
40 feet
50 feet
Building and Lot (or Site) Coverage. The maximum lot or site building coverage shall not exceed 15% and the maximum total lot or site impervious coverage shall not exceed 30%.
Height Requirements. The maximum height of all buildings and other structures, with the exception of communications towers and antennas, erected or enlarged in this district shall be:
For any principal or accessory structure, 35 feet, not exceeding three stories.
For farm structures and accessory structures, 35 feet, except that such height may be increased to a maximum of 90 feet; provided, that for every foot of height in excess of 35 feet, there shall be added to each front, side and rear yard, measured from the structure to the property line or ultimate street right-of-way line, one corresponding foot of additional width or depth.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 27-704, Clustered Single-Family Detached Residential Development Standards, as amended, which immediately followed this section, was repealed by Ord. No. 2023-260, 6/12/2023.