[Ord. 77-1997, 10/20/1997, § 1]
It is the intent of this Part to re-establish the Charlestown Historical Commission (hereinafter the "Commission") which was created in 1988 to provide advice to the Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors (hereinafter the "Board of Supervisors") and other commissions and bodies in the promotion, protection and facilitation of the preservation of the historic, archeological and architectural values in the Township as authorized by § 604(1) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10604(1). It is the further intent of this Part to combine the functions of the Commission with the Charlestown Board of Historical Architectural Review whose purpose is to give counsel to the Board of Supervisors regarding the appropriateness of the erection, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, demolition or razing of any building, in whole or in part, within the Charlestown Township Historic District, as authorized by Act No. 167 of 1961 of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, 53 P.S. § 8001 et seq., as amended, and by the Charlestown Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27]. The Board of Historical Architectural Review hereafter shall be constituted as a committee of the Commission to be designated the "HARB Board," comprised of all of the Commission members and the Township Building Inspector. The HARB Board shall carry out the duties and responsibilities specified in Part 7 of the Charlestown Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] as duties and responsibilities of the Board of Historical and Architectural Review.
[Ord. 77-1997, 10/20/1997, § 2]
It is the purpose of this Part to:
Provide a comprehensive framework for the preservation of historic sites, buildings, structures and districts in Charlestown Township.
Promote the general welfare by protecting the integrity of the historical, architectural and archeological resources of Charlestown Township.
Re-establish the Charlestown Historical Commission to serve as an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors and, when designated as such, constitute and function as the HARB Board for the Charlestown Historic District as established under Act 167, and any other historic district which may hereafter be created.
[Ord. 77-1997, 10/20/1997, § 3]
The Commission shall consist of at least seven members, a majority of whom shall be residents of Charlestown Township.
The members shall be appointed or re-appointed by the Board of Supervisors as follows:
Each member shall be appointed to serve for a term of five years, but initially as follows: one member shall be appointed to serve until the first day of the second January following the effective date of this Part; two members shall be appointed to serve until the first day of the third January following the effective date; two members shall be appointed to serve until the fourth January following the effective date; and two members shall be appointed to serve until the fifth January following the effective date. On the expiration of these initial terms, the Board of Supervisors shall appoint their successors to serve for a period of five years. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term.
One member of the Commission shall be a registered architect; one member a licensed real estate broker; one member a member of the Township Planning Commission and the remaining members shall have a knowledge of and an interest in the preservation of the historic fabric of Charlestown Township. One or more members should be residents of the Historic District. In addition, when convening as the HARB Board the Township Building Inspector shall be a member. If the registered architect or licensed real estate broker members cease to be registered or licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, he or she shall no longer be qualified to serve on the Commission and their office shall be considered vacant.
Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, and may be assisted by paid professional consultants. Members of the Commission may be reimbursed for expenses necessary to carry out objectives of the Commission when those expenses are deemed necessary, appropriate and approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The members of the Commission may be removed at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 77-1997, 10/20/1997, § 4]
The Commission shall elect its own chairman and vice-chairman and create other officers as needed to carry out its responsibilities. It may make and alter its by-laws and regulations consistent with the ordinances of Charlestown Township and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It shall keep records of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, and any action taken shall require an affirmative vote of the majority present and voting.
[Ord. 77-1997, 10/20/1997, § 5]
The duties and responsibilities of the Commission shall be as follows:
To gather documentary evidence, illustrations, photographs and all other appropriate materials which establish architecture and sites as significant and worthy of preservation.
To prepare an index of significant architectural, historical and archeological sites for informational purposes and for use by officials and citizens of the Township.
To cooperate with Township officials and agencies in relation to the preservation and restoration of historic structures and sites, including the possible acquisition and use of the same by the Township.
To consider, promote and, when approved by the Board of Supervisors, apply for technical and financial assistance from all appropriate local, county, state, federal and other agencies for preservation of significant architectural and historic sites within the Township, and to report all related actions to the Board of Supervisors.
To function as the HARB Board for the Township's National Register Historic Districts, according to the regulations set forth in Part 7 of the Charlestown Township Zoning Ordinance.
Acting as the HARB Board, to give its recommendation and counsel to the Board of Supervisors regarding the advisability of issuing the certificate of appropriateness required by Part 7 of the Charlestown Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] to any owner of an Historic District property who wishes to make exterior changes to that property.
In conjunction and in cooperation with the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Officer and other Township officials, to study the feasibility of creating additional historic districts or historical overlay districts in accordance with state and federal statutes.
To prepare and submit a yearly budget to the Board of Supervisors for sums deemed necessary to carry out the objectives of the Commission.
To prepare regular reports of its activities for the Board of Supervisors, as well as specific reports, which it from time to time may request.
To meet regularly to carry out its responsibilities, which meetings may be held as public meetings, public hearings or as executive sessions when legally authorized; there shall be at least one public meeting per year.
To recommend, when needed, an appropriate system of markers for selected historic and/or architectural sites including proposals for their installation and care.
To recommend, when needed, preparation and publication of maps and brochures about the Township's historic sites and buildings.
To cooperate with and enlist assistance from the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission, the Chester County Historical Society, the Charlestown Historical Society and other agencies concerned with historic sites and buildings.
To advise owners of historic buildings on matters of preservation.
To perform such other tasks as may be requested by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 77-1997, 10/20/1997, § 5]
The Board of Supervisors may appropriate from the General Fund of the Township such funds as may be necessary for the work of the Commission in the year for which the appropriation is made.