[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.1]
Accessory off-street parking facilities, including access driveways, shall be required in accordance with the provisions of this Part as a condition precedent to the occupancy of such building or use. Facilities shall be provided for the entire building or use:
Whenever a building is constructed or a new use established.
Whenever the use of an existing building is changed to a use requiring more parking facilities.
Whenever an existing building is altered or enlarged so as to increase the amount of parking spaces required under this chapter.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.2]
All off-street parking facilities, or those required as accessory to a use of proposed or altered building, shall continue unobstructed in operation, shall not be used for automobile service or repair and shall not be reduced below the required size as long as the main use remains, unless an equivalent number of spaces is provided for such use in another approved location.
In order to insure the continued use for parking purposes of any areas established therefor by persons who are not the owners thereof, the Township Commissioners may require, before approval, evidence in writing that the owner or owners of the land to be included in such parking areas have by covenant agreed to allow the use of such land for the required off-street parking; such covenant to be filed for record with the Recorder of Lebanon County. Except for residential uses, all off-street parking spaces may be provided within 300 feet of the lot line of the principal building or structure.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.3; as amended by Ord. 364, 8/7/1994, § 193]
For the purpose of determining accessory off-street parking requirements, definitions and standards shall be as follows:
An open or enclosed area accessible from a street for parking of motor vehicles by owners, occupants, employees, customers or tenants of the main building or use. Each parking space shall be not less than nine feet wide and not less than 18 feet long, exclusive of all drives, curbs, and turning space. The number of spaces shall be determined from an accurate plan of the area.
The total area of all the floors measured from the exterior faces of the building (except the floor area used for storage or packaging of merchandise may be excluded), or, where set forth in the schedule in § 27-1104, "Schedule of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces," only the floor area used by a specific use.
The minimum number of spaces required by applying the schedule in § 27-1104, "Schedule of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces," to a specific building or group of buildings. Where the computation results in a fractional unit, one additional off-street parking space shall be provided.
The number of seating units installed or indicated, or each 24 lineal inches of benches, pews, or space for loose chairs or similar seating facilities; spacing of rows shall be 30 inches on center.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.4; as amended by Ord. 485, 5/20/2013]
Building or Use
Space Required
Civic and education; primary and secondary school; library; places for public assembly
1 space for each employee plus 1 space for each 6 seats in assembly rooms
Governmental; municipal building used for administrative functions
1 space for each 200 square feet of office floor area plus 1 space for each 4 seats in assembly room
Place of worship
1 space for each 3 seats in principal assembly
1 space per 2 beds plus 1 space for each employee
Health center
1 space per 150 square feet floor area
Home for the aging, nursing home
1 space per each 4 guest rooms or apartment units plus 1 space for each employee
Building or Use
Space Required
One-, two-, and multi-family residences
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Office Building.
Building or Use
Space Required
Medical and dental offices & clinics
1 space per 150 square feet of floor area plus 1 space for each doctor and density and employee
Other offices
1 space per 200 square feet of ground floor area; 1 space per 300 square feet of floor areas of upper floors
Motel, hotel
1 space per guest room or unit
1 space per 30 square feet of assembly rooms, or 1 space for each 4 seats, whichever requires the greater number, but in no case less than 20 spaces
Retail Business.
Building or Use
Space Required
Retail stores, banks, service establishments
1 space per 200 square feet of ground floor area; 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area of upper floors
Eating places, bars, taverns
1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, or 1 space per 4 seats, whichever requires the greater number of spaces
Club, lodge, or other assembly hall
1 space per 4 seats in building
Indoor theater
1 space per 4 seats in building
Dance hall, skating rink, swimming pool
1 space per 50 square feet of area used for dancing, skating, or swimming
Bowling alley
6 spaces per bowling lane
Service and storage establishments
1 space for every 2 employees on the combined employment of the 2 largest successive shifts
Building or Use
Space Required
Executive offices, sales offices
1 space per 200 square feet of executive and sales office floor area
Service and storage establishments, laboratories, manufacturing plants, and other uses permitted in a manufacturing district
1 space for every 2 employees on the combined employment of the 2 largest successive shifts
Other Buildings or Uses. For a specific building or use not scheduled, the Zoning Officer shall apply the unit of measurement of the above schedule deemed to be most similar to the proposed building or use.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.5]
A building containing one use shall provide the off-street parking spaces as required for the specific use. A building or group of buildings containing two or more uses, operating normally during the same hours, and which have different off-street parking requirements, shall provide spaces for not less than the sum of the spaces required for each use.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.6]
Accessory parking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the dwellings served. Each single-family, duplex, two-family and multi-family dwelling shall have on its premises a private parking space sufficient in capacity for the storage at one time of at least two passenger automobiles for each dwelling unit on the premises.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.7]
The location and width of entrance and exit driveways to parking facilities shall be planned to interfere as little as possible with the use of nearby property and with pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the nearest streets. The center line of the access driveways on the frontage street shall be at least 35 feet from the right-of-way line of the nearest intersecting street. Where there is more than one driveway to a parking area, the driveways, whenever possible, shall be limited to one-way travel either as an entrance to or exit from the parking area. In no case shall there be more than two driveways for each 100 feet of frontage on any street. In addition, no two such driveways shall be closer to each other than 12 feet, and no driveway shall be closer to a side property line than three feet, and no flare shall cross an extended side property line. Entrances and exits shall be limited to three lanes. The width of such entrances and exits, measured at the street property line, shall conform with the following schedule:
One Lane
Two Lanes
Three Lanes
In all cases, the radius of the edge of the driveway apron shall be at least 15 feet so that a car entering or leaving may not obstruct vehicles in other traffic lanes in the driveway or street.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.8]
All parking areas, loading areas, and access driveways, except for one- and two- family dwellings, shall have an asphalt, concrete, or other similar hard surface, approved by the Township Commissioners. Surface water shall not be permitted to discharge over on the public sidewalks or roadways or onto other premises. The maximum grade of the parking area shall not exceed 2%. Appropriate bumper guards or curbs shall be provided in order to define parking spaces or limits of paved areas and to prevent vehicles from projecting into required yards. The Township Commissioners may require landscape features or a fence between a parking or loading area and a side or rear lot line of a residential use or district. All curbs and bumper guards shall be constructed in accordance with standards established by the Township Commissioners.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.9]
Parking and loading areas shall be illuminated whenever necessary to protect the public safety. Such illumination shall be so designed and located that the light sources are shielded from adjoining residences and residential streets, and shall not be of excessive brightness or cause a glare hazardous to pedestrians or drivers.
[Ord. 281, 1/5/1976, Art. XI, § 11.10]
Detailed drawings of off-street parking and loading areas (except for one- and two-family dwellings) shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer for approval prior to their construction. The drawings shall show each space, dimensions of driveways, aisles, and other features required under the provisions of this chapter. In instances when the drawings do not show full compliance with the requirements of the chapter, the Zoning Officer shall reject the plans. The decision of the Zoning Officer may be appealed to the Zoning Hearing Board who may, in specific cases, when the size, shape, or location of the parking or loading area is such that it is impractical to meet the strict requirements of this chapter, vary the strict terms hereof in accordance with the powers granted in this chapter.