Res. 4/3/1905
Untitled resolution authorizing the borrowing of $200
Res. 8/14/1905
Untitled resolution authorizing the borrowing of $1,000
Ord. 10/21/1905
Providing for the holding of an election on Tuesday the seventh day of November, A.D. 1905, at the regular polling place in West Lebanon Township, for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors of said Township to create an indebtedness of said Township exceeding 10% of the County valuation of the property within said Township, for the purpose of erecting, maintaining and operating waterworks by said Township, for the extinguishment of fires and for other purposes, not to exceed $25,000
Res. 1/5/1906
Untitled resolution authorizing the borrowing or $700
Ord. 7/9/1906
Providing for an increase of the indebtedness of West Lebanon Township from $25,000 to $30,000, for the purpose of completing and operating the water works, now in the course of erection, for the extinguishment of fire and for other purposes; and providing also for the holding of an election on the second day of June, A.D. 1906, at the regular polling place in said Township for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors of said Township to such increase
Ord. 1/31/1908
Providing for the making of a loan of $1,000 in behalf of the Township of West Lebanon to pay interest on bonds and for current expenses from the Farmer's Trust Co. of Lebanon, Pennsylvania for the period of 8 months
Res. 4/24/1908
Untitled resolution borrowing the sum of $1,000 from the Lebanon National Bank
Res. 7/12/1909
Untitled resolution authorizing the borrowing of $1,000
Ord. 3
Providing for an increase of the indebtedness of West Lebanon Township from $26,000, to $30,500, for the purpose of completing and paying for the fire house and Town Hall, now in course of erection; and providing also for the holding of an election on July 30, A.D. 1910, at the regular polling place in said Township for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors of said Township for such increase
Ord. 8
To approve the form of bonds, to be issued in aggregate of $4,500, for the purpose of paying and completing a fire house and Town Hall in the Township of West Lebanon, which said bonds shall be issued pursuant to Bill No. 7, after due and formal passage, which provides for the increase of the indebtedness of the Township of West Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA., in the sum of $4,500, by issuing coupon bonds for said amount, and wherein it is provided for the payment of the principal of said bonds and interest thereon by the assessment, levy and collection of a tax sufficient to pay the principal in 7 years
Ord. 245
Authorizing the creation of temporary indebtedness for the payment and installation of water meters, authorizing the giving of a note, securing same and setting the rate of interest
Ord. 269
Untitled ordinance to authorize a loan for the fire house
Ord. 270
Amending Ord. 269 by adding thereto the establishing of a sinking fund and naming a depository
Ord. 273
To authorize the temporary borrowing of $12,000 for the payment of current obligations and to give as security therefor a tax anticipation note, setting the terms and conditions of said note, creating a sinking fund to ensure the payment of same, and meeting the requirements of the Pennsylvania Local Government Unit Debt Act
Ord. 274
Awarding tax anticipation note to purchaser. (This was awarded to the Peoples National Bank of Lebanon See Ord. 273 above.)
Ord. 306
Authorizing and directing issuance of a general obligation note of this Township, in the principal amount of $130,000, to provide funds for and toward a capital project which consists of: (1) planning, acquiring, constructing and improving a sewage disposal system; and (2) purchasing, acquiring, making and constructing other capital improvements and/or capital equipment for proper municipal purposes
Ord. 309A
Authorizing and directing issuance of a series of general obligation bonds, series of 1983, in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $300,000, to provide funds for and toward a capital project which consists of; (1) planning, acquiring, constructing and improving a sanitary sewer system; (2) purchasing, acquiring, making and constructing other capital improvements and/or capital equipment for proper municipal purposes
Ord. 392
Setting forth intent to issue a general obligation note, Series 2000, in the aggregate principal amount of $45,000 to provide funds to finance certain capital projects of the Township
Ord. 433
Authorizing the Board of Commissioners to borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness
Ord. 434
Authorizing issuance of guaranteed water revenue note in the principal amount of $1,531,000 pursuant to the Local Government Unit Debt Act for the purpose of financing capital improvements to the water system
Ord. 457
Setting forth intent to issue a guaranteed water revenue note, series of 2006 in the aggregate principal amount of $1,662,000 to provide funds to finance a project of the Township which consists of, among other things: (1) the planning, designing, acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping of capital improvements to the water treatment and distribution system of the Township, and (2) paying the costs and expenses of issuing the note
Ord. 527
Authorizing and securing the issuance of a general obligation note, in the maximum principal amount of $798,770.92 pursuant to the Local Government Unit Debt Act to construct improvements to a fire hall and municipal garage and related expenses