Res. 103
Accepting the provisions of an Act amending § 1 of an Act approved June 21, 1911, enabling the Borough to validate certain ordinances which were not published, or for which proof of publication cannot be made
Entering into an agreement between the Borough of Stroudsburg and the County of Monroe, whereby the Borough agrees to pay 50% of the costs of purchasing and repairing or condemning the toll bridge over McMichaels Creek, now owned by the Stroudsburg Bridge Company, as an inducement to the Pennsylvania State Department of Highways to improve and construct, at its own cost, a concrete highway between the Borough of Stroudsburg and the Borough of Delaware Water Gap
Ord. 171
Requiring permits from the Pennsylvania Department of Highways for excavations upon state highways in the Borough
Ord. 192
Providing for flood control of the Pocono Creek, in the Borough of Stroudsburg
Ord. 202
Authorizing the Pennsylvania Department of Highways to issue permits for the opening or tearing up of all streets which are continuations of State Highway Routes in the Borough
Ord. 353
Providing for participation of certain employees and officers of the Borough of Stroudsburg in the provisions of the Old Age and Survivors Insurance System embodied in the Social Security Act making an appropriation in connection therewith
Ord. 367
Organizing the Stroudsburg Municipal Authority; setting forth the articles of incorporation, and designating the first project of said authority
Ord. 391
Approving the application for a preliminary loan for low-rent public housing in the borough and authorizing a cooperation agreement
Ord. 396
Approving the application for a preliminary loan for low-rent public housing in the Borough, and authorizing a cooperation agreement
Approving the proposed action of the Stroudsburg Municipal Authority to acquire the water supply company, and approving the proposed revised purchase agreement between the shareholders of the Monroe County Water Supply Company and the Stroudsburg Municipal Authority
Ord. 398
Organizing the Stroudsburg Parking Authority; and setting forth the articles of incorporation
Ord. 413
Approving the agreement and lease dated 7/1/1958 between Stroudsburg Parking Authority and the Borough of Stroudsburg, providing for the acquisition of a parking lot, the construction and installation of improvements on such lot, while leasing to and operation by the Borough of such lot
Ord. 418
Approving the agreement and lease dated 10/1/58 between Stroudsburg Parking Authority and the Borough of Stroudsburg, providing for the acquisition of a parking lot, the construction and installation of improvements on such lot, while leasing to and operation by the Borough of such lot
Ord. 433
Approving the agreement and lease dated 12/1/60 between Stroudsburg Parking Authority and the Borough of Stroudsburg, providing for the acquisition of a parking lot, the construction and installation of improvements on such lot, while leasing to and operation by the Borough of such lot
Ord. 459
Approving lease between Stroud Union School District as lessor, and the Borough of Stroudsburg as lessee; authorizing execution of same on behalf of the Borough
Ord. 472
Approving the agreement and lease dated 10/15/65 between Stroudsburg parking Authority and the Borough of Stroudsburg, providing for the acquisition of a parking lot, the construction and installation of improvements on such lot, while leasing to and operation by the Borough of such lot
Ord. 500
Providing for the adoption of an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Stroudsburg Municipal Authority, so as to increase the term of existence of said Authority
Ord. 547
Adopting the Joint Cooperation Agreement between the Boroughs of Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg and the Township of Stroud, establishing the Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Ord. 551
Adopting the Joint Cooperation Agreement between the Boroughs of Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg and the Township of Stroud, establishing and maintaining the Monroe County Control Center
Ord. 582
Authorizing the Borough of Stroudsburg to join with other local government units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of the trust
Ord. 602
Amending the Articles of Incorporation of the Stroudsburg Municipal Authority (For ordinance amended, see Appendix 3-7, above)
Ord. 628
Authorizing appropriate officials of the Borough of Stroudsburg to join with other governmental units in delegating the Emmaus General Authority power to raise capital on a pooled basis by issuing bonds, for the benefit of all cooperating governmental units
Ord. 686
Authorizing the Borough of Stroudsburg to join with other local government units as settlor of PLIGT Investment Trusts A, B and C for the purposes of purchasing shares to such trusts
Ord. 687
Authorizing execution of a Curbside Recycling Collection, Processing and Marketing Agreement with the Borough of East Stroudsburg
Ord. 798
Electing to withdraw the Municipal Employees Pension Plan from the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System effective June 1, 2001
Ord. 799
Amending the intergovernmental cooperation agreement establishing a regional police department
Ord. 810
Entering into an intermunicipal cooperation agreement for a multimunicipal comprehensive plan between the Townships of Stroud, Hamilton and Pocono, and the Borough of Stroudsburg
Ord. 832
Approving the adoption of an intergovernmental agreement of cooperation establishing the Stroud Region Park Commission and authorizing the appropriate officers to execute the agreement on behalf of the Borough
Ord. 838
Authorizing an amendment to the intermunicipal agreement between Stroud Township, Stroudsburg Borough and East Stroudsburg Borough dated May 24, 1999, governing the Stroud Area Regional Police Department, and the subsequent amendment thereof, dated June 4, 2001, to maintain the payment formula application for fiscal year 2004 at the rate that was utilized in 2003
Ord. 844
Entering into a joint agreement between Stroudsburg Borough, East Stroudsburg Borough and Stroud Township for amendments to the intergovernmental cooperation agreement establishing the Regional Police Department
Ord. 851
Approving applications to join Stroudsburg Municipal Authority, approving intermunicipal agreement and proposed amendment to Articles of Incorporation of said Authority to increase the municipal members, change the name of the Authority and make other changes in said Articles
Ord. 871
Entering into a local government mutual aid agreement for police protection
Ord. 872
Adding the Borough of Delaware Water Gap to the local government mutual aid agreement for police protection
Ord. 873
Entering into a joint agreement between the Townships of Hamilton, Stroud, and Pocono and the Borough of Stroudsburg, known as the "HSPS Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement"
Ord. 879
Authorizing the Borough to join with other political subdivisions as a member of the Northeast Pennsylvania Municipal Insurance Cooperative (NEPMIC) and the Pennsylvania Municipal Insurance Cooperative (PMHIC)
Ord. 892
Amending the intergovernmental cooperation agreement establishing the Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Commission providing that members may serve unlimited terms at the discretion of their respective governing bodies
Ord. 895
Authorizing a memorandum of understanding and addendum to memorandum of understanding among several townships, boroughs and authorities to implement a comprehensive solution to the wastewater disposal needs of the Townships of Hamilton, Pocono and Stroud and the Borough of Stroudsburg
Ord. 908
Providing for entering into a joint agreement between the Borough of Stroudsburg, the Borough of East Stroudsburg, and Township of Stroud for the Amendment of Article V, Section B (1)(B)(3), entitled "Initial Base Line Formula Level" of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement establishing Regional Police Department, dated May 24, 1999
Ord. 919
Signifying the intention of the Borough of Stroudsburg of Monroe County, Pennsylvania, to (I) enact and ordain amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Brodhead Creek Regional Authority under the provisions of the Municipality Authorities Act (The Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as continued by an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved June 19, 2001, P.L. 22 (53 PA.Cons. Stat §§ 5601 et seq.) to amend the powers and purposes of said authority; (II) approve the execution of an amended and restated intermunicipal cooperation agreement among the municipalities; (III) authorize the negotiation and execution of one or more bulk sewage treatment agreements with the Brodhead Creek Regional Authority; (IV) authorize the doing of all things necessary and appropriate to effect and establish said amendments; and (V) repeal or rescind all ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof which are inconsistent herewith
Ord. 930
Signifying the intention of the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe, County, Pennsylvania, to (I) approve the execution of a first amendment to the amended and restated Intermunicipal Cooperation Agreement among the member municipalities of the Brodhead Creek Regional Authority, the Authority and the Stroud Township Sewer Authority and establish the effective date of such first amendment; (II) provide for the severability of the provisions of said ordinance; (III) repeal or rescind all ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof which are inconsistent herewith; and (IV) establish the effective date of said ordinance
Ord. 939
Signifying the intention of the Borough to approve the execution of a sewage treatment agreement between the Brodhead Creek Regional Authority and the Borough of Stroudsburg and establish the effective date of such sewage treatment agreement
Ord. 957
Authorizing the entity to amend the intergovernmental cooperation agreement and the addenda thereto establishing the Stroud Area Regional Police Department to grant powers to the Stroud Area Regional Police Commission to contract with third parties including private and governmental agencies to provide police educational services, to establish hearing boards, to establish foundations, to enter into property sharing agreements, and to ratify the actions of the Stroud Area Regional Police Department
Ord. 1038
Amending the Articles of Incorporation of the Brodhead Creek Regional Authority; approving the execution of a restated intermunicipal cooperation agreement among the municipalities; and authorizing the execution of bulk sewage treatment agreements with the Authority
Ord. 1076
Authorizing Amendment No. 7 to the intergovernmental cooperation agreement and addenda thereto establishing the Stroud Area Regional Police Department
Ord. 1147
Designating Pennsylvania Municipal Service Company as the collector for delinquent solid waste collection user service fees and imposing on delinquent ratepayers the obligation to pay reasonable costs incurred for the collection of delinquent fees, penalties, and interest
Ord. 1162
Designating Pennsylvania Municipal Service Company as the collector for delinquent garbage fees and imposing on delinquent ratepayers the obligation to pay reasonable costs incurred for the collection of delinquent fees, penalties, and interest