No person shall establish or maintain a junkyard, as defined herein, without first obtaining a junkyard permit from the Town of Verona. All permits shall be issued for a period of one year after which time renewal shall be required. All existing permits shall expire on April 1, annually.
Issuance of a permit by the Town of Verona shall not relieve or excuse the holder from complying with applicable New York State statutes and mandates. Persons owning and/or operating a junkyard may also be required to obtain a dismantler's permit, salvage pool, vehicle collector or vehicle rebuilder permit from the State of New York.
Any person presently maintaining a junkyard, as defined herein, on real property within the Town of Verona must apply for a permit within 60 days of the adoption of this chapter. If the property where such activity is conducted does not meet the requirements of Articles II and III herein, a temporary permit may be granted for a period not to exceed one year, during which time the property shall be arranged to comply with said requirements. If at the end of such period the property has not been arranged so as to comply with said requirements, such person shall cease and desist from maintaining a junkyard and all junk shall be removed by the landowner within 60 days. If after 60 days the junk is not removed, the Town reserves the right to have the junk removed and disposed of and all costs of such removal and disposal shall be borne by the landowner.