There shall be appointed for the various Town water districts, in the same manner and for such term and on such basis as the Town Board may determine, a Superintendent of Water Supply who, on behalf of the Town Board, shall have general supervision of the operation and maintenance of the water systems in each district, issue all permits required hereby, read meters, inspect service installations and perform other such duties as required for operation and maintenance of the water systems as the Town Board may direct.
Wherever it is referred to herein that permission be granted by or that an application be made to or that an act be done by or that an act be approved by the district, it shall mean the Superintendent of Water Supply of the district.
Whenever any of the provisions of these rules, regulations and ordinances are violated, the water supply may be shut off and the meter removed by the Superintendent; however, such action shall first require authorization by resolution of the Town Board.
The Superintendent of the district or his authorized agents shall have full power to enter the premises of any consumer, at all reasonable hours, to read the meter or to examine fixtures, plumbing and the manner of using water.
There shall be appointed by the Town Board both a Billing Clerk and a Collection Clerk whom shall serve at the direction of the Board. The Billing Clerk shall render bills for water furnished or other service given. The Collection Clerk shall collect all accounts due and owing, file a monthly report of accounts with the Town Board and make such other reports as the Board may require.
All money received by the Collection Clerk on behalf of the various districts shall forthwith be deposited in such banks or trust companies as the Town Board may from time to time direct.
Claims and charges against the district shall be audited and paid in the same manner as Town charges.
The Collection Clerk shall give bond for the faithful performance of his or her duties and for rendering a just and true account of all moneys received by him or her on behalf of the various districts in said sum as the Town Board may from time to time direct. The premium of such bond shall be a district charge.