Cross-connection control shall be provided by the customer to protect the public water system by containment of any existing or potential contamination within the premises of the customer in the following manner:
By installing an acceptable air gap, reduced pressure zone device, or equivalent backflow prevention device acceptable to the New York State Department of Health and approved by the Superintendent, consistent with the degree of hazard posed by the premises;
By submitting plans for the installation of backflow prevention devices to the Water Superintendent and the New York State Department of Health for approval; and
By inspecting and testing all such devices annually at the expense of the customer. These devices shall be repaired, overhauled or replaced at the expense of the customer whenever they are found to be defective. Inspection shall be performed by a person qualified in the testing of backflow prevention devices. Records of such inspections shall be provided to the Water Superintendent within one week after the test is performed.
Cross-connection control devices shall be provided for all commercial and industrial connections unless it is determined by the Superintendent that no significant hazard is posed without backflow prevention devices. Backflow prevention devices shall only be required for residential connections when the Superintendent determines that a significant hazard may be posed.
It shall be the responsibility of each customer at his own expense to furnish, install and keep in good working order and safe condition any and all protective devices required. The district shall not be responsible for any loss or damage directly or indirectly resulting from or caused by the improper or negligent installation, operation, use, repair or maintenance of, or interfering with, any protective device by any customer or other person.
The owner(s) of all houses, buildings, or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the Town of Verona and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located or may, in the future, be located a public waterline, shall not establish or maintain a separate source of water without the approval of the district, except that such separate sources existing in the Route No. 365 Water District, Sconondoa Water District and Snyder Road Water District prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be allowed unless otherwise prohibited by New York State Law or regulatory action of the Oneida County Department of Health or other agency having jurisdiction. All private wells must be abandoned and the pumps removed prior to connection to the public water system.
In order to receive approval of a separate source, the customer must justify the need. If approved, separate sources of water shall not be physically connected to the public water system in any way, either directly or through building plumbing systems. Any and all separate sources must have separate and independent plumbing and distribution systems.
All users of the public water system shall prevent cross-connections, within their premises, between the potable water piping system and any other piping system. Failure to comply with any cross-connection regulations shall result in termination of water services to the affected property.