[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
Parking meter zones and municipal parking lots are hereby established upon and along the following streets. It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle or to allow the same to remain parked therein for longer than the time limits prescribed. The time limit starts from the time the vehicle was initially parked in the space. Once the time limit has elapsed, the vehicle must vacate that parking space and move to any other parking space.
[Amended by Ord. 1025, 3/7/2017; and by Ord. No. 1114, 12/7/2021]
Street or Lot
Time Limit
Ann Street
5th Street and Williams Street
No limit
8th Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 1135, 12/6/2022]
Main Street and Sarah Street
Except 1 space in front of 10 North 8th Street - Meter No. 486
3 hours
15 minutes
8th Street
114 South 8th Street and Ann Street
No limit
South 8th Street
Ann Street and Hampton Inn
No limit
South 8th Street
Main Street and Ann Street
3 hours
Main Street
8th Street and Pocono Creek Bridge
No limit
Main Street
4th Street and 8th Street
3 hours
Main Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 1121, 2/15/2022]
Inter Borough Bridge and 4th Street, except 327 to 347 Main Street
No limit
Main Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 1135, 12/6/2022]
At 437 Main Street, Meter No. 111
3 hours
Main Street
At 548 Main Street
15 minutes
Main Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 1135, 12/6/2022]
At 563 Main Street
Except Meter No. 131
3 hours
15 minutes
Main Street
At 580 Main Street
15 minutes
Main Street
At 724 Main Street
15 minutes
Main Street
At 744 Main Street
15 minutes
Main Street
At 761 Main Street
15 minutes
Main Street
At 809 Main Street
15 minutes
Main Street (eastbound lane)
[Added by Ord. No. 1129, 5/3/2022]
8th Street and Pocono Creek Bridge with the exception of 1009 Main Street
No limit
Main Street (northbound lane)
[Added by Ord. No. 1129, 5/3/2022]
8th Street and Pocono Creek Bridge
No limit
Monroe Street
8th Street and 9th Street
No limit
Monroe Street
7th Street and 8th Street
3 hours
Monroe Street
6th Street and 7th Street
3 hours
Municipal Lot 1
No limit
Municipal Lot 2
No limit
Municipal Lot 3
No limit
Municipal Lot 5
No limit
North 9th Street
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1121, 2/15/2022]
South 9th Street
Mill Alley and Ann Street
No limit
Sarah Street
5th Street and 8th Street
No limit
7th Street
Sarah Street and Ann Street
3 hours
7th Street
Sarah Street and Bank Alley
3 hours
7th Street
At 41 North 7th Street
15 minutes
7th Street
Remaining meters
No limit
6th Street
Bank Alley and Ann Street
No limit
6th Street
Sarah Street and Ann Street
3 hours
6th Street
Sarah Street and Bank Alley
3 hours
6th Street
At 15 North 6th Street
15 minutes
Storm Street
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1121, 2/15/2022]
Williams Street
Ann Street and Main Street
No limit
Except for Sundays and legal holidays, the requirement for deposit of coins in meters shall be in effect between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time, on Monday through Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time, on Saturday. The following shall apply to parking in municipal lots:
[Amended by Ord. 1039, 9/5/2017]
Municipal Parking Lot No. 1 shall be controlled by meters. The deposit of coins in meters shall be in effect between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time, on Monday through Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time, on Saturdays.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 2 shall be controlled by meters and permits. Metering shall be enforced between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time, Monday through Saturday. Permits shall be enforced 24 hours.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1114, 12/7/2021]
Municipal Lot No. 2 (Lower Level) shall be permit parking only with no time limit to park.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 3 shall be controlled by meters and permits. Metering shall be enforced between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time, Monday through Saturday. Permits shall be enforced 24 hours.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 4, known as the "Sarah Street Extension Parking Lot," shall be controlled by parking permits, which will be enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 5 shall be controlled by meters and parking permits. Metering shall be enforced between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing local time, on Monday through Saturday. Permits shall be enforced 24 hours.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 6 shall be permit-only parking. Permits shall be enforced 24 hours.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1129, 5/3/2022]
No parking from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. at the following municipal lots:
[Amended by Ord. 1039, 9/5/2017; and by Ord. No. 1072, 3/5/2019]
Lot Number
Tuesday (east half)/Thursday (west half)
Monday (east half)/Thursday (west half)
Monday (east half)/Thursday (west half)
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
Parking meters shall be installed in each of the parking meter zones and municipal parking lots established, immediately adjacent to each individual parking space. Each meter shall be placed or set in such manner as to show that the parking space adjacent to such meter is or is not legally occupied. Each meter installed shall indicate by a proper legend the legal parking time established by the Borough and, when occupied, shall indicate by its digital display the duration of the period of legal parking and, on expiration of such period, shall indicate illegal or overtime parking. Such meters, after installation, shall be under the management and supervision of the Borough Manager.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
Lines and/or markings shall be painted or placed upon the curb, sidewalk and/or street adjacent to each parking meter for the purpose of designating the parking space for which such meter is to be used. Each vehicle parked adjacent to any parking meter shall be parked wholly within the lines or markings so placed and applicable to such meter. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any such line or marking, or to park any vehicle in such a position that such vehicle shall not be wholly within the area so designated by such lines or markings.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
When a parking space in any parking meter zone is parallel with the adjacent curb or sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked so that the front of such vehicle shall be nearest to the parking meter; when a parking space in any parking meter zone is diagonal to the curb or sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked with the front of such vehicle nearest to such meter.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
Any person or persons causing a vehicle to be parked in a parking space shall deposit in the parking meter adjacent to such space coin or coins of the United States of America according to the time limits and rates indicated on the legend of such meter.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The Borough Council of the Borough of Stroudsburg may, by resolution, from time to time, revise and change parking rates and determine the length of time that parking is permissible in any individual parking space which is regulated by the meter immediately adjacent thereto; and notice thereof shall be given to the public, stating the length of time during which parking is permitted and the conditions regulating the same, by either placing said notice on the parking meter or in the immediate vicinity of said parking facility.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 1069, 3/5/2019; and by Ord. No. 1143, 2/21/2023]
Any person or persons who cause a vehicle to remain in a parking space after the prescribed time, for which coins or tokens have been deposited, has elapsed are hereby determined to be illegally parked; and each additional three hours that such person or persons permit such vehicle to remain in an individual parking space after the prescribed time for parking has elapsed is hereby declared to be an additional violation. The fact that a vehicle is in an individual parking space when the time signal on the parking meter regulating said parking space shows that no parking is permitted, or that the time has expired, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the unlawful parking of said vehicle by its operator and/or owner. The elapse of three hours from the time reported on the notice to the owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall be deemed prima facie evidence of additional violations of the parking of said motor vehicle by the operator or owner.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Part for any person to deposit or to cause to be deposited in any parking meter any coin for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the total legal parking time in a parking meter zone.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Part 4 for any person to deface, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter, or parking meter stand or coin depository installed under the provisions of this Part; provided, nothing herein shall apply to the servicing or opening of parking meters by officers, employees and/or police officers of the Borough under the direction of the Mayor and/or the Borough Council.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
It shall be the duty of the police officers and parking enforcement personnel of the Borough, in accordance with the instructions of the Borough Manager or Chief of Police, to report all violations of any provision of this Part 4, indicating, in each case:
The section thereof violated.
The location where such violation took place, including the parking meter at which the vehicle was illegally parked.
The state and license number of such vehicle.
The date and time of violation.
The date and time of the notice of the violation.
Other facts deemed necessary for a clear understanding of the circumstances attending the violation.
Every such police officer or parking enforcement person shall place upon such vehicle a notice to the owner or driver thereof that such vehicle was parked in violation of a provision of this Part and shall indicate on the notice the date and time the notice was placed on the vehicle.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The Borough Council may suspend in whole or in part the parking meter regulations set forth in this Part 4 during such days and hours as may be designated by it.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015; as amended by Ord. 1023, 11/15/2016; by Ord. No. 1058, 8/21/2018; by Ord. No. 1102, 1/19/2021; by Ord. No. 1105, 6/2/2021; and by Ord. No. 1139, 12/20/2022]
Any person, firm, corporation or owner of any vehicle parked in violation of any provision of this Part 4, or aiding, abetting or assisting in the violation thereof, shall be assessed a fine in accordance with the following schedule:
Twenty dollars for each separate parking violation if paid within seven days of the time the notice of violation was issued, except violations of § 15-408 will have a fine of $30.
The owner or driver may discharge the fine by paying the sum of $20, respectively, at the Municipal Building, 700 Sarah Street, within the time limit.
If not paid within seven days of the date on the ticket, the fine will be increased to $40, except violations of § 15-408 will have a fine of $50.
If payment is not made within 14 days of the date on the ticket, prosecution will be initiated, and the fine will be increased to $75, except violations of § 15-407 will have a fine of $60, plus the cost of prosecution.
The penalty for violating § 15-409 depends on the extent of damage inflicted. The act may be punishable as a felony, misdemeanor or summary offense (18 P.S. § 3304).
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The fines for violations deposited in the parking fine boxes shall be collected regularly by the person or persons designated by the Borough Council to make the collection from the coin boxes in the parking meters, and said payments so collected shall be deposited by the Borough Manager to the credit of the Borough.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The Borough Council shall designate a person or persons who shall collect the coins in the parking meters and fine boxes and deliver the same to the depository. Each collector of costs from the parking meters and from the fine boxes shall furnish a bond, in the sum of at least $40,000, to the Borough for faithful performance thereof.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The metered parking lots established by this Part shall be for the use of passenger cars, passenger vans and pickup trucks only, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park any other type of vehicle in any of those lots.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The Borough of Stroudsburg shall offer for sale to members of the public parking permits in the downtown area to be used in the municipal parking lots. The permit will allow for unrestricted parking at any meter within the metered lots, except for those days and times listed in § 15-401. The permits shall be sold on a quarterly basis at a fee set by the Borough Council. The Council of the Borough may, by resolution, from time to time, revise and change the fee for these permits.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015; amended by Ord. No. 1158, 11/6/2023]
The permit shall be visible from the windshield while parked in said lot. Failure to properly display the permit may result in a parking violation and/or fine.