[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The Borough Council may, in compliance with this Part 7, designate, repeal, or revise residential parking districts, and it may establish the parking restrictions, i.e., days, hours, and exemptions for each district. Residential parking districts shall not be designated in a nonresidential zone as ordained by the Borough of Stroudsburg's Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27]. The process of designating, revising, or repealing any residential parking district could begin either by the Borough Council's initiative or upon submission of a petition to the Council from residents of the district.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
A residential area shall be deemed impacted and thereby eligible for residential parking district designation provided the following criteria are satisfied:
The area must be zoned residential.
During the proposed hours of restricted parking, except any legal holidays as specified in the definition section proposed for exemption, the number of vehicles of nonresidents parked legally or illegally on a street in the district is equal to 30% or more of the legal on-street parking capacity of the street. The percentage of nonresident parking shall be determined by averaging the results of two surveys conducted on different days and at different times of the day but within the hours of restricted parking. For purposes of this evaluation, a legal parking space shall be 22 linear feet.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The Borough Council shall hold a public hearing on any proposed designation of, revision to, or repeal of a residential parking district. The public hearing shall be held only after the Borough Manager has compiled data to determine if the area satisfies the criteria for designation and the proposed ordinance and public hearings have been duly advertised.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
Within 65 days following the public hearing, the Borough Council shall take final action on the proposed ordinance.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
Except for motor vehicles displaying a valid permit for the proper residential parking district, it shall be unlawful for any person to park any motor vehicle, or allow any motor vehicle to be parked, in a residential parking district for more than the time allowed by the parking restrictions established for that district. The parking restrictions for each residential parking district shall be established by ordinance of the Borough Council at the time each respective district is created. Residential parking permit holders must comply with all other parking regulations in effect at the time the district is designated or as may be amended by the Borough Council. In areas with existing parking meters, vehicles displaying a valid residential parking district permit may be parked in metered spaces within the designated district without the need to deposit coins.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
A residential parking district permit shall be issued to any vehicle of a resident of a residential parking district for the district in which the person resides. A residential parking district permit shall also be issued to any vehicle of an adversely impacted neighbor of a residential parking district, provided that the adversely impacted neighbor meets the conditions set forth in Subsection 2 of this section. In addition to the residential parking district permit, each dwelling unit in a residential parking district making application shall receive two short-term visitors' passes. The short-term visitors' passes shall be valid for a three-day period. For the purpose of this Part 7, a resident is any adult who lives or resides in a structure approved for residential occupancy and who is the owner of or a tenant in the structure or who can demonstrate some other indication of exclusive right of occupancy. A property owner who maintains a seasonal or temporary residence in excess of 100 days within the permit year shall also be considered a resident.
When the designation of a residential parking district adversely impacts other Borough residents because their residence is not situated within the residential parking district and because they do not have on- or off-street parking, the adversely impacted neighbor may petition the Borough Council for a residential parking district permit. The adversely impacted neighbor must prove, to the Council's satisfaction, the following:
[Amended by Ord. No. 1103, 3/16/2021]
That the applicant (adversely impacted neighbor) is a resident as defined in § 15-706 above;
That the applicant resides in a residential zoning district or in a zoning district that is within 80 feet of a residential parking district;
That the applicant shows his/her property (residence) does not abut a street where on-street parking is allowed; or
That the applicant demonstrates the lack of adequate off-street parking and the inability to develop the property to provide for legal off-street parking.
The Borough Council shall hold a public hearing on the application and make a decision on same within 65 days of the hearing. An adversely impacted neighbor whose application has been approved by the Borough Council shall follow the same prescribed procedures, be entitled to the same rights, and pay the same fees as specified for residents in this Part 7.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 1114, 12/7/2021]
An application for a residential parking district permit shall be made by a resident of a district to the Borough Office on forms provided by the Borough. The application for a permit shall contain information to verify that the applicant is a bona fide resident of the district for which application has been made and has legal title to or the right to possession of the motor vehicle to be permitted. The information shall include but not be limited to the following:
Applicant's name, address, operator's permit number, and date of issuance;
Vehicle owner's name, address, operator's permit number, and date of issuance;
The make, model, color, state of registration, and license number of the vehicle to be registered.
An applicant who is a tenant shall be identified on a current rental unit registration form which shall be filed by all landlords in the office of the Borough Manager.
A parking permit may not be issued for any motor vehicle for which one or more unpaid citations have been issued by the Borough for parking violations. The Borough shall issue the parking permit upon finding the applicant meets the requirements specified in this section and has paid the required fee.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 1057, 8/21/2018]
The annual permit fee for a residential parking district permit shall be established by resolution of the Borough Council. The fee shall be payable at the time the application is submitted. The permit term for each residential parking district shall be determined at the time the district is designated. Residential parking permits may be renewed by qualified residents upon the payment of the annual fee on or before the anniversary date of the term. In order to renew the permit, residents must present their short-term visitors' passes. The fee shall be prorated; after the midpoint of the permit term, residents shall pay 1/2 of the established fee. No portion of any fee is refundable.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The permit shall be affixed to the back of the interior rearview mirror facing the front windshield of the vehicle. Short-term visitors' passes and temporary passes shall be displayed on the front dash of the vehicle. Failure to properly display the permit or visitor's pass may result in a parking violation and/or fine.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
A permit expires and is void when the owner or user of a permitted vehicle no longer resides within the district, as defined in this Part 7. A resident shall remove a permit sticker from any permitted motor vehicle upon its expiration or upon moving outside of the district. Furthermore, a resident shall return short-term visitors' passes to the Borough Office. Permits shall be transferred from one vehicle to another during the permit period solely in accordance with regulations governing such transfers.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
When a vehicle to which is a permit is affixed is sold, transferred, demolished, or in any other manner rendered unusable to the resident, the resident shall remove the permit from the motor vehicle and may request the issuance of a replacement permit. The owner of the permitted vehicle shall notify the Borough Office of a change in status of the motor vehicle. The application for a replacement permit shall be the same as the application for an original or renewal permit. The replacement permit shall be issued and be valid for the unexpired term of the original permit, except that a replacement permit may not be issued for any motor vehicle for which one or more unpaid citations have been issued by the Borough for parking violations. The fee for a replacement permit shall be prorated as set forth in § 15-708.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
The Borough Office shall issue a temporary residential parking permit for use by a bona fide long-term visitor to a residence within a residential parking district. An application for a long-term temporary permit shall be made by a resident of a district on a form that shall be prescribed by the Borough Office. The long-term visitor parking permit shall be valid for a seven-day period. The fee for a temporary permit, if any, shall be established by resolution of the Borough Council.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 1114, 12/7/2021; by Ord. No. 1164, 2/24/2024]
The following areas of the Borough of Stroudsburg are hereby designated as residential parking districts with the parking restrictions described below:
The Hill District.
The Hill District shall encompass the permitted parking on Scott Street from North 8th Street to North 5th Street; the permitted parking on Thomas Street from Stone Street to North 5th Street; the permitted parking on the north side of Sarah Street from North 8th Street to North 5th Street; the permitted parking on North 8th Street from Sarah Street to Scott Street; the permitted parking North 7th Street from Sarah Street to Scott Street; the permitted parking on North 6th Street from Sarah Street to Scott Street; and the permitted parking on Wallace Street from Thomas Street to Scott Street. These residential parking district restrictions for the Hill District shall be in effect Monday through Friday, inclusive, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., prevailing time. Motor vehicles not displaying a valid residential parking district permit may not be parked on the streets of the Hill District for more than one hour, with the exception of metered parking spaces on Sarah Street. Parking is prohibited without a valid residential parking permit on the 100 Block of North 6th Street. Parking is prohibited for any purpose other than Borough business in spots so designated by signage on the 200 Block of North 7th Street. The parking restrictions set forth in this subsection shall not apply on legal holidays as defined in this chapter.
Within the boundaries of the Hill District, there shall be a school zone in the vicinity of the Ramsey Elementary School. The school zone shall encompass the permitted parking on Scott Street from Wallace to North 7th Street; the permitted parking on North 7th Street from Scott Street to Thomas Street; the permitted parking on Thomas Street from North 7th Street to Wallace Street; and the permitted parking on North 6th Street from Thomas Street to Scott Street. The Stroudsburg School District shall receive, for a fee as required in § 15-708 hereof, 17 permits to park within the school zone as follows: five permits on Scott Street, four on Thomas Street, and four permits on North 6th Street. The school zone parking permits shall be valid only Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., prevailing time. The term of the permits for the school zone shall be established by § 15-708 and § 15-713, Subsection 1A(1), hereof. The permits shall be retained by the school district for use by school district employees only.
The West Side District. The West Side District shall encompass the permitted parking on Linden Street from West Main Street to Hamilton Street; Hamilton Street, north side, between Linden Street and Elizabeth Street; Fetherman Street from Main Street to Dreher Avenue; and Tenth Street from Main Street to Ninth Street. The residential parking district restrictions for the West Side District shall be in effect Monday through Friday, inclusive, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., prevailing time. Motor vehicles not displaying a valid residential parking district permit may not be parked on the streets of the West Side District for more than one hour. The parking restrictions set forth in this subsection shall not apply on legal holidays as specified in the definition section. The permit term for the West Side District shall commence on January 1 and end on December 31 each calendar year.
The South Side District. The South Side District shall encompass the permitted parking on Bryant Street between Park Avenue and Broad Street. The residential parking district restrictions for the South Side District shall be in effect Monday through Friday, inclusive, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., prevailing time. Motor vehicles not displaying a valid residential parking district permit may not be parked on the streets of the South Side District for more than one hour. The parking restrictions set forth in this subsection shall not apply on the legal holidays as specified in the definition section. The permit term for the South Side District shall commence on January 1 and end on December 31 each calendar year.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 1020, 9/20/2016; and by Ord. No. 1058, 8/21/2018]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part shall be assessed a fine of $50 if paid within seven days.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1070, 3/5/2019]
If not paid within seven days of the date on the ticket, the fine will be increased to $100.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1070, 3/5/2019]
If payment is not made within 14 days of the date on the ticket, prosecution will be initiated for said violation, and the owner shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $125, together with costs of prosecution.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1070, 3/5/2019]
When any person or persons cause a vehicle to remain in violation of any provision of this Part, it shall be declared an additional violation each additional 12 hours that such person or persons permit such vehicle to remain in violation of any provision of this Part.
[Ord. 1010, 11/10/2015]
In the event that any provision, section, sentence, or clause of this Part 7 shall be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair any remaining provision, section, sentence, or clause of this Part 7. It is the intent of this Borough that such remainder shall be and shall remain in full force and effect.