[Ord. 9/2/1986, § 6.01]
The appointed Zoning Officer shall enforce the provisions of this Part.
The Zoning Officer shall examine all applications for permits for erection of signs and issue licenses for new signs or for continued use of existing signs as hereinafter provided. He shall record and file all applications together with any accompanying plans and documents for permits, licenses issued, and make an annual inspection of all signs in the Township. In addition, he shall make such reports as the Supervisors may require.
If the Zoning Officer shall find that any sign has been constructed or erected or is being maintained in violation of the provisions of this Part, he shall promptly notify the owner or lessor thereof in writing and shall indicate in his letter the provision or provisions of this Part which are violated. If the owner or lessor fails to remove or alter such sign so as to comply with the provisions of this Part or fails to make application for a special exception as hereinafter provided within 90 days, the Zoning Officer shall cause such sign to be removed. The cost of such removal shall be borne by the owner or lessor of such sign or shall be a lien on the property upon which such sign is located.
The Zoning Officer shall cause any sign which is in immediate peril to persons or property to be removed immediately. The cost of such removal shall be borne by the owner or lessor of such sign or shall be a lien on the property upon which such sign is located.
[Ord. 9/2/1986, § 6.02; as amended by Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
A permit is required to erect, alter, or move any permanent sign.
Application for a permit to erect, alter or move a permanent sign shall be made on a form provided by the Zoning Officer. The application shall contain or have attached thereto the following:
Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.
A map drawn to scale showing the location of the building, structure, or lot upon which the sign is to be attached or erected; the position of the sign in relation to nearby buildings and thoroughfares; the position of other signs on the premises; and the size and dimensions of each other sign.
A plan drawn to scale showing design of the sign, materials to be used, method of construction, and means of attachment to the building or ground.
Name of person, firm, corporation or contractor erecting, altering or moving said sign.
Any other information the Zoning Officer may require in order to show full compliance with this and all other applicable ordinances of the Township.
After determining that the application is in order and that the sign to be erected, altered or moved will be in full compliance with this and all other applicable ordinances of the Township, the Zoning Officer shall issue a permit authorizing the work to be performed. Such permit must be kept on the premises where the sign is to be displayed and must be shown to the Zoning Officer at his request. Permits are valid for 180 days following the date issued.
After such permit has been issued and said sign has been erected, altered or moved as specified in the permit application, the owner or lessor of the sign shall notify the Zoning Officer, who shall inspect the sign. If the completed sign is as specified in the permit application and does not violate any provisions of this and any other applicable ordinance of the Township, the Zoning Officer shall issue a license for such sign to the owner or lessor of such sign as hereinafter provided.
Every applicant, before being granted a permit hereunder, shall pay to the Zoning Officer by check payable to the Township a fee for each such permit. The amount payable shall be determined by the size of the sign to be erected, altered, or moved in accordance with the fees, as established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. No permit shall be granted for a sign in excess of 80 square feet in sign area unless a special exception, as hereinafter provided, shall have been granted for such sign.
If the Zoning Officer finds that the sign to be erected, altered, or moved will be in violation of this chapter, he shall notify the applicant in writing of his findings and shall indicate in his letter the provision or provisions of this chapter which would be violated. The applicant may then either withdraw his application, modify the plan so as to remove the potential violation, or request that a special exception be granted as hereinafter provided.
[Ord. 9/2/1986, § 6.03; as amended by Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
All signs except those enumerated in § 27-1117 must be licensed.
Licenses may be issued only after sign has been erected and approved by the Zoning Officer as being in full compliance with the provisions of this and all other applicable ordinances of the Township.
Licenses must be kept on the premises where the sign is displayed and must be shown to the Zoning Officer at his request.
Licenses for permanent signs shall be valid until such time as the sign is found to be in violation of this Part.
Licenses for temporary signs shall be valid only for the calendar year in which they are issued and must be renewed on or before January 10 of each year thereafter until such time as the sign is removed.
Application for a license shall be made on a form provided by the Zoning Officer.
Licenses for Existing Permanent Signs. All owners or lessors of permanent signs in existence on the date of enactment of this chapter shall make application for a license within 90 days of said date. The Zoning Officer shall, within 10 days after receiving said application, inspect the sign for which the application is filed. If the sign is found to be safe and in good repair and does not violate any of the provisions of this Part, a license shall be issued. If the sign is found to be in violation of the provisions of this Part, a license shall be issued except that said license must be renewed annually until the violation is corrected or until a special exception is granted, as hereinafter provided, at which time such sign shall be considered a new sign. Nothing herein contained is intended to exempt any sign from the provisions of § 27-1118 of this Part.
Licenses for New Permanent Signs. Licenses for new permanent signs to be erected after enactment of this Part shall be granted in accordance with the terms set forth in § 27-1152, Subsection 4, of this Part.
Licenses for Temporary Signs.
All temporary signs as defined in this Part, except those signs enumerated in § 27-1117, must be licensed. Possession of a valid license for a temporary sign shall entitle the owner or lessor to display that sign only, and if more than one temporary sign is to be displayed, a license is required for each. If a temporary sign is removed or its use discontinued, the license for that sign is terminated.
The size, content, or location of a temporary sign may be changed at any time so long as its location remains on the premises and the changes do not violate any of the provisions of this Part.
License Fees.
Permanent Signs. Every applicant, before being issued a license hereunder, shall pay to the Zoning Officer by check payable to the Township a fee for each such license. The amount payable shall be determined by the size of the sign area in accordance with the fee schedule established, from time to time, by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
Temporary Signs. Every applicant, before being issued a license for a temporary sign, shall pay to the Zoning Officer by check payable to the Township a fee as established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 9/2/1986, Art. VIII]
Violations of this Part shall be considered as violations of this chapter and the penalties for violations shall be the same.