For the purpose of this part, the following
definitions and standards shall apply:
A. Masonry construction shall include all construction
of stone material (including manufactured stone products), brick material,
concrete masonry units, or concrete panel construction, which is composed
of solid, cavity, faced, or veneered-wall construction. The standards
for masonry construction types are listed below:
(1) Stone material: Masonry construction using stone material
may consist of granite, marble, limestone, slate, river rock, and
other hard and durable naturally occurring all-weather stone. Cut
stone, dimensioned stone, and manufactured stone products are acceptable.
(2) Brick material: Brick material used for masonry construction
shall be hard fired (kiln fired) clay, calcium silicate (sand/lime),
shale or slate material which meets the latest version of ASTM Standard
C216, Standard Specification for Facing Brick (Slid Masonry Unit Made
of Clay or Shale), and shall be Severe Weather (SW) grade, and Type
FBA or FBS or better. No unfired or underfired brick shall be permitted.
(3) Concrete masonry units: Concrete masonry units used
for masonry construction shall meet the latest version of the following
applicable specifications; ASTM C90, Standard Specification for Loadbearing
Concrete Masonry Units (hollow and solid); ASTM C129, Standard Specification
for Nonloadbearing Units (hollow and solid). Concrete masonry units
shall have an indented, hammered, split face finish or other similar
architectural finish, integrally colored, subject to approval by the
Village Manager. Lightweight concrete block not conforming to the
foregoing standards or cinder block construction shall not be acceptable
as exterior finishes. Concrete masonry units shall be prohibited in
any residential building or structure as an exterior finish.
(4) Concrete panel construction: Concrete finish, precast
panel or tilt wall construction shall be painted, fluted, or exposed
aggregate. Other architectural concrete finishes may be approved by
the Village Board on a case-by-case basis if such finishes incorporate
the use of striping, accenting, trim, cornices, fenestration, banding
or other comparable architectural techniques so as to create an aesthetic
appeal similar to the aforementioned architectural concrete finishes.
Smooth or untextured concrete finishes are not acceptable unless painted
and maintained. Concrete panel construction shall be prohibited for
use in any residential building or structure as an exterior finish.
B. Glass and metal walls:
(1) Glass walls shall include glass curtain walls or glass
block construction. "Glass curtain wall" shall be defined as an exterior
wall which carries no structural loads, and which may consist of the
combination of metal, glass, or other surfacing material supported
in a metal framework. Glass wall construction shall be prohibited
in any residential building or structure as an exterior finish.
(2) Metal walls.
Metal walls shall include profiled panels, deep
ribbed panels and concealed fastener systems. Exterior finish shall
be film laminated or baked on enamel painted to the wall manufacturer's
The use of corrugated metal, plastic, or fiberglass
panels shall be prohibited.
The use of galvanized, aluminum coated, zinc-aluminum
coated or unpainted exterior metal finish shall be prohibited.
Metal walls shall be prohibited in any residential
construction as an exterior finish, and shall be prohibited on the
first floor or story of any commercial building or structure as an
exterior finish.
[Amended 3-19-2002 by Ord. No. 02-008]
The standards and requirements set forth in
this Part shall apply to all new buildings and structures constructed
within the Village of Homer Glen for which building permits have not
been issued as of the effective date of this Part, for which applications
for building permits have not been filed as of the effective date
of this Part, or for which there has been no contact between the applicant
for a building permit and the Village or the Will County Building
Department within the ninety-day period prior to the adoption of Ordinance
No. 01-077 demonstrating substantial commitment to applying for and
obtaining such building permit and which was capable of verification
through objective sources outside the sole control of the applicant;
provided, however, that any alteration, addition, repair or replacement
of any residential building or structure in existence as of the effective
date of this Part shall be exempt from the provisions of this Part
if such alterations, additions, repairs or replacements are constructed
with exterior finishes that are architecturally consistent with the
exterior finishes of said residential structures as they existed as
of the effective date of this Part, and provided further, however,
that alterations or additions to buildings or structures in existence
as of the effective date of this Part and located in commercial or
industrial zoning districts of the Village of Homer Glen shall be
constructed with exterior finishes that are architecturally consistent
with the presently existing portions thereof, except that if any such
building or structure is wholly destroyed by fire or other casualty,
or is damaged to an extent greater than 50% of the greater of: i)
the value of said building or structure as of the time immediately
prior to the occurrence of such damage; or ii) the reasonably estimated
cost to repair said building or structure immediately after the occurrence
of such damage, such building or structure shall be repaired, reconstructed
or replaced in such a fashion as to place said building or structure
into full compliance with the provisions of this Part. No building
permit shall be issued, or, if issued inadvertently, shall be valid
or effective, unless the plans and other submittals included with
the application therefor demonstrate compliance with the provisions
of this Part.