[Res. 1985-1, 6/3/1985; as amended by Res. 2013-1]
The Authority is responsible for maintenance and repairs to the main sewer line running parallel to the street and the property owner is responsible for maintenance and repairs for the lateral sewer lines running from the main line to the building.
If a sewer problem arises in the sewer lines and it is determined by the officials of the Bristol Borough Water and Sewer Authority to be in the main sewer line, the Authority shall make all necessary repairs to the main line.
If a sewer problem exists and it is determined by the Bristol Borough Water and Sewer Authority officials that the problem exists in the lateral sewer line then the property owner shall correct the defect in the line at his sole cost. The Authority shall inspect the repair work to insure compliance with Water and Sewer Authority Regulations.
If the cause of the sewer problem is unknown, the Authority shall enter into an agreement with the property owner as follows: The property owner shall take the necessary steps to have the sewer line in front of his property examined either by excavation or "no-dig" means in order to determine the nature of the sewer problem. The line shall be inspected by the appropriate officials of the Bristol Borough Water and Sewer Authority and if the officials determine that the defect exists in the main sewer lines, then the Authority shall bear all costs incurred in the examination and repair of the line. If the Authority officials determine that the defect exists in the lateral line, then the property owner shall bear all expenses incident to the examination and repair of the lateral sewer lines.