[Ord. 538, 10/13/1970, §§ 1 and 2; as revised by Ord. 621, 12/14/1983]
The following words and terms, as used in this Part 1, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
A receptacle designed and intended for the storage of refuse, made of metal or plastic or equivalent material, of substantial construction and having a tight-fitting cover sufficient to keep out water and to prevent disturbance of the contents by animals and entrance by insects; or
A heavy-duty plastic bag designed and intended for the storage of refuse and having an adequate tie or closure.
Animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of foods, and not including more than a minimum amount of free liquid.
"Garbage" and "rubbish" as defined in this section.
All waste materials not included in the definition of "garbage" and not including human waste that is commonly disposed of through sanitary sewers.
A synonym for refuse.
[Ord. 538, 10/13/1970, §§ 3 and 6; as revised by Ord. 621, 12/14/1983]
Except as otherwise permitted by § 20-104, all solid waste originating within the Borough shall be collected, removed and disposed of by the person designated by Council as the licensed Borough collector. He shall serve under an agreement with the Borough, valid for a period of one year or for any period of time determined from time to time by Council. The agreement may contain, in addition to the provisions of this Part 1, any other provisions not in conflict with this part that may be considered appropriate. It shall contain a requirement that the licensed Borough collector give bond, in the amount required by Council, with approved surety, for the faithful performance of the contract.
[Ord. 538, 10/13/1970, § 4; as revised by Ord. 621, 12/14/1983]
The collector shall use only vehicles meeting with approval of Council, and conforming to the provisions of the contract relating to construction and sanitary maintenance. He shall not permit any solid waste to spill or leak from his vehicle upon any street or alley in the Borough or to be blown about at the time of collection or while being transported by him.
The collector shall collect solid waste following regular and fixed routes and schedules and on days and hours set out or provided for in the contract. Refuse shall be collected from residences once each week; collections shall be made daily from restaurants and hotels.
[Ord. 538, 10/13/1970, § 4; as revised by Ord. 621, 12/14/1983]
It shall be unlawful for any person other than the licensed Borough collector to collect solid waste from any premises, or for any person occupying any premises in the Borough, or producing solid waste in the Borough, to permit solid waste to be taken from his premises by anyone other than the licensed Borough collector, except that Council may authorize other arrangements to be made for collection and removal of garbage from restaurants, hotels and establishments engaged in selling foodstuffs or in manufacturing or processing activities where large quantities of garbage are produced.
[Ord. 538, 10/13/1970, § 4; as revised by Ord. 621, 12/14/1983]
Every person from whose premises solid waste is collected shall:
Be required to provide and keep at all times one or more containers for solid waste;
Store all solid waste produced by him in a container during the period between collections by the collector;
Be responsible for keeping the solid waste container in a sheltered location so as to prevent it from being frozen to the ground;
Be responsible for placing the solid waste, in the prescribed container, in a location accessible to the collector, as stipulated in the contract with the collector, before the scheduled time for collection;
Be responsible for keeping the container in good repair and sanitary condition;
Not allow waste to accumulate or remain in any container on his premises for longer than a period of one week. Any failure on the part of any such person to conform to all requirements of this section shall constitute a violation of this part.
[Ord. 538, 10/13/1970, § 4; as revised by Ord. 621, 12/14/1983]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part 1 shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300; and/or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days.