The following materials shall be submitted with an application for review and approval of preliminary plans:
Ten copies of the subdivision or land development plan in the form of a map or series of maps on sheet sizes either 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches, 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches, drawn to a scale not smaller than 100 feet to the inch and showing the following:
Title block, to be placed in lower-right corner of plan sheet or on separate cover sheet, with the following information:
Proposed subdivision name or identifying title. Such names shall not conflict with any other plan title on file in the Township.
Bear the legend "North Newton Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania."
Written scale, date of preparation of plan, with revision dates, if any, drawing or file number and sheet number.
Name, address, zip code and telephone number of the owner(s) of the property or authorized agent.
Name of registered engineer or registered surveyor responsible for the plan.
Boundaries of the property being subdivided including all residual property showing bearings and distances, a statement of the total acreage of the property being subdivided, and the area of each lot established, including the residual which shall be counted as one lot. Accurate dimensions of each lot to be established with a minimum error of closure of not less than one in 5,000.
North arrow, graphic scale and written scale.
Existing and proposed contours of the proposed project at vertical intervals of two feet in those areas where construction is proposed. The undeveloped portion to be contoured at no greater than ten-foot intervals, and may be taken from the USGS maps. Datum to which contour elevations refer shall be the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. The Planning Commission may require supplemental contour plans for final grades or enlargements.
All existing streets on or adjacent to the tract, including name, right-of-way width and cartway width.
All existing buildings, wells, sewage facilities, water mains, culverts, storm sewers, gas lines, underground cables, and any other significant man-made features, easements and rights-of-way.
All existing watercourses, tree masses, rock outcrops, and any other significant natural features, including the approximate location of the one-hundred-year floodplain boundaries, if applicable.
Names of owners of all abutting land, including deed book reference.
Location map, at an appropriate scale, to show the proposed subdivision or land development with respect to area roadways and other significant features in the adjoining areas.
The location and dimensions of proposed easements, rights-of-way, and land reserved for public purposes; and the location, course, and dimensions of all buried and above ground utilities.
Proposed lot lines with minimum building setback lines.
Seal and signature of registered surveyor or registered engineer who has prepared the plan.
Clear sight triangles at street intersections, and commercial driveway entrances as set forth in this chapter.
For land development plans, proposed well and building locations and respective parking areas.
A copy of any deed restrictions imposed on the property as a condition of sale by the present owner. A notation which identifies and references any previous subdivisions of the same "parent" tract of land, or which created the tract now being subdivided.
Any and all lots created from the same parent tract shall be numbered or lettered consecutively.
When on-site sewage disposal systems are proposed, the locations of satisfactory soil percolation test sites and probe holes required for the planning module shall be shown.
Signature block and date space for recommendation by the Township Planning Commission and approval by the Board of Supervisors.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the subdivider's holdings, or where development is to occur in phases, a sketch shall be submitted of the prospective street layout for the remaining area.
If construction is to occur in phases, or if the final plan approval will be sought in phases, a plan showing the progression of phases, how each phase relates to completed and future phases, and a time schedule indicating when each phase is to be commenced and completed. The time schedule shall be updated in accordance with the provisions of the Municipalities Planning Code (Act 247, as amended).[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
A typical cross-section drawing for all proposed streets showing rights-of-way, cartway widths, and location of sidewalks, if applicable. Profile drawings of all proposed streets showing existing and proposed grades.
Plans and profiles of existing and/or proposed sanitary and storm sewer systems, water distribution systems, and any other pertinent utilities. Such plans shall include grades, pipe sizes and the location of valves and fire hydrants.
Location and width of utility, drainage and access easements.
Results of preliminary soil analysis which shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection and inspected by a certified Sewage Enforcement Officer approved by the Township.
Each subdivision or land development application shall be accompanied with five copies of a supplement or revision to the Township's Official Plan of Liquid Waste Disposal on forms provided by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
Each subdivision or land development application shall be accompanied with five copies of a preliminary stormwater management plan, in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
If water is to be supplied by means other than on-site wells, maintained and operated by individual lot owners, a copy of a Certificate of Public Convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such, a cooperative agreement or commitment letter must accompany the plan as evidence that the proposed development will be supplied with an adequate, reliable and safe water supply.
If public water or sewer are to service the proposed lot(s), documentation of the availability of said utility shall be provided.
Whenever a single tract or other parcel of land, or part thereof, is subdivided or developed such that the subdivision or development is subject to the rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to the control of erosion and sedimentation, the subdivider or developer shall prepare, for the use and review of the Township, four copies of a preliminary erosion and sedimentation control plan. The design standards and specifications for said plan are contained in the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook which has been prepared by the County Conservation District and is on file in that office and with the Township.
No plan which will require access to a highway under jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation shall be finally approved unless the plan contains a notice that a Highway Occupancy Permit is required pursuant to § 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 4228), known as the "State Highway Law," before driveway access to a state highway is permitted.[2] The plan shall be marked to indicate that access to the state highway shall be only as authorized by a highway occupancy permit. In all other respects, full and complete compliance must take place with respect to the provisions of Act No. 1986-42 and any supplementary rules and regulations enacted pursuant thereto by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Editor's Note: See 36 P.S. § 670-420.
The applicant shall provide adequate documentation and certification as to the existence or nonexistence of wetlands on the site, and shall delineate any known or suspected wetlands on the plan. Where verified wetland areas exist either wholly, partially, or bordering any proposed subdivision or land development, all necessary permits required by federal and state agencies for the crossing, disturbance or removal of such wetlands, including but not limited to filling, draining or building activities, shall be obtained prior to approval of the final plan.
At least 21 days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which initial consideration is desired, the subdivider or developer shall submit 10 copies of the preliminary plan and accompanying documentation to the Township Secretary, together with the appropriate filing fees. All revised preliminary plan submissions shall be submitted at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting of the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors at which the revised plan will be considered.
[Amended 7-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
Copies of the preliminary plan shall be distributed by the Township Secretary as follows:
One copy of the plan and supporting data, plus the appropriate review fee, to the County Planning Department for review and comment.
One copy of the plan and supporting data to the Township Engineer for review and comment.
One copy of the plan and supporting data to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, where a proposed project abuts or will be traversed by an existing or proposed state highway.
One copy of the plan and supporting data, plus the appropriate review fee, to the County Conservation District Office for all land developments, subdivisions of three lots or more and other parcels of land or projects deemed necessary by the Township.
Remaining copies to the Township Planning Commission.
Plan submissions to all other agencies, including applicable filing fees, shall be the responsibility of the developer.
The Planning Commission shall take official action on a preliminary plan and communicate such action to the Board of Supervisors in a timely fashion, so as not to jeopardize the proper review of the plan by the Board within the ninety-day review limit, unless said limit is extended by agreement with the applicant. Upon recommendation of preliminary plan approval, the Commission shall recommend to the Board of Supervisors that the supplement or revision to the Township Official Liquid Wastes Disposal Plan be formally adopted and submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for its review, if applicable.
The Board of Supervisors shall take official action on a Preliminary Plan after it has received the report of the Planning Commission and within 90 days as described by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (Act 247 of 1968, as amended).[1] The Board shall note its action on all available copies of the plans. At least two copies shall be retained for Township use. Remaining copies may be returned to the developer. The action of the Township with regard to the plan shall be in writing, and communicated to the subdivider or developer (applicant) personally, or mailed to him at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.