[Amended 4-3-2018 by 2018-1; 7-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
Any subdivision or land development plan that qualifies as a minor plan according to the criteria of § 260-15A shall be required to comply with all applicable standards of Article VI, Preliminary Plans, and Article VII, Final Record Plans. By meeting both preliminary and final plan requirements, the subdivider or developer (applicant) may combine the separate preliminary and final plan submittals into one submittal. All minor plans shall include the designation "Minor Subdivision Plan" or "Minor Land Development Plan," and shall be submitted on a sheet sized no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches.
Lot additions. Minor plans proposing a lot addition(s) to be transferred to an adjacent landowner(s) shall comply with the following:
The person(s) to whom the lot addition will be transferred shall sign and have properly notarized a statement, which shall be placed on the plan sheet, affirming his intent to acquire the property.
If a lot addition does not meet the minimum requirements of this chapter pertaining to area, width and depth, or required street frontage, the following note shall be placed on the plan sheet: "The lot addition shown hereon (Lot _____) does not meet the minimum requirements for a building lot in North Newton Township and, therefore, cannot by itself be sold, transferred or otherwise used for the construction of a dwelling unit(s), or for other land development."
Any lot addition which, by itself, is substandard as a building lot in area, width or depth shall, upon plan approval by the Board of Supervisors, be incorporated with adjacent lands by deed, such that the lot addition is no longer a separate tract of land. Evidence of compliance with this requirement shall be furnished by the purchaser of the lot addition upon request by the Township.
If a lot addition which does not meet the minimum requirements of this chapter pertaining to area, width, and depth is being added to an existing substandard lot, then the two tracts shall be incorporated into one by a consolidation deed. The developer shall provide the Township with a copy of the consolidation deed upon having it recorded.
At least 21 days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which initial consideration is desired, the subdivider or developer shall submit 10 copies of the minor plan and the appropriate number of copies of accompanying documentation to the Township Secretary. All revised minor plan submissions shall be submitted at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting of the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors at which the revised plan will be considered.
[Amended 7-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
Upon receipt of the minor plan, the Township Secretary shall submit one copy of the plan and one copy of all supporting documentation to the Township Engineer; one copy of the plan and all supporting documentation to the County Planning Department, together with the appropriate fee; if earthmoving activities are proposed, one copy of the plan, with the erosion and sedimentation control plan and grading plan, together with the appropriate fee, to the Cumberland County Conservation District; and the remaining copies to the Planning Commission. Plan submittals to all other agencies, including applicable filing fees, shall be the responsibility of the developer.
The Planning Commission shall consider the comments of the other reviewing agencies and shall recommend either approval or disapproval of the minor plan, or approval of the minor plan with conditions.
The Township Supervisors shall take official action on each subdivision or land development plan within the required ninety-day review period as described in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (Act 247 of 1968, as amended)[1] and shall note or stamp its actions on all copies of the plan. Distribution of the copies of the plan as finally approved shall be as follows: one copy to the Engineer; two copies to be retained in the Township Secretary's files; one copy to the Planning Commission; and the original and two copies to the subdivider or developer. If the plan is disapproved, the subdivider or developer shall be notified, in writing, of the requirements which have not been met with reference to the applicable provisions of this chapter. The action of the Township with regard to the plan shall be communicated to the subdivider or developer not later than 15 days following the decision.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Upon approval of a final plan, the developer shall within 90 days after the date an approved plan is signed by the Board of Supervisors, record such plan in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cumberland County and forthwith return one copy of the plan showing the official date of recording with the instrument number indicated. If a plan is not recorded within this time, the approval shall expire.
[Amended 4-3-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-1]
The Township Board of Supervisors shall not approve a minor plan without a favorable report from the Department of Environmental Protection regarding the Official Sewage Facilities Plan Supplement or Revision (planning module). However, failure of the Department of Environmental Protection to report to the Township within their regulated review period shall constitute approval of the planning module as submitted.
The Township Board of Supervisors shall not approve a minor plan until proof of issuance is received for any necessary permits from the Department of Environmental Protection, including but not limited to earth disturbance permit or water obstruction and encroachment permit, and any permits which may be necessary for wetland encroachment, crossings, or mitigation activities.
The Township Board of Supervisors shall not approve a minor plan until a review of the plan is completed by the Cumberland County Planning Department, or until the expiration of 30 days from the date the County Planning Department received the plan for review.