[Adopted 2-25-1909 by Ord. No. 6[1] (Ch. XXI, Part 1A, Sec. 1, of the 1970 Code of Ordinances)]
Editor's Note: Original Sections 1 to 14 of this ordinance were repealed by Ordinance 2-1955.
The streets and alleys of the Borough of Vandergrift, as the same are laid out, plotted and contained in the general plan and map of said Borough, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, in Plan Book Vol. 1, pages 132 to 147, inclusive, being the plan of lots laid out by the Vandergrift Land and Improvement Company, which said plan is on file at No. 36 of February Sessions, 1897, Court of Quarter Sessions of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be public highways, and the grades of said streets and alleys, as prepared by Wilkins & Davidson, shall be considered as and the same are hereby adopted by the Town Council of said Borough as the legal and authorized grades of all the streets and alleys of said Borough.