[Adopted 11-9-1938 (Ch. XXI, Part 2A, of the 1970 Code of Ordinances)]
[Amended 5-2-2011 by Ord. No. 2-2011; 11-3-2014 by Ord. No. 7-2014]
The owner or owners of a lot or lots in the said Borough of Vandergrift shall hereafter be responsible to maintain, pave, repave, and repair sidewalk or sidewalks fronting on his, her or their lot or lots, including a portion of the sidewalk extending to the curb of the street, with concrete, said sidewalk to be established at least five feet or four feet wide, in continuity with the balance of the block where said lot, piece or parcel of land is situate, and shall be at least four inches in thickness and installed in an manner which conforms to any and all specifications as established by the Borough Engineer of Vandergrift Borough, as may be amended from time to time hereafter, and shall be placed on file with the office of the Borough Secretary of Vandergrift Borough, to be submitted to the landowner upon the issuance of a permit for the repair, replacement or construction of the sidewalk or sidewalks fronting on his, her or their lot or lots.
The concrete for said paving, repaving and repairing as aforesaid shall be of the quality and mixture prescribed by the Street Committee or the Borough Engineer of the said Borough and to be laid to the grade line of the street. On streets where the distance between the property line and the curbstone is eight feet or less, the sidewalk shall be laid up to and against the property line.
On the neglect or refusal of the owner or owners of the lot or lots as aforesaid to pave, repave or repair any sidewalk with concrete as aforesaid after 30 days' notice from the Council of the Borough so to do, the Borough shall then cause the same to be done and will collect from such owner or owners of the lot or lots the cost thereof and 10% additional, together with all charges and expenses according to the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided.
Sidewalks not graded and paved according to the provisions of this article and the established grade of the street may be declared a nuisance by the Borough Council, in which event they shall be taken up and re-laid by the owner or owners of said lot or lots according to the provisions of this article within 30 days after notice to the owner or owners thereof so to do by the said Borough, and upon failure of the owner or owners thereof to take up, regrade and repave said sidewalk within 30 days from the date of said notice, the Borough shall cause the same to be done and collect the cost thereof according to law.
Sidewalks heretofore laid with material or materials other than those prescribed in this article shall not be repaired but shall be repaved with concrete as hereinafter specified. Whenever any sidewalk or pavement becomes, in the opinion of the Council of said Borough, in bad condition, notice shall be given to the owner or owners of the said lot or lots fronting thereon to repave the sidewalk with the materials herein specified, and upon failure of the owner or owners so to do after 30 days' notice as aforesaid, the Borough shall cause the same to be done, and the cost thereof with penalties and expenses shall be collected by the said Borough from the owner or owners thereof according to law.