[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 501]
The developer shall install, at no expense to the Township, all the improvements that he and the Planning Commission agree upon, in accordance with the standards outlined in Part 4 and with requirements of this Part.
The Planning Commission, at its discretion, may modify the improvements required of the developer where unusual conditions are present and where normal application of the requirements would jeopardize the public safety or the safety of any occupants of the plan or subdivision or abutting properties.
The Township Engineer shall inspect the installation of required improvements in all approved plans or subdivisions while they are being installed and upon completion, and shall point out specific discrepancies between the approved plan and what is actually being installed to the developer in writing with a copy to the Secretary of the Township who shall require the developer to correct the discrepancies before the Township shall issue any building permits or permit any occupancy of the subdivision or plan.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 502]
Monuments shall be set permanently at the intersections of all lines forming angles in the boundary of any subdivision, development plan or mobile home park, at the intersections of all rights-of-way of streets crossing the boundary and at the intersections of all interior streets to be recorded.
Markers shall be set permanently at all points of tangent and points of curvature along interior streets to be recorded, at all lot corners or points of changes of direction along lot lines, and at points where lot lines intersect street curves.
Monuments shall be made of pre-cast concrete 30 inches long by six inches square in cross-section and shall be set flush with the ground level. A brass pin shall be set in the top of each monument and scored or marked to indicate the exact point of crossing of the intersecting lines.
Markers shall be of solid metal at least 30 inches long and 3/4 of an inch in outside diameter and shall be driven into the ground to finished grade. They shall be scored to indicate the exact point of crossing of intersecting lines.
Any monuments or markers that are removed shall be replaced by a registered engineer or surveyor at the developer's expense until such time as the developer's involvement in the subdivision or plan ceases, after which abutting property owners shall share the expense.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 503]
Streets shall be graded, surfaced and improved to the widths and dimensions shown on plans, profiles and cross-sections submitted by the developer and approved by the Planning Commission.
Streets shall be constructed to the latest applicable specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Division of Highways.
Collector streets shall have at least 10 inches of subbase under at least three inches of binding and wearing courses. Minor streets shall have at least eight inches of subbase under at least 2 1/2 inches of binding and wearing courses.
Before placing the street surface, storm drainage structures shall be installed as well as all subsurface utility laterals for sewer, water, gas, electric, telephone, etc. The street surface shall not be placed until the Township Engineer has inspected the subbase as well as storm drainage structures and utility laterals for conformance with the final approval documents.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 504; as amended by Ord. 301, 12/30/1991, § 13]
All areas of a subdivision, development plan or mobile home park to be developed with streets, residential lots or sites, recreation areas or other uses shall be graded to assure positive drainage.
Subject to applicable wetlands regulations, any areas that hold water, contain habitual swamp conditions, have no drainage outlet or harbor insects or other disease carrying or producing agents shall be drained even though not otherwise to be developed.
Storm sewers, culverts and related installations shall be provided to insure the unimpeded flow of natural watercourses and to guarantee the drainage of all low points along the curb or gutter lines, as well as at intervals related to slope, of all streets in or adjacent to the plan.
In designing the drainage system the developer shall consult with the county office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, and shall consider the entire watershed containing his plan.
The maximum storm of record during the preceding 25 years shall be the design condition to be used in developing the storm drainage system.
Where storm drainage must cross a property adjoining the developer's plan, he shall secure approval in writing from the owner or owners of the affected property for passage of water except where the developer is proposing to construct only one single-family dwelling.
In no case shall a storm drain line be less than 15 inches inside diameter and no pipe of a larger diameter occur upstream of one of smaller diameter.
Graded areas shall be stabilized with erosion resisting plantings placed immediately after the completion of grading.
Grades of embankments along streets or resulting from preparation of building lots or sites shall not exceed one-foot vertical rise for every two feet of horizontal run for fill slopes or one-foot vertical rise for every 1 1/2 foot vertical rise for slopes created by excavating in areas that have lain dormant for at least two years, except that steeper slopes may be permitted in areas where, in the opinion of a professional engineer, as evidenced in a written report concurred in by the Township Engineer, conditions are such as to allow slopes up to a maximum grade determined by the engineers.
No grading shall occur within five feet of any subdivision or development plan boundary except as is needed for the entrance of streets.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 505; as amended by A.O.]
Where a land development or excavating project involves more than 1/2 acre but less than 25 contiguous acres of land surface, a land disturbance permit shall have been issued to the developer or excavator by the Allegheny County Conservation District prior to final approval by the Township.
Where a land development or excavating project involves 25 or more contiguous acres of land surface, a land disturbance permit shall have been issued to the developer or excavator by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection after review of the application by the Allegheny County Conservation District prior to final approval by the Township.
Before final approval of any land development of more than 1/2 acre or grading project can be given, an erosion and sedimentation control plan acceptable to the Allegheny County Conservation District shall be prepared to show:
The topography of the project area.
Types, depth, slope and area extent of the soils throughout the project area.
Proposed alteration of the area.
Amount of run-off from the project area and the upstream watershed.
The proposed staging of earthmoving activities.
Temporary and permanent control measures and facilities for use while earthmoving is in progress and after work is completed as permanent installations.
The preparer of the erosion and sedimentation control plan shall use as a guide the standards and specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection rules and regulations for erosion control.
The developer shall be responsible for the following:
Restoration of disturbed areas including off-site borrow areas until surface stabilization is accomplished. Restoration shall include maintenance of sedimentation control facilities during stabilization period and removal of unnecessary control facilities at end of stabilization period with planting of disturbed areas resulting from such removal.
Removal of sedimentation created by his project from all adjoining surfaces, drainage systems and watercourses and repair of damage thus created.
Maintenance of all watercourses and drainage facilities within his development until stabilization of surfaces is achieved.
Prevention of any alteration of flow in established watercourses crossing his development unless approved by the Department of Environmental Protection.
Provision of drainage easements or rights-of-way to contain watercourses crossing his development in approximately the existing alignment of such watercourses and of sufficient width and fall to preserve natural drainage.
Where a developer proposes to alter the land surface drainage patterns he shall:
Collect run-off from the development for discharge at stabilized points entering the natural watercourse of the drainage area.
Design his drainage system to accommodate stormwater run-off generated from the potential full development of the area upstream from his property.
Provide and install all erosion and sedimentation control measures and facilities at his expense in accordance with the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 506]
Every street shall be crowned to create gutter lines on each side.
In subdivisions or development plans where the density will be more than two families per net acre, curbs shall be required.
Curbs where required shall be either straight concrete, rolled concrete curb-gutter or wedge-type asphaltic concrete. Straight curbs shall be installed at all intersections, and along all collector streets and all curb cuts shall be included in the initial installation. Storm inlets shall be integral with curbs.
When concrete is used, there shall be expansion joints at least once every 20 feet, the curbs shall be at least seven inches by 24 inches in cross-section with two continuous #4 rods top and bottom, and the bottom of the curb shall sit on at least 12 inches of crushed limestone or gravel.
Where curbs are not used, gutters shall be stabilized to minimize erosion.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 507]
Sidewalks shall be required on either side of a street abutting residential areas with a density exceeding six families per net acre, as well as across exceptionally long blocks (see § 22-404, Subsection 1C), or as needed to provide pedestrian access to community facilities, as directed by the Planning Commission.
On sidewalks constructed on grades exceeding 10% steps, step ramps, landings and suitable railing shall be installed.
Sidewalks shall be at least three feet in width or, if pedestrian traffic appears to warrant it, wider at the direction of the Planning Commission.
Sidewalks may be either cut flag stone at least two inches in thickness on four inches of crushed stone or concrete at least four inches thick on four inches of crushed stone and reinforced with six inch by six inch grid #8 welded wire fabric. Cut joints shall occur not less frequently than every six feet and expansion joints not less frequently than once every 30 feet. Surfaces shall receive a nonskid finish, and be sloped for drainage.
Sidewalks shall be placed in the street right-of-way, preferably separated from the street curb by at least eight feet, or in their own rights-of-way when crossing blocks.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 508; as amended by A.O.]
Every structure in any subdivision, development plan or mobile home park connected to a water supply shall also be connected to a sanitary sewage disposal system.
Where a public system exists adjacent to, or within 500 feet, in the same watershed as the proposed plan the system serving the plan shall connect to it and the developer shall construct the necessary interceptors, collectors and laterals.
When the plan occurs in an area that has been designated by the Township or by the authority serving it as an area to be connected to the public system in the future, the developer shall construct the necessary interceptors, collectors and laterals flowing to an interim treatment facility approved by the Department of Environmental Protection.
Where a plan occurs beyond the likely future reach of the public sewage collection system in the Township the developer shall provide individual on-lot septic systems, or a disposal system acceptable to the Department of Environmental Protection in the case of a development plan or mobile home park if permitted by the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Before any sewer interceptor, collector, lateral, septic tank or tile absorption field is covered it shall be inspected by the Township Engineer for conformance with the approved final plan documents and shall not be covered until directed by the Township Engineer.
Storm sewers, footer drains and downspouts shall not be connected to the sanitary sewers.
Sanitary sewers shall be not less than eight inches inside diameter and lateral lines shall be not less than four inches inside diameter.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 509; as amended by A.O.]
The developer shall provide within his subdivision, development plan or mobile home park a complete water supply system acceptable to the authority or company providing service in the area, when an existing water supply line exists adjacent to or within 500 feet of his plan.
Where the plan occurs in an area that has been designated by the Township or by the authority or company serving it as an area to be connected in the future, the developer shall construct the necessary system and provide an interim supply using wells either to serve the entire plan or clusters of lots or buildings.
Where a plan occurs beyond the likely future reach of the public water supply system the developer shall provide individual systems on each lot or a supply system acceptable to the Department of Environmental Protection in the case of a development plan or mobile home park if permitted by the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Before any water line is covered it shall be inspected by the authority or company which will supply the water. No line shall be covered until directed by the authority or company.
All water supply systems shall meet the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection as to quality, quantity and pressure.
Where connection has been or will be made to a public system, the installation shall include fire hydrants spaced not farther apart than 600 feet. The Planning Commission may submit water supply plans to the Harmar Township Volunteer Fire Company for review and comment before approval.
Water distribution lines shall be not less than eight inches inside diameter.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 510]
Street trees shall be planted by the developer in all subdivisions, development plans or mobile home parks where the net residential density exceeds eight families per net acre, and in other plans at the discretion of the developer.
Trees shall be deciduous hardwood at least 2 1/2 inch caliper.
Trees shall be planted in the strip between the curb and sidewalk and shall be located 40 to 50 feet apart but not closer than 25 feet from any street intersection.
Trees selected should cause minimum interference with underground utilities.
The developer shall be responsible for the replacement of any trees that die within two years of planting regardless of cause.
The developer shall make maximum effort to save existing trees on the property occurring in rights-of-way and other large and/or specimen trees existing throughout the plan.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 511]
Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections within the plan or at the intersection of existing streets and streets entering the plan.
Signs and supports may be provided by the Township at the developer's expense and installed by the developer, although the Township and developer may mutually agree on an alternative sign type.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 512]
Streetlights shall be provided by the developer in all subdivisions, development plans or mobile home parks where the net residential density exceeds eight families per net acre, at street intersections where the Planning Commission determines that lighting will improve a dangerous traffic situation, and in other locations at the discretion of the developer. Pedestrian walks on their own rights-of-way providing access to community facilities shall be lighted if the streets in the same plan are lighted.
Lights shall be on their own standards and shall be served from an underground source.
Lights and standards shall be mutually acceptable by the Township, the developer and the electric company.
The Township shall assume the costs of electric power after installation.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 513]
All electric and telephone lines serving any subdivision, development plan or mobile home park not in the rights-of-way of streets existing prior to the development shall be placed underground in street rights-of-way or other recorded easements.
Where easements or rights-of-way are shared by several utilities, each shall be placed with respect to the requirements of the others relative to separation, depth, etc.
Transformers, switch gear and other appurtenances to electric and telephone systems shall be placed either in secured vaults in the ground or pad mounted in secured steel containers made as inconspicuous as possible by landscaping.