[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 901]
The provisions of this chapter may from time to time be amended, supplemented, changed or repealed in accordance with the following procedure.
A proposal for an amendment may be initiated in any of the following ways:
A request of the Planning Commission by the Board of Supervisors.
An official proposal by the Planning Commission.
A petition presented to the Planning Commission by a property owner in the Township or a developer who has entered into an agreement to purchase property in the Township.
[Ord. 215, 3/8/1976, § 902]
Upon receiving a request for an amendment or upon making an official proposal, the Planning Commission shall prepare a report on the proposal within 40 days of receipt of the request or official proposal with copies sent to the Board of Supervisors and the County Planning Commission.
The Board of Supervisors shall review the Planning Commission's report on the amendment and shall schedule a public hearing after which it shall vote approval or disapproval of the proposed amendment within 90 days after the hearing.
The public hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper of general local circulation at least once in each of two consecutive weeks, the first notice appearing not more than 30 days nor less than 14 days prior to the hearing.
When the Board of Supervisors proposes an amendment, it shall allow the Planning Commission at least 40 days to review and comment upon it and shall submit the proposal to the County Planning Commission at least 30 days prior to the public hearing for review and comment.
The Board of Supervisors shall hold the public hearing and shall vote approval or disapproval within 90 days after conclusion of the public hearing.
If a proposed amendment is changed after public hearing, the Board of Supervisors shall hold an additional public hearing before voting for or against adoption.
Appeal from decisions of the Board of Supervisors on amendments shall be to the County Court of Common Pleas.
A proposed amendment, once finally denied, may not again be considered for adoption in its original form for at least one year after such denial unless new circumstances would warrant such reconsideration.