The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, at the first meeting after each annual City election shall appoint a suitable person as City Attorney who shall hold office until his/her successor is appointed and qualified.
Qualifications. No person shall be appointed to the office of City Attorney unless he/she be a licensed and practicing attorney at law in this State.
[CC 1996 § 150.020; Ord. No. 13 § 130; Ord. No. 03-06-01 § 2, 6-12-2003]
The City Attorney shall, in addition to his or her other duties which are or may be required by this Code or other ordinance which is not in conflict with the provisions of this Article, when ordered by the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen to do so, prosecute or defend all suits and actions originating or pending in any court of this State to which the City is a party or in which the City is interested.
Also, the City Attorney shall:
Prosecute all persons charged with a violation of this Code or other ordinance of the City when the same shall be a contested case.
Draw contracts or other instruments of writing necessary to be drawn and to prepare legal documents as may be routinely needed to conduct the business affairs of the City.
Attend all regular meetings of the Board of Aldermen unless excused by the Mayor or majority of the Board of Aldermen.