[Ord. 307, 10/5/1981, § 1.0]
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to allow the same to be at large within the limits of the Borough of New Oxford.
[Ord. 307, 10/5/1981, § 2.0; as amended by Ord. 384, 6/7/1999]
It shall be the duty of any police officer of the Borough or any person designated and appointed by the Borough Council as Dog Officer to seize and detain any dog found running at large. Such dog shall be impounded in the place designated by the Borough Council as the Borough Dog Pound, except that it shall be the privilege of any police officer to kill any dog which is found at large and is deemed after due consideration by the police officer to constitute a threat to the public health and welfare. The Chief of Police or his agents shall cause any dog bearing a proper license tag and so seized and detained to be properly kept and fed and shall cause immediate notice, either personal or by certified mail, to be given to the person in whose name the license was procured or his agent to claim such dog within 10 days. The owner of a dog so detained shall pay a penalty of $15 to the Borough and all reasonable expenses incurred by reason of its detention to the person in charge of the Borough Dog Pound. Such expenses shall be according to a uniform schedule to be approved from time to time by the Borough Council. Any dog not claimed within five days after giving of such notice may be disposed of as provided by the Dog Law of 1982.
[Ord. 307, 10/5/1981, § 3.0]
In this Part, the following words and terms shall have the meanings hereby respectively ascribed thereto, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Being on any of the streets, public alleys and public property in the Borough of New Oxford, or upon the property of other than the owner or keeper and not on a leash six feet or less in length.
Any dog or bitch six months of age or older.
When applied to the proprietorship of a dog, shall include any person having a right of property in such dog and every person who keeps or harbors such dog or has it in his care, and every person who permits such dog to remain on or about any premises occupied by him.
Any natural person, partnership, firm, association or corporation.
In this Part, the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular and the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
[Ord. 307, 10/5/1981, § 4.0]
No person shall allow any domesticated or nondomesticated animal confined on that person's premises to make any loud or harsh noise or disturbance which interferes with or deprives the peace, quiet, rest or sleep of any person within the Borough.
[Ord. 307, 10/5/1981, § 5.0]
No person shall allow any domesticated or nondomesticated animal owned by him or under his control to defile, befoul, corrupt or otherwise desecrate any sidewalk, walkway or the property of another or to destroy or damage the property of another.
[Ord. 307, 10/5/1981, § 6.0]
No person shall allow any domesticated or nondomesticated animal owned by him or under his control to be housed and/or maintained under such conditions and in a manner as to create such unpleasant or noxious odors as to create a nuisance or to create such conditions as to be hazardous to the health and sanitation of the residents of the Borough as to be considered a nuisance.
[Ord. 307, 10/5/1981, § 7.0; as amended by Ord. 384, 6/7/1999]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed $600 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.