[CC 1996 § 525.010; Ord. No. 328 § 1, 2-6-1969]
The Board of Public Works, under the supervision of the Board of Aldermen, shall have supervision of the wells, control buildings, fireplugs, fixtures and pipes erected or laid down and lands owned by the City of Salisbury in any way pertaining to the City Water System. The Superintendent of City Services shall keep all parts of the machinery and equipment in good order and in proper condition and keep the water supply as pure and clean as practicable. The Superintendent of City Services shall keep a map showing the location of the main water pipes, the length and size of each of the water mains, any extensions to the present water mains, the location of fire hydrants, branch pipes and other connections from the water mains.
[CC 1996 § 525.020; Ord. No. 328 § 2, 2-6-1969]
Whenever any person owning property along the line of any water main shall desire the introduction of water into his/her premises, he/she shall make written application therefor to the Superintendent of City Services. Such application shall set forth the name of the applicant, location and direction of the property to which the water is to be introduced, the purpose for which the water is to be used, and the name of the plumber who is to do the work incident to the introduction of water into the premises. Such application shall be accompanied by cash or a check in an amount of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00) for an installation of three-fourths-inch pipe. An installation requiring a pipe larger than three-fourths (3/4) inch in diameter shall require a check in an amount equal to the cost of sufficient pipe to reach the property line from the water main, plus a water meter of sufficient size to serve the size of the pipe, plus the actual cost of the necessary labor to lay the pipe to the property line; or a check in the amount of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00), whichever is the greater. Upon the filing of such application and approval of the same, the Superintendent of City Services shall cause to be connected at the expense of the City of Salisbury a service pipe from the water main to the curb nearest the property in question on the same street on which the water main is located. Thereafter, said water service pipe between the City water main and the water meter shall be maintained at the cost of the City.
[CC 1996 § 525.030; Ord. No. 328 § 3, 2-6-1969]
Whenever any presently existing water service pipe, not installed at the cost of the property owner as provided in Section 700.020 hereof, needs to be relocated or reinstalled, such installation shall be done by the Superintendent of City Services at a cost to the property owner of one hundred five dollars ($105.00) for three-fourths-inch pipe; and actual cost of pipe, labor and installation for over three-fourths-inch pipe, provided not less than one hundred five dollars ($105.00), and thereafter such water service pipe shall be maintained at the cost of the City.
[CC 1996 § 525.040; Ord. No. 328 § 4, 2-6-1969]
All water meters which are attached to the City water system and which were functioning properly on the meter reading date immediately preceding shall, from this date forward, be considered the property of the City of Salisbury and shall be maintained and repaired at no cost to the water customer. All water meters which are attached to the City water system and which were not functioning properly on the meter reading date immediately preceding shall be put in proper functioning condition at the cost of the user of said water meter and thereafter shall be considered the property of the City of Salisbury and shall be maintained and repaired at no cost to the water customer. The users of improperly functioning water meters shall be given thirty (30) days' written notice to cause their meters to be repaired at their own expense, and if not repaired at the expiration of said thirty (30) days, the Board of Public Works shall cause said meters to be repaired or replaced at the cost of said user of said water meter.
[CC 1996 § 525.050; Ord. No. 328 § 5, 2-6-1969]
Every person occupying any lot or structure into which water is conveyed under this Article shall permit the Superintendent of City Services or his/her agent or any authorized agent of the Board of Public Works or of the City of Salisbury to enter such premises at reasonable hours to inspect the pipes and fixtures on such premises connected with the waterworks. Any person refusing to comply with the foregoing provisions of this Section shall be liable to a fine of not less that five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and if such refusal continues, each refusal shall constitute a separate offense.
[CC 1996 § 525.060; Ord. No. 328 § 6, 2-6-1969]
It shall be unlawful for any person, for either direct or indirect compensation, to furnish within the corporate limits of the City of Salisbury to any other person a supply of water for any purpose without the consent of the Board of Public Works, provided that landlords may furnish water to their tenants if such tenants reside within the limits of the City of Salisbury. For every violation of this Section, there shall be imposed a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), and each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense hereunder, provided that the penalty herein provided shall not prevent the City from prosecuting any proper civil procedure to prevent the continuance thereof or to enforce any right to which the City is entitled.
[CC 1996 § 525.070; Ord. No. 296 §§ 1 — 6, 3-9-1961; Ord. No. 24-06-02, 6-13-2024]
No person, persons, firm, partnership or corporation shall use any material other than copper, pex, or other such tubing as approved by the Superintendent of City Services, in the installation of a water line from the City water main to such person's, persons', firm's, partnership's or corporation's water meter.
All water meters installed after March 9th, 1961, shall be installed outside the building which such meter is intended to serve and in a manner and position so as to be readily accessible to the Water Department personnel of the City of Salisbury.
After June 30, 2024, a shutoff valve approved by the Superintendent of City Services shall be installed on the downstream side of all new water meters installed within the City of Salisbury, Missouri.
After June 30, 2024, a shutoff valve approved by the Superintendent of City Services shall be installed on the downstream side of the water meter in the case of repair or replacement of such service line or the connection or re-connection of water service before any such connection or re-connection of water takes place.
The terms of this Section shall be applicable to all future installations of water service and all repairs to water service now installed.
It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of City Services to observe all water lines within the City of Salisbury, Missouri, and in the event that a water leak between a water main and any person's, firm's, partnership's of corporation's water meter is observed, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of City Services to order such person, persons, firm, partnership or corporation to immediately have such water line repaired in accordance with this Section.
The Superintendent of City Services shall give written notice by prepaid United States Mail addressed to the person, persons, firm, partnership or corporation whose water line has a leak and such water line shall be repaired or replaced within ten (10) days after such written notice has been mailed.
Any person, persons, firm, partnership or corporation failing to obey any order of the Superintendent of City Services or in any other manner violating any of the provisions of this Section shall, upon conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of an ordinance violation and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00).