A buffer is required on any premises in a business district if abutting or extending into a residential district when through new construction, addition, or occupancy change the premises is put to use not allowed in a residential district. Said buffer shall be located entirely within the business district along the full length of the district boundary, and shall have a depth of the lesser of 50 feet or 10% of the distance between the district boundary and the street line of the lot, except that at locations where the distance from the district boundary to the nearest structure in the residential district is not less than 150 feet, the Board of Appeals may grant a special permit to allow location of part or all of the buffer outside of the business district.
No structure, parking area, or aboveground facility of any nature shall be erected, placed or added to within the buffer strip except that access roads or driveways through said buffer strip to property located in the residential district may be allowed on special permit by the Board of Appeals.
The full length of the screened area shall be planted at least 2 1/2 feet high, have earth berms, differences in grade or equivalent visual interruption by retained natural growth. Fencing approved by the Town's Fence Viewer may be used up to a maximum of six feet in height in conjunction with such screening, but not in place of it.
[Amended 5-3-1994 ATM]
High screening shall also be provided through a staggered row of trees, either planted or retained, having at least a two-inch trunk diameter and being of size, species and spacing such that tree crowns will approximately meet each other and the lower level screening at maturity, except where egress visibility suggests clearance between 2 1/2 and eight feet above grade. At least 60% of all trees used shall be of evergreen species, and all shall be of species common to the area and which reach an ultimate height of not less than 30 feet.
Street and side line planting is required on any premises in a business district for each side line (other than those covered by § 201-13.1) which meets a state-numbered highway and for the full frontage on a state-numbered highway. Such planting is required when any new building, addition or change of use requires a parking increase of five or more spaces.
The side line planting area shall be at least five feet wide free of any paving (except for access drives connecting abutting premises) and shall contain high screening as described in § 201-13.1D, except that evergreens are not required. The screening shall extend from the street line to the deepest point on the premises having buildings or parking. Screening shall be located or trimmed to avoid blocking egress visibility.
The street planting shall consist of a staggered row of trees within 20 feet of the street lines, either planted or retained, having at least two-inch trunk diameter and being of size, species and spacing such that tree crowns will approximately meet at maturity. Species shall be ones common to the area and which reach an ultimate height of not less than 30 feet.
Any site plan submitted for review under § 201-3.4 shall indicate any existing trees of four-inch trunk diameter or greater if within 25 feet of the street side line or five feet of a side lot line. No such tree shall be removed unless, following referral to the Director of Lands and Natural Resources, such removal is approved by the Board of Appeals on grounds that poor tree health or access and public safety so dictate.
A list of plant materials recommended (but not required) for these purposes is available from the Director of Lands and Natural Resources or from the Planning Board.
All plant materials required by this bylaw shall be maintained in a healthful condition and dead materials replaced at the earliest appropriate season.