This district is intended to designate appropriate areas of the Township for land uses dependent upon the convenient availability of geologic resources, including open pit mining, strip and borrow mining, and related aggregate processing facilities and operations when satisfying specific standards, criteria and procedures administered by the commonwealth and West Hempfield Township. It also accommodates suitable uses that can precede actual mining activities as well as suitable uses for reclaimed mines and quarries as permitted herein.
Permitted uses. A permitted building may be erected, altered, or used, and any lot may be used for any one of the following principal uses together with authorized accessory uses:
Agricultural uses and necessary buildings related to the tilling of the land, the raising of farm products, the raising and keeping of horses, cattle and other livestock, and the raising of poultry and poultry products subject to the agricultural performance standards of Article 804. This section shall also expressly include one single-family detached dwelling as part of the agricultural use subject to the applicable design standards listed in § 301 of this ordinance.
Greenhouses, excluding on-premises retail sales.
Government-regulated recreation areas and public parklands.
Community utilities, excluding communication towers, and subject to the provisions of § 701.10 of this ordinance.
Municipal uses.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses.
Conditional uses. The following uses shall be permitted as a conditional use when authorized by the Board of Supervisors subject to the standards, criteria and procedures as generally set forth in § 703 of this ordinance. The burden of establishing compliance with all such standards, criteria and procedures shall be with the applicant:
Open pit mining, strip and borrow mining, and related aggregate processing facilities, subject in addition to the provisions of § 703.4 of this ordinance.
Prohibited uses. The following principal or ancillary uses that are not dependent upon the convenient availability of the Township's geologic resources and may be incompatible with other permitted uses of the Quarry District are not permitted:
Bituminous concrete batch plant, brick or block manufacturing, recycling of asphaltic, concrete, rubber, wood, or glass products, or other uses of a similar heavy industrial nature.
Except for agricultural uses which are governed by the standards listed in § 804 of this ordinance, and except for open pit mining, borrow and strip mining and related aggregate processing facilities which are governed by the standards listed in § 703.4 of this ordinance, the following requirements shall be observed by all uses within this district:
Minimum lot area: one acre.
Minimum lot width at street line: 100 feet.
Minimum landscape area: 30%.
Except for agricultural uses which are governed by the standards listed in § 804 of this ordinance, and except for open pit mining, strip and borrow mining, and related aggregate processing facilities which are governed by the standards listed in § 703.4 of this ordinance, the following setback requirements shall be observed by all uses within this district:
Front yard. Front yard setback distances are determined by the kind of road or highway on which the property abuts as follows:
Arterial: 60 feet from the street right-of-way line or 75 feet from the street centerline, whichever is greater.
Collector: 50 feet from the street right-of-way line or 65 feet from the street centerline, whichever is greater.
Local: 40 feet from the street right-of-way line or 55 feet from the street centerline, whichever is greater.
Side yard: Principal and accessory residential buildings and structures shall have two side yards, neither of which shall be less than 15 feet. All nonresidential buildings shall have two side yards, neither of which shall be less than 25 feet.
Rear yard: A minimum of 25 feet for principal residential buildings and 10 feet for accessory residential buildings and structures. All nonresidential buildings shall have a minimum rear yard of 50 feet for principal buildings and 20 feet for accessory buildings.
Except for agricultural uses which are governed by the standards listed in § 804 of this ordinance, and except for open pit mining, strip and borrow mining and related aggregate processing facilities which are governed by the standards listed in § 703.4 of the ordinance, the maximum building height shall be 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet, whichever is lesser.
As provided for in § 707 of this ordinance.
As provided for in § 708 of this ordinance.
Where lands are zoned Quarry District which were being used for open pit mining, strip and borrow mining and/or related aggregate processing facilities under a conditional use approval, special exception, or other zoning approval granted before the date such land was classified as Quarry District, the land which was subject to such prior decision or approval shall continue to be bound by the terms of such prior approval to the extent that the terms of the prior approval are more stringent than the requirements of this § 504. Any expansion of such existing facility onto land which was not part of the application which resulted in the prior decision or approval shall be governed by the regulations of the Quarry District.