For the purpose of this ordinance, the following regulations shall apply to all districts for all uses permitted or permitted by special exception or conditional use.
No lot shall be reduced that the area of the lot or the dimensions of the required open spaces shall be less than herein specified.
No yard or other space provided about any building or structure for the purpose of complying with this ordinance shall be considered as a yard or other open space for another building or structure.
On any lot, no wall, fence, or other structure shall be erected, altered, or maintained, and no hedge, tree, or other growth shall be planted or maintained which may cause danger to traffic on a street by obscuring the view.
On corner lots, no such structure or growth shall be permitted above the height of 2 1/2 feet or as may result in a visual obstruction to the driver within an area which is formed by a triangle where the two legs of the triangle extended 100 feet from the centerline intersection of the two intersecting streets.
On corner lots, no posts, boulders or structures shall be permitted within the rights-of-way.
No fence or wall, except agricultural fences or required and permitted buffer fences or walls, or a retainer wall of a building permitted under the terms of this ordinance shall be erected to a height of more than three feet in a front yard or more than six feet in any other yard. No fence or wall shall be located within any clear sight triangle required by this ordinance or the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[1] No fence or wall shall block motorists' view of vehicles entering or exiting the property. Fences or walls within the front yard shall be a minimum of one foot behind the street right-of-way line. Fences or walls may exceed six feet in height provided they are located to the rear of the building or dwelling and meet the required set back of the zoning district for accessory structures. The maximum height of such fences or walls shall be eight feet. No electric fences shall be permitted on a residential lot. Maintenance of fencing shall be considered when the fence is erected.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 130, Subdivision and Land Development.
All buildings and structures shall be subject to the maximum height regulations specified within each zoning district except chimneys, spires, poles, antennas, towers, water storage tanks, signs, elevators, flagpoles, silos, windmills, farm accessory buildings and any other similar structures; provided, however, no penthouse, roof structure, nor any space above the height limit specified for each zoning district shall be allowed for the purpose of providing additional floor space for residential or commercial use. Provided, further, the height of any such structure or projection shall not exceed 750 feet, unless the following criteria have been satisfied:
Certification from a commonwealth-registered engineer that the proposed height of said use does not extend above the permitted height ceiling depicted on the Airport Hazard Area for Lancaster Airport Map; and
The applicant shall furnish a letter from the Lancaster Airport Authority providing sufficient information for the Zoning Officer to determine whether the proposed use would violate the permitted height restrictions listed in the Federal Aviation Regulations No. 77 or any future amendment thereof.
Should a disagreement occur as to compliance with the height restrictions set forth herein, the Zoning Hearing Board shall conduct a hearing and render a decision regarding the matter in accordance with Section 1005 of the Zoning Ordinance and the applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
No building shall be erected which shall exceed the maximum height established for such use in the zoning district in which the building is located; provided, however, that such maximum height may be increased by one foot for each additional one foot that the width of each yard setback exceeds the minimum setback. The maximum height of any building shall not exceed 50 feet, and no building shall exceed five stories. Each building exceeding the maximum height established for such use in the zoning district in which the building is located in accordance with the authorization of this subsection shall have fire suppression systems in accordance with the most current BOCA National Building Code, BOCA National Fire Prevention Code, and Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry standards. The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to agricultural buildings.
A front yard as provided for in the area and lot requirements for the various districts shall be required on each street on which a corner lot abuts. The remaining two yards shall be side yards.
Every principal structure hereafter erected or moved shall be located upon a lot which abuts a public street or which abuts a private street which is constructed in accordance with the requirements for private streets in the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance[1] or which meets the construction standards for public streets in the Township Road Ordinance and Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. The erection of structures without approved access shall not be permitted.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 130, Subdivision and Land Development.
More than one principal building or structure may be erected on a single lot provided that the requirements of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance are met and all lot area, coverage, yard and setback requirements and all other applicable requirements of this ordinance and all other Township Ordinances are met as though each principal building were located on a separate lot. The applicant for a zoning permit for the additional principal structure shall provide the Zoning Officer with evidence of the recording of an approved land development plan and shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Zoning Officer that each principal structure shall have suitable access as defined in § 701.7 herein in order that such access requirement shall be met if the lot is subdivided in the future. If more than two principal structures each of which shall contain one or two residential units are to be erected upon a single lot, then an internal street system shall be provided which shall be designed to enable future subdivision of the lot into a separate lot for each principal residential structure. The internal street system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the requirements for public streets contained in the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. Such internal street system shall be included on the land development plan, and financial security to secure its completion shall be posted in accordance with the requirements of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
Where the display and sale of farm products are permitted, it shall be provided that:
At least 50% of such products shall have been produced on the property on which they are offered for sale or on property contiguous to the property on which they are offered for sale.
Parking space for at least three cars shall be provided on the lot. Where building area exceeds 600 square feet, one additional parking space shall be provided for each additional 200 square feet of building area.
Sale of farm products shall be conducted from a portable stand, dismantled at the end of the growth season, or from a permanent building under the following conditions:
Such building shall be located at least 50 feet from the right-of-way line of the road;
Parking space shall be provided behind the highway right-of-way line.
The location of any structure, building or other installation for the purpose of servicing any community utility may be located within any zoning district subject to the following regulations:
A plan shall be filed with the Zoning Officer indicating the location of all existing and proposed structures, buildings or other installations.
No building, structure, or other installation shall be nearer than 15 feet to any property line unless the specific nature of a utility warrants its placement elsewhere.
Any building, structure, or other installation shall be subject to the requirements of Article 800.
No minimum lot size shall be required for the purpose of servicing any community utility except as may be required to comply with other regulations regarding setbacks, etc.
Development of any tract containing wetlands shall comply with the applicable rules and regulations of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Environmental Resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Utility sheds may be erected in accordance with the following provisions:
A utility shed shall not be erected to the side of any dwelling and must be located to the rear of the dwelling.
A utility shed shall be erected not less than three feet from any rear or side lot line, provided it is not within any easement or right-of-way.
A utility shed shall not have a floor area exceeding 200 square feet nor a height in excess of eight feet at the eave and 10 feet at the peak.
Not more than one utility shed shall be permitted per residential lot of one acre or less in area.
Within any district, an owner and/or occupant may conduct up to two garage/yard sales per year. No garage or yard sale shall be conducted for a period longer than two consecutive days. Such sales may offer for sale personal possessions; no import or stocking of inventory shall be permitted. Only one four-square-foot sign shall be permitted advertising the garage/yard sale. Such sign shall be located upon the premises where the sale occurs and shall be removed promptly upon the completion of the sale. Sales are permitted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In no case shall any aspect of the garage/yard sale be conducted in a street right-of-way. The conduct of garage sales beyond the extent described herein represents a commercial business and requires appropriate zoning authorization.
Within any zoning district, no truck-trailers, vans, motor homes, mobile homes, or any similar vehicle or equipment shall be parked or stored beyond a period of 30 days which sole purpose is the storage of goods or materials. All vehicles awaiting use shall be properly licensed and shall not be parked within any yard area. These units shall be parked temporarily as they await products or goods for shipment. Licensed empty trailers may be parked at approved freight or truck terminals beyond 30 days.
The storage or parking of any commercial truck upon any residentially zoned lot or lot used principally for residential purposes is prohibited. For purposes of this section, commercial trucks shall include those that exceed a one-ton capacity. In addition, the parking or storage of any trailer other than those accessory to a principal residential use is expressly prohibited on any residentially zoned lot or lot used principally for residential purposes.
Recreation vehicles, trailers and boats (including boat trailers) may be parked or stored in any zoning district subject to the following regulations:
Parking or storage is permitted at any time inside an enclosed structure, which structure conforms to the zoning requirements of the particular district.
Parking or storage is permitted outside only in the side yard, the rear yard, or partially in both, provided:
Inside parking or storage is not possible.
The unit is not located nearer than three feet to the side or rear lot line.
The unit can be parked or stored in a safe and secure manner so as not to be a hazard to either persons or property.
The unit shall be located behind the building line of the dwelling.
While parked or stored, a recreation vehicle, trailer or boat shall not be:
Used or occupied for dwelling purposes, except for sleeping by visitors of the owner or occupant of the lot for a period not exceeding 14 days in any one calendar year.
Permanently or temporarily connected to sewer lines, or permanently connected to water or electrical lines. A unit may be temporarily connected to water and electric lines while used during the times specified in Subsection C.1 or while being loaded, unloaded or serviced as provided in Subsection D hereof.
Used for storage of goods, materials, or equipment other than those items considered to be part of the unit or essential for its immediate use.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections A and B hereof, a unit may be parked anywhere on the lot during active loading, unloading, or servicing of the unit for a period of time not in excess of 36 hours.
A maximum of one unit may be stored on any lot of 10,000 square feet or less. In no instance shall any lot contain more than two units stored outdoors, unless it is a Township-approved storage facility.
All ornamental ponds and wading pools located within any district shall be subject to the following criteria:
Such structures shall comply with all accessory use setbacks.
No such impoundment shall contain more than 26.6 cubic feet of water (200 gallons). All ponds, pools or other water impoundments exceeding the requirements of this section shall be subject to applicable DER and County Soil Conservation practices and controls.
No such impoundment shall have a length or diameter exceeding 15 feet. The maximum depth shall not exceed 30 inches.
All such ponds or pools shall be maintained so as not to pose a nuisance by reason of odor, or the harboring of insects.
No such pond(s) shall be used for the commercial hatching of fish or other species.
Each dwelling unit of the type set forth below shall have a minimum habitable floor area as follows:
Garden apartments: 450 square feet.
Multiple-family: 450 square feet.
Quadraplex: 450 square feet.
Residential conversion unit: 800 square feet.
Single-family attached (townhouse): 750 square feet.
Single-family semi-detached: 750 square feet.
Two-family detached: 750 square feet.
Outdoor trash, rubbish, and recycling collection areas shall be located with an emphasis upon shielding the site from public view and to shield with landscaping the area near the site to minimize any detrimental effects upon neighboring properties. The site shall follow the guidelines as listed:
No collection site shall be located within any front yard area or along any street frontage.
The collection site shall be a minimum of 10 feet from any side or rear property line.
Each site shall be screened with a six-foot stockade fence or basket weave fence. Landscaping with shrubbery and trees is also required.
The maximum area of each site shall not exceed 200 square feet.
Daily inspections by the property owners or tenants shall be conducted to collect any loose debris near the container and insure animals, rodents, and vermin are not inhabiting the area.
The following regulations shall apply in all zoning districts:
No outdoor stockpiling of any material or outdoor storage of trash is permitted in the front yard. In any residential district, the outdoor stockpiling of materials (except firewood) for more than 30 days is prohibited.
The outdoor accumulation of trash, garbage, refuse, or junk for a period exceeding 15 days is prohibited.
The placement of framed enclosure composts as an accessory residential use is permitted, subject to all accessory use setbacks. Only yard/garden waste materials from the residential site shall be deposited within the compost, and in no cases shall meat or meat by-products be composted. All composts shall be properly maintained so as not to become a nuisance to nearby properties.
The unique shape, reception and height requirements of antennas present an array of concerns relating to the health, safety and aesthetic integrity of the Township. Therefore, it is the intent of this ordinance to impose reasonable regulations concerning such devices without infringing upon rights granted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). If an applicant can demonstrate that such rights would be violated due to unique site constraints or other such conditions, the applicant shall be exempt from only those requirements which create such hardships. The following requirements shall apply to all applicable antennas:
Within rural and residential districts, no more than one satellite dish antenna shall be permitted on a property. Additionally, in such zoning districts antennas shall not exceed 45 feet in height, measured from the top of the antenna to the ground level.
The following antennas are permitted within commercial and industrial districts subject to all applicable requirements of this section.
Antennas which are greater than 45 feet in height, measured from the ground level to the top of the antenna.
Roof-mounted or tower-mounted satellite dish antennas.
Antennas which are capable of transmitting signals, excluding citizen band radio antennas.
Antennas shall not be located in the front yard of any property unless such a location is completely screened from view of all adjacent properties and roads.
Satellite dish antennas which are not roof-mounted or tower-mounted shall comply with the following:
The diameter of the dish shall not exceed 12 feet.
No portion of the structure shall exceed 15 feet in height.
Such structures shall be set back from all adjacent properties a minimum of 10 feet or a distance equal to the height of the satellite dish antenna, whichever is greater.
Satellite dish antennas shall be surrounded by a complete visual barrier composed of evergreen plantings which are at least four feet in height when planted on site and which will achieve a mature height sufficient to screen the entire antenna from the ground floor elevations of adjoining properties. If such screening will impair the reception of the antenna, the applicant shall demonstrate that such is the case and shall install evergreen plantings which, when mature, will be maintained at a height which is within two feet of the determined height of interference. Screening must be planted within six months of the antenna installation date.
All satellite dish antennas shall be properly anchored and installed to resist a minimum wind load of 30 pounds per square foot of projected horizontal area.
A zoning permit shall be obtained prior to the installation of a satellite dish antenna. The permit application shall demonstrate compliance with this ordinance and all other applicable municipal regulations.
Animals or birds and animal shelters shall be permitted as accessory uses and accessory structures to residential uses in any zoning district subject to the following standards:
In all zoning districts, animals or birds which are maintained as accessory to a residential use shall be maintained only on a noncommercial basis.
In all zoning districts, animals or birds which are maintained as accessory to a residential use shall meet the following criteria:
Such animal or bird shall be customarily maintained as a domestic pet within Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Animals or birds which are within the definition of the term "exotic wildlife" in the Pennsylvania Game and Wildlife Code, 34 Pa.C.S.A., Subsection 2961, or within the definition of "game animals" or "game birds" in the Pennsylvania Game and Wildlife Code, 34 Pa.C.S.A. § 102, shall not be considered to be animals or birds which are customarily maintained as domestic pets within the county.
No animal or bird which shall require the keeper to obtain an exotic wildlife possession permit from the Pennsylvania Game Commission may be maintained as an accessory use.
Any shelter and/or exercise pen which is constructed for the use of the animals shall be located in the rear yard at least 10 feet from any lot line and at least 30 feet from the nearest dwelling other than the dwelling of the owner of the animal. Any means of confinement of such animal, including but not limited to chains and tethers, shall be located so that the animal cannot run closer than 10 feet to any property line or closer than 30 feet to the nearest dwelling other than the dwelling of the owner.
Any shelter and/or exercise pen shall be screened from adjoining properties by the installation of fencing or a landscape screen.
In any zoning district, unless otherwise regulated by provisions of this ordinance or unless on a farm, it is permitted to maintain as an accessory use to a residential dwelling no more than three dogs, cats, and/or similar animals and/or pigeons or other birds commonly maintained as domestic pets over six months of age as domestic pets as of right. The noncommercial keeping of more than a total of three dogs, cats or similar domestic animals and/or birds as an accessory use to a residential dwelling shall be permitted by special exception, provided that the applicant complies with all of the requirements for the granting of a special exception to establish a kennel set forth in §§ 301 and 804.3 of this ordinance and also meets the requirements of this section.
In any zoning district, unless otherwise regulated by provisions of this ordinance or unless on a farm, it is permitted to maintain one or more horses as an accessory use to a residential dwelling; provided, however, that the minimum lot size shall be three acres for the keeping of a single horse and the minimum lot size shall be increased by one acre for each additional horse. The keeping of such horse or horses and the manure storage facility shall meet all requirements of this section and all of the performance standards set forth in § 804.1 except as specifically modified by this section.
No manure storage facility or area shall be established closer than 100 feet to any property line.
The minimum lot area for all lots which utilize individual on-lot sewage disposal systems for disposal of wastewater shall be one acre.
Every use which relies upon an individual on-lot sewage disposal system for the disposal of wastewater shall be required to properly maintain and repair such system.
Automotive vehicles, including inoperable motor vehicles and/or trailers of any kind or type, without a current license plate and current inspection shall not be parked or stored on any property in excess of 30 days unless such vehicle shall be located within a completely enclosed building.
Municipal uses shall be permitted as uses of right within all zoning districts. Municipal uses shall be exempted from minimum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum lot depth, yard, impervious surface area, off-street parking, landscaping and all other requirements of this ordinance.
[Added 8-3-2010 by Ord. No. 4-10]
Open loop geothermal systems shall not be permitted in the Township. Closed loop geothermal systems shall be permitted in all zoning districts and shall be subject to the following regulations:
The design and installation of geothermal systems and related boreholes for geothermal heat pump systems shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the ANSI, the IGSHPA, ASTM, the ARI, or other similar certifying organizations, and shall comply with the Building Code and with all other applicable Township requirements. The manufacturer specifications shall be submitted as part of the application, and the applicant shall provide documentation to demonstrate that the design complies with and the installation shall comply with applicable industry standards.
In all closed loop geothermal systems relying upon circulating fluids, only nontoxic, biodegradable circulating fluids such as food-grade propylene glycol shall be permitted.
All parts of the geothermal system shall be located a minimum distance of 10 feet from any property line.
All parts of the geothermal system shall be located a minimum distance of 25 feet from any on-lot wells.
[Added 8-3-2010 by Ord. No. 4-10]
Small solar energy systems shall be permitted in all zoning districts as appurtenances to any building or as accessory structures and shall be subject to the following regulations:
The design and installation of small solar energy system shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the ANSI, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the ASTM, or other similar certifying organizations, and shall comply with the Building Code and with all other applicable fire and life safety requirements. The manufacturer specifications shall be submitted as part of the application.
All small solar energy systems shall be designed and located in order to prevent reflective glare toward any inhabited structure on adjacent lots as well as adjacent street rights-of-way.
All on-site utility and transmission lines extending to and from the small solar energy system shall be placed underground.
No part of any small solar energy system shall be located within or above any front yard, along any street frontage, nor within any required setback of any lot.
Small solar energy systems mounted on the roof of any building shall be subject to the maximum height regulations specified within each zoning district. The owner shall provide evidence in the form of stamped plans certified by a professional engineer that the roof is structurally sound.
Small solar energy systems which are ground-mounted or detached from the principal or accessory structure shall not exceed 15 feet in height.
The owner shall provide a copy of the letter from the electric utility company indicating that it has received and processed an application for interconnection of renewable generation equipment with the application for a zoning permit. The owner shall provide a copy of the final inspection report or other final approval from the electric utility company to the Township prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy for the small solar energy system. Off-grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
[Added 8-3-2010 by Ord. No. 4-10]
Small wind energy systems shall be permitted in all zoning districts as accessory uses and accessory structures and shall be subject to the following regulations:
The design and installation of all small wind energy systems shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the ANSI, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Det Norske Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd Wind Energies, the ASTM, or other similar certifying organizations, and shall comply with the Building Code and with all other applicable fire and life safety requirements. The manufacturer specifications shall be submitted as part of the application.
No more than one small wind energy system shall be permitted per lot.
Small wind energy systems shall not generate noise which exceeds 55 decibels measured at any property line.
Small wind energy systems shall not be artificially lighted, except to the extent required by the FAA.
All on-site utility and transmission lines extending to and from the small wind energy system shall be placed underground.
No part of any small wind energy system shall be located within or above any front yard, along any street frontage, nor within any required setback of any lot.
All small wind energy systems shall be independent of any other structure and shall be located a minimum distance of 1.1 times the turbine height from any inhabited structure, property line, street right-of-way, or overhead utility line.
The maximum height of any small wind energy system shall not exceed 50 feet, except that the maximum height shall be increased to 85 feet in the Rural Agricultural District.
No portion of any small wind energy system shall extend over parking areas, access drives, driveways or sidewalks.
The minimum height of the lowest position of the wind turbine shall be 15 feet above the ground.
All small wind energy systems shall be completely enclosed by a minimum eight-foot-high fence with a self-locking gate, or the wind turbine's climbing apparatus shall be limited to no lower than 15 feet from the ground, or the wind turbine's climbing apparatus shall be fully contained and locked within the tower structure.
Small wind energy systems shall not display advertising, except for reasonable identification of the small wind energy system's manufacturer. Such sign shall have an area of less than four square feet.
When an accessory building is necessary for storage cells or related mechanical equipment, the accessory building shall not have a floor area exceeding 200 square feet, and shall comply with the accessory building requirements specified within each zoning district.
Accessory buildings shall not be located within any front yard or along any street frontage, nor within any required setback of any lot.
The owner shall provide a copy of the letter from the electric utility company indicating that it has received and processed an application for interconnection of renewable generation equipment with the application for a zoning permit. The owner shall provide a copy of the final inspection report or other final approval from the electric utility company to the Township prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy for the small wind energy system. Off-grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
The owner of the small wind energy system shall, at the owner's expense, complete decommissioning within 12 months after the end of the useful life of the small wind energy system. It shall be presumed that the wind turbine is at the end of its useful life if no electricity is generated for a continuous period of 12 months.
The owner of the small wind energy system shall provide evidence that the owner's insurance policy has been endorsed to cover damage or injury that might result from the installation and operation of the small wind energy system.
[Added 8-3-2010 by Ord. No. 4-10]
Outdoor hydronic heaters shall be permitted in all zoning districts as accessory uses and accessory structures and shall be subject to the following regulations:
The design and installation of outdoor hydronic heaters shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the EPA, the ANSI, the ASTM, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), or other similar certifying organizations, and shall comply with the Building Code and with all other applicable Township requirements. The manufacturer specifications shall be submitted as part of the application.
Unless otherwise specified, only outdoor hydronic heaters qualifying for or better than the EPA Phase 2 voluntary program for outdoor hydronic heaters shall be permitted.
In addition to the types of wood meeting the definition of "clean wood," outdoor hydronic heaters shall also be permitted to burn:
Wood pellets made from clean wood, if the device has been tested and listed to utilize this fuel; and
Home heating oil meeting applicable sulfur content limit, propane or natural gas, when used as auxiliary starter fuels for devices tested and listed as dual-fired outdoor hydronic heaters.
In addition to the types of wood not meeting the definition of clean wood, outdoor hydronic heaters shall not be permitted to burn:
Lawn clippings or yard waste.
Materials containing plastic.
Materials containing rubber.
Waste petroleum products.
Paints and paint thinners.
Any type of paper.
Construction and demolition debris.
Animal carcasses.
Asphalt products.
Used cooking oils.
No more than one outdoor hydronic heater shall be permitted per lot.
No outdoor hydronic heater shall be located within any front yard, along any street frontage, nor within any required setback of any lot.
All outdoor hydronic heaters shall be located a minimum distance of 150 feet from any property line, street right-of-way, and any property line with an inhabited dwelling not located on the lot on which the outdoor hydronic heater is proposed.
All outdoor hydronic heaters shall have a permanent attached stack. The minimum height of all stacks shall be 25 feet above the ground or three feet in excess of the height of any inhabited structure within 150 feet not located on the lot upon which the outdoor hydronic heater is proposed, whichever is greater.
Outdoor hydronic heaters shall be maintained and operated in compliance with all emissions of air quality standards promulgated by EPA, the DEP, or other relevant state or federal agency including emissions of dust and particulates.
In no case shall emissions from the outdoor hydronic heaters be detectable beyond the lot on which the outdoor hydronic heater is located, interfere with the reasonable enjoyment of life or property of neighbors, cause damage to vegetation or property of neighbors, nor be harmful to human or animal health.
Outdoor hydronic heaters shall not be operated before October 1 or after April 30 of each calendar year.