[Amended 6-16-2021 by Ord. No. 06-16-21A]
The provisions of this article represent standards and regulations that shall be applied to all uses in addition to those established for the applicable zoning district. These regulations are to be used either in common within all zoning districts or are to be applied to specific situations as stated herein.
[Amended 6-16-2021 by Ord. No. 06-16-21A]
No yard or lot existing at the time of passage of this chapter shall be reduced in dimension or area below the minimum requirements set forth herein. Yards or lots created after December 1, 1992, shall meet at least the minimum requirements established by the chapter.
No part of a yard or other open space or off-street parking area or loading space required in connection with any building for the purpose of complying with this chapter shall be included as part of a yard, open space or off-street parking or loading space similarly required for any other building. (See also § 135-54A.)
Every principal building hereinafter erected shall be located on a lot as defined. There shall not be more than one principal building and its accessory structures on one lot, except in the case of multifamily housing developments or mobile home parks.
The minimum lot width of any lot shall be measured along the minimum building setback line as required for that district. Lots located on cul-de-sac turnarounds or curves in the road or lots of unusual shape may have lot widths of less than those required, provided that the average of the front and back lot line is equal to or greater than the required lot width. In no case, however, shall the front lot line have a width of less than 50 feet, except in the case of single-family attached dwellings.
No building shall hereafter be erected or altered unless there is direct access to it through an open space on the same lot. Such open space shall be at least 20 feet in width and shall extend from the building to a public or private street right-of-way.
No portion of a lot included in a street right-of-way shall be included in calculating the lot's area.
Chimneys, flues, cornices, eaves, gutters, steps or bay windows may project into any required yard but not more than 24 inches.
Covered porches, patios, decks and attached carports, whether enclosed or unenclosed, shall be considered part of the main building and shall not project into any required yard.
Driveways, walks and off-street parking areas, stairs and other such structures may project into required yard areas for a distance not more than 1/2 the required yard area, provided that they are no higher than 12 inches above yard grade. In addition, driveways may be located no closer than three feet to a side property line.
Front yards.
Front yard setbacks shall be as set forth in the district regulations and shall be measured from the edge of the adjoining street right-of-way line or from the front property line where the lot does not front along a street.
Accessory buildings or structures may not be erected in any required front yard.
When an unimproved lot is situated between two improved lots, each having a principal building which extends into the required front yard, the front yard of such unimproved lot may be the same depth as the average of the two adjacent improved lots.
Signs may be erected within a required front yard in accordance with the requirements contained in Article VIII.
Side yards.
On a corner lot, the side yard abutting the street shall have a width equal to the required front yard depth for the district in which the lot lies. The remaining two yards shall constitute a side yard and a rear yard.
Accessory buildings or structures may be situated within a side yard as set forth in Article IV and Appendix D, District Regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix D refers to the charts of use regulations and dimensional requirements for the respective zoning districts of the Township included as attachments to this chapter.
Signs may be erected within a required side yard in accordance with the requirements established in Article VIII.
Rear yards.
Accessory buildings or structures may be situated within a rear yard, provided that they meet the minimum requirements set forth in the district regulations for the district in which they are located.
Signs may be erected within a required rear yard in accordance with the requirements established in Article VIII.
In the situations itemized below, the Zoning Officer may permit structures to be located within the Township which exceed the maximum height limitations set forth in the district regulations. Where, however, in the opinion of the Zoning Officer, a particular application for variation of the maximum height regulations could represent a potential problem or hazard, such as the creation of an obstruction to aircraft within a designated approach or airport hazard area or the provision of adequate fire protection, the Zoning Officer may refer the proposal to the Township Zoning Hearing Board for an interpretation and determination. (See also Subsection D below.)
Height regulations shall not apply to spires, belfries, cupolas or penthouses (not used for human occupancy) nor to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, water tanks, utility poles or towers, television antennas, solar collectors and related equipment and ornamental or necessary mechanical appurtenances normally associated with homes, churches and similar establishments.
Agricultural or industrial structures, such as barns, silos, grain elevators, storage tanks or similar types of structures, may not be erected above the height limitations specified in Article IV and Appendix D.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix D refers to the charts of use regulations and dimensional requirements for the respective zoning districts of the Township included as attachments to this chapter.
Radio or television transmission and receiving towers may also exceed the specified height limitations contained in Article IV and Appendix D.
Notwithstanding any of the exceptions outlined above, the location and height of all structures shall be in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, standards and criteria of the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration.
Two or more principal uses in same building. Unless otherwise provided herein, when two or more principal uses occupy the same building (not including home occupations as defined in § 135-45), sufficient parking spaces, lot area, open space, etc., shall be provided so that the standards pertaining to each use will be met in full.
Walls and fences.
No solid fence or wall shall exceed six feet in height. Chain-link or other open fencing (fencing more than 50% open) shall not exceed eight feet in height in A-R, R-S and R-U Districts and 12 feet in C, IC, I and LI Zones. A fence not exceeding four feet in height may be erected on top of a retaining wall.
Walls or fences may be situated within any of the required yards but shall be located no less than two feet from a property line, unless there is written mutual consent between adjoining property owners, in which case a fence or wall may be placed on a property line. No fence or wall, except split rail or similar types of fencing, located in any front yard shall exceed 36 inches in height or cause danger to traffic on a street or public road by obscuring a driver's view. (See also Subsection C below.)
Fences having only one finished side shall be installed so that the finished side faces out or away from the subject property.
All fences shall be maintained in good condition and shall not be allowed to become dilapidated.
Obstructions to vision.
No fence, sign or other structure shall be erected or altered and no hedge, trees, shrubs or other growth shall be maintained which may cause danger to traffic on a street or public road by obscuring a driver's view.
At all street and/or driveway intersections, no obstruction or planting higher than 36 inches or branches hanging lower than eight feet above road grade shall be permitted within the clear sight triangle of the intersection. A "clear sight triangle" shall be defined as that area of unobstructed vision at street intersections formed by lines of sight between points a specified distance from the intersection of the street center lines. These distances shall be as provided below.
For the intersection of two streets, the distance from the intersection of the street center lines shall be 75 feet.
For the intersection of a street and a driveway, the distance shall be 25 feet.
Maximum building coverage. The percentage of land covered by principal and accessory buildings or structures on each lot shall not be greater than is permitted in the district regulations, Article IV and Appendix D,[1] for the district in which the lot is located.
Editor's Note: Appendix D refers to the charts of use regulations and dimensional requirements for the respective zoning districts of the Township included as attachments to this chapter.
Drainage and stormwater control. All drainage and/or stormwater management standards set forth in Chapter 123, Subdivision and Land Development, and Act 167 of 1978, the Pennsylvania Storm Water Management Act,[2] as amended, shall be met to the satisfaction of the person or firm appointed by the Supervisors to the position of Township Engineer before the issuance of a building and/or zoning permit. As per the requirements of Act 167, the post-development runoff rate of the site shall not exceed the predevelopment runoff rate. All engineering and legal review fees shall be paid by the applicant or landowner, and permits may be withheld until payment of such fees.
Editor's Note: See 32 P.S. § 680.1 et seq.
Erosion and sedimentation control. All erosion and sedimentation control requirements set forth in Chapter 123, Subdivision and Land Development, and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Title 25, Chapter 102, Erosion Control, shall be met to the satisfaction of the person or firm appointed by the Supervisors to the position of Township Engineer before the issuance of a building and/or zoning permit.
Where a commercial or industrial use abuts a residential district, a buffer yard of at least 50 feet shall be required. The buffer yard shall be a part of the commercial or industrial installation and shall be maintained by that property owner.
Where a commercial or industrial use abuts a stream, drainage channel or delineated wetland area, a buffer yard of at least 50 feet shall be required. The yard shall be measured from the nearest edge of the stream, channel or wetland. For residential uses, a buffer of at least 25 feet shall be provided where such use abuts a stream, drainage channel or delineated wetland area.
Buffer yards required for residential uses shall be not less than 25 feet in width, unless provided otherwise in Article V, Supplementary Use Regulations.
All buffer yards shall be planted and maintained with vegetative material, such as grass, sod, shrubs or other evergreens. Where required within buffer yards, screening shall be accomplished in accordance with § 135-56 below.
A buffer yard may be considered as part of the required yard space.
No structures, storage of materials or parking of vehicles shall be permitted in a buffer yard; however, access drives, as well as utilities, may cross buffer yards.
Screen planting may be required as provided in Article V or where determined necessary by the Township Supervisors or Zoning Hearing Board, as appropriate, to serve as a barrier to visibility, glare and noise between adjacent properties.
Plant or vegetative materials, including shrubs or evergreens, used in screen planting shall be of such species as will produce a complete visual screen of sufficient height and of such density as is necessary to achieve the intended purpose.
Screen planting shall be maintained permanently by the lot owner, and any plant material which does not live shall be replaced within one year.
Screen planting shall be placed so that, at maturity, it will be no closer than three feet to any street or property line.
In accordance with the provisions of § 135-54C, a clear sight triangle shall be maintained at all street intersections and where driveways or accessways intersect public streets.
Screen planting shall be broken only at points of vehicular or pedestrian access or utility easements.
Where determined necessary by the Township Supervisors or Zoning Hearing Board, as appropriate, additional screening or barriers may be required such as earthen berms or appropriate fencing.
Unless otherwise regulated by other sections of this chapter, the following standards shall apply to the storage of unlicensed vehicles in residential districts in the Township.
All unlicensed vehicles which are in the process of being dismantled for any reason shall be housed within an enclosed structure. No parts of such vehicle(s) shall be stored or otherwise maintained outside of the structure.
No more than one unlicensed vehicle not in the process of being dismantled may be stored and maintained outside of a structure, provided that:
Such vehicle is set back at least 25 feet from any neighboring property line.
No part of any street right-of-way, sidewalk or parking area shall be occupied for such storage.
Such storage may only be permitted in side or rear yard areas.
Such storage is screened or shielded from view from any public street and/or adjoining residential properties by the use of fencing or appropriate screen plantings or shall be covered with an opaque tarp.
The proposed method of screening is approved by the appropriate Township officials at the time of permit application.
In no case shall the storage of vehicles cause the lot to become a junkyard, nor shall such accumulation become a commercial operation.
For the purposes of this chapter, such outdoor storage of goods, materials or merchandise may only be authorized as accessory or incidental to a permitted principal commercial or industrial use, subject to the following standards. (See also § 135-36 for warehousing and storage regulations and § 135-37 for regulations pertaining to contractors' shops and yards.)
Such storage shall not constitute a nuisance.
The storage area shall be screened or shielded from view by a fence, wall or screen planting not over 40% open, except for necessary vehicle entrances and exits.
Such storage may not be permitted within any required setback or yard area. The storage area shall be situated so it will meet the applicable side or rear yard setback requirements.
Such storage shall not obstruct any clear sight triangle.
In no case shall the storage cause the lot to become a junkyard, nor shall such accumulation become an independent commercial operation.