[Code 1974 § 1-24; Code 1985 § 12-1; Code 2005 § 62-1]
There is hereby created a public library, to be known as the Cushing Public Library, for the use and benefit of the citizens of the City. The library department shall be under the supervision and control of the City Manager.
[Code 1985 § 12-2; Code 2005 § 62-2]
There is hereby created a library advisory board consisting of nine members appointed by the Board of Commissioners for terms of three years.
The term of three members of the library advisory board shall expire each year.
The library advisory board shall advise the City on matters relating to the Cushing Public Library and library services.
[Code 1974 §§ 1-29, 1-32(a); Code 1985 § 12-3; Code 2005 § 62-3]
The library established under this chapter shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as may be in effect in order to render the use of such library of the greatest benefit to the greatest number. The City may exclude from the use of the library any persons who shall willfully violate such rules. All such rules and regulations shall be posted or made public in some effective manner in the library.
Any person who shall willfully violate any rules and regulations, regularly adopted by the City for the government, care and use of such library shall be deemed guilty of an offense.
[Code 1974 § 1-32(b); Code 1985 § 12-4; Code 2005 § 62-4]
The library board may impose fines or suitable penalties for loss of, failure to return, or damage to library materials, subject to ordinances which the Board of Commissioners may enact.