[Code 1974 §§ 18-95 — 18-97; Code 1985 § 27-76; Code 2005 § 110-301]
The City shall not be held liable for damages to the consumer or to third persons, resulting from the use of City electrical service on the consumer's premises, or from the presence of the City's appliances or equipment on the consumer's premises.
The consumer shall be held responsible for all damages to, or loss of property of the City, located upon his premises, unless occasioned by causes beyond his control or negligence of the City.
The City shall not be held liable for interruptions in, or changes of characteristics of service due to accident, making of necessary repairs and adjustments, burnouts, fire, flood, the action of the elements, strikes, riots, war or any cause beyond its control, or to any cause other than the City's willful neglect. However, the City shall use reasonable diligence to maintain continuous service, and in event of interruption or change in characteristics of service to restore normal service as quickly as possible.
[Code 1974 § 18-100; Code 1985 §§ 6-136(b), 27-77; Code 2005 § 110-302]
A customer of City electrical service shall allow properly authorized agents or employees of the City to enter the consumer's premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of maintenance of lines, including tree or brush trimming, installing, servicing, reading the City's meters, examining and inspecting the consumer's installation, and testing, or repairing or removing the City's meters, appliances or other property.
Whenever agents or employees of the City in the conduct of their responsibilities under the terms of this article, deem it necessary to enter upon privately owned property or to enter buildings or structures, they shall first obtain the written permission of the owner, occupant, tenant or person in charge of the premises or buildings or structures, or shall have a court order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
All City employees requiring access to premises of a consumer are furnished with an identification card. This identification card will identify them as employees of the City, and consumers should refuse admittance to all parties not having a card.
The inspectors, agents and all employees of the City are expressly forbidden to demand or accept any compensation for services rendered in line with their duty unless a printed receipt of the City is given. The consumer is requested to report immediately to the City Manager any discourtesy, or lack of attention, on the part of any employee.
[Code 1974 § 18-72; Code 1985 § 27-78; Code 2005 § 110-303; Ord. No. 06-20-06-05, § 1(A), 6-20-2006]
A written application, or contract upon the form provided by the City, will be required from each prospective consumer before City electric service is connected. A duplicate copy of such application will be furnished to the consumer upon request. A separate application shall be made to cover each class of service to each person, at each separate address or location. Each such application shall require the installation of only one meter, provided that the City may require the installation of more than one meter.
The City reserves the right to refuse to supply service to any applicant indebted to the City for service rendered at any location, until such indebtedness is settled to the satisfaction of the City.
[Code 1974 § 18-101; Code 1985 § 27-79; Code 2005 § 110-304]
If a prospective customer of City electric service is not the owner of his premises, or of the intervening property between his premises and the City's lines, the prospective consumer shall obtain from the property owner, or owners, the necessary consent for the City to install and maintain on such premises and on or about such intervening property, all such poles, wires, or other electrical equipment as may be necessary or convenient for the supplying of electricity to the consumer. Consumer shall also obtain the necessary permit, or permits, to allow access of the City's service wires, meters, appliances, or other equipment.
[Code 1974 § 18-102; Code 1985 § 27-80; Code 2005 § 110-305]
No agent, representative or employee of the City shall have the power or authority to amend, modify, alter or waive electric rates, terms, conditions, rules or regulations of the City, but the City shall have the right to amend those rates or rules, or to make such additional rates or rules as it may deem necessary from time to time.
[Code 1974 § 18-74; Code 1985 § 27-81; Code 2005 § 110-306]
All contracts for electric service under the scheduled rates of the City except those which make a definite exception shall be for a period of one year. The City may require a contract for a longer period than one year when the requirements of the consumers are unusually large, or necessitate special lines or equipment, and the City reserves the right to establish a reasonable disconnect charge, or require the consumer to pay the excess cost of the installation, where the service is disconnected before the expiration of the contract period.
[Code 1974 § 18-99; Code 1985 § 27-82; Code 2005 § 110-307]
The obligations of the City in the delivery of energy to the consumer are subject to securing and retaining all necessary rights, materials and services. In the event the City is obstructed or delayed by reason of strikes, floods, fires, or any other cause beyond its control, in the construction or extension of its facilities for supplying current to the consumer, the commencement of the supply of current shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of any or all of the causes mentioned in this section.
[Code 1974 § 18-75; Code 1985 § 27-83; Code 2005 § 110-308; Ord. No. 06-20-06-05, § 1(B), 6-20-2006]
Upon execution of the proper application and the making of the required deposit, the consumer will be supplied with service, under the rules, terms, regulations, and conditions set forth in and under the rate schedule applying to the particular service covered by the application. No other primary power source, service or electric light service shall be used by the consumer in connection with or supplementary to, the City's service, either by a transfer switch or parallel circuit or any other connection or device, except by special written contract with the City. Generators for temporary back-up service shall not be considered a second primary power service and shall be permitted as long as the generator cannot be interconnected or linked in any manner to the City's permanent service, is labeled properly, is installed properly by all codes, and is not used to replace the City's permanent power once power is restored. Under none of the City's standard rates is the consumer entitled to use the City's service for emergency, supplementary or standby service.
[Code 1974 § 18-79; Code 1985 § 27-84; Code 2005 § 110-309]
City electric service is for the sole use of the consumer, who shall not sell any of such service to any other person, or permit any other person to use it, without the written consent of the City. This does not apply in cases where the consumer supplies electric service to his tenants, or servants on the same premises to which the application or contract applies.
[Code 1974 § 18-8; Code 1985 § 27-87; Code 2005 § 110-310]
In the event that evidence is found indicating fraudulent use of electricity or tampering with the City's meter or equipment, the City may discontinue service without notice. Though the consumer may be ignorant of such fraudulent use or tampering the City shall not be required to restore service in such cases, until proper restitution is made including payment for any unmetered energy used, damage to the City's property, etc., and until outdoor type meter and rigid or armored conduit assembly shall have been installed by the consumer and until payment to the City of a reconnect charge as established by resolution.
[Code 1974 § 18-76; Code 1985 § 27-88; Code 2005 § 110-311]
Each bill for electric energy used shall be calculated from the registration of a meter, furnished and installed by the City. The registration of each meter shall be considered by itself, except that where more than one meter is installed for the convenience of the City, the sum of the registrations and then only when such meters are in the same premises.
[Code 1974 §§ 18-82, 18-83; Code 1985 § 27-89; Ord. No. 06-20-06-05, § 1(C), 6-20-2006; Code 2005 § 110-312]
All wiring and equipment connected with the City's electric service, owned or controlled by the consumer, shall be suitable for the purpose intended and shall be installed and maintained in accordance with ordinances of the City and the laws of the state. The City reserves the right to refuse to connect its service to any wiring or apparatus if it discovers that the wiring or apparatus does not meet its requirements.
All electrical wiring on the premises of the consumer shall be done at the consumer's expense, and shall terminate at a point outside of the building, ready for the City's service connection. The length of outside overhead service wire extensions beyond the service weatherhead shall not be less than three feet long. For the protection of the consumer, such wiring must be inspected by the electrical inspector before application for service is made.
The City will not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage which may result from defect in wiring or devices on the consumer's premises.
[Code 1974 § 18-92; Code 1985 § 27-90; Code 2005 § 110-313]
The City furnishes only such basic electric meters as are necessary to properly measure the energy delivered to the consumer. Any additional and/or specialized meters must be furnished and installed at the expense of the consumer, which at the option of the City are to become the property of the City.
[Code 1974 §§ 18-85, 18-89, 18-91; Code 1985 § 27-91; Code 2005 § 110-314; Ord. No. 06-20-06-05, § 1(D), 6-20-2006]
The service entrance shall be located at a point on the building most convenient for connection to the City's electric service pole, with due regard for the desirability of avoiding the crossing of adjacent property. Either before or during the construction of the consumer's building, the City will upon request advise the consumer, without charge, as to the proper location of his service entrance. In cases where the service entrance is not located in accordance with the above, the City reserves the right to refuse to install its service wires until such time as the service entrance has been properly located. The proper location shall be determined by the City.
The point of attachment of the City's wires on a building must be of sufficient height to give ground clearance as required by the currently adopted edition of the National Electrical Code, state law and all applicable regulations.
The meter and service entrance shall be located so that the service wires may be served from the City's most convenient service pole. They shall be installed where City service wires will not be obstructed or cross over other buildings or property so as not to create a hazard. Meters must be so placed as to be easily read and shall not be less than five feet, nor more than six feet from ground level.
If the consumer should deem it necessary to change the location of the meter and meter service cabinet box, prior approval of the City must be obtained; in no case shall the consumer allow anyone except an electrical contractor or an authorized agent or employee of the City to change any meter connections or move meters.
Meters must not be located where they will be subject to harmful vibration or exposed to mechanical injury. Meters shall be located where they will be accessible to meter readers and City employees at all times. Meters must not be located on building walls where they are subject to roof or gutter drainage.
Pole meter loops to be mounted on service poles or yard poles shall be furnished by the consumer if so permitted by City.
[Code 1974 § 18-86; Code 1985 § 27-92; Code 2005 § 110-315]
On stucco, tile, brick or stone veneer, or other masonry walls, where it is necessary to install supports for the service span wires of the City, the consumer must install one galvanized bolt for each contemplated service wire, if possible, such bolts should be installed during the construction of the supporting wall; in any case, the bolts should be securely fastened to the supporting wall or framework. The threaded ends of the bolts shall protrude from the outside wall a distance of not more than 1 1/2 inches, nor less than one inch. Bolts shall be five-eighths inch in diameter and shall be spaced approximately eight inches apart and all in the same plane.
[Code 1974 § 18-87; Code 1985 § 27-93; Code 2005 § 110-316; Ord. No. 06-20-06-05, § 1(E), 6-20-2006]
All service installations made by the City will be six AWG or larger wire.
When it is necessary to install one or more additional poles on the consumer's private property or to install additional service brackets on buildings for the support of the service wires between the City's service pole and the consumer's service outlet, such additional equipment shall be installed at the consumer's expense.
If an underground service is required by the consumer, the consumer shall be responsible for the cost of material and installation. The consumer shall consult with the City before planning an underground service installation. In all cases, the City reserves the right to designate the conductor size of the underground cable, City's pole to which the service must be run, the side of the pole on which the cable is to be installed and the height to which the cable must be extended.
The consumer shall consult with the electrical distribution supervisor and inform the electrical inspector before installing any service that requires a load greater than 225 amps. Any metering of loads over 225 amps will require instrument (CT/PT) type metering which will be installed at the consumer's expense.
For all service installations supplied by a single transformer, the maximum number of paralleled conductors per phase shall not exceed a total of eight conductors per phase.
[Code 1974 § 18-88; Code 1985 § 27-94; Code 2005 § 110-317; Ord. No. 06-20-06-05, § 1(F), 6-20-2006]
All service installations with more than one meter supplying power to a building/structure shall have a disconnecting means for each individual service meter. The meter and service switch/disconnect shall be located outside of the building/structure. The maximum number of services to a building shall be determined by reference to the National Electrical Code.
[Code 1974 § 18-84; Code 1985 § 27-95); Code 2005 § 110-318]
The consumer's wiring shall be so arranged that a separate electric meter may be installed for each class of service desired by the consumer. Upon request, the City will advise the consumer in regard to this section.
[Code 1974 § 18-90; Code 1985 § 27-96; Code 2005 § 110-319]
All meters and metering equipment used in measuring the amount of electric energy delivered to the consumer are furnished by the City at its expense, and shall remain the property of the City. The consumer shall, as far as possible, protect the City's equipment from loss or damage. The consumer shall allow no one but properly authorized agents or employees of the City to adjust, tamper with, or remove such equipment.
[Code 1974 § 18-93; Code 1985 § 27-97; Code 2005 § 110-320; Ord. No. 06-20-06-05, § 1(G), 6-20-2006]
All power circuits for motors shall be operated on 120/240 volts single-phase, or three-phase where available, unless otherwise specifically agreed by the City.
All motors in excess of twenty-five horsepower shall be three-phase where service can be obtained from connection to the City electric and may be required to use an approved device for properly limiting the start current (i.e. soft-start devices or variable frequency drives).