After this Charter shall have been adopted by the people of the City of Cushing, and on the third Tuesday after its approval by the Governor of the state, there shall be held in the City of Cushing, Oklahoma, a primary election for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Commissioners of the City of Cushing, as in this Charter elsewhere provided, and on the second Tuesday after the primary election, there shall be held in the City of Cushing a general election for the election of five (5) commissioners, as elsewhere in this Charter provided. Said elections shall be called by the Mayor of the City of Cushing, Oklahoma, and said elections shall be conducted in the same manner, and the returns thereof made in the manner as provided for holding all special primary and general elections under the provisions of this Charter; provided, that in the event this Charter is approved by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma at any time not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed by general laws for holding primary elections in cities of the first class in the State of Oklahoma, for the election of city officers, then and in that event, the first primary election held under this Charter shall be held on the date fixed by general law for holding primary elections in cities of the first class in the State of Oklahoma, and the election of commissioners so nominated shall be held at the next succeeding general municipal election, and in that event, the officers now holding elective offices in the City of Cushing shall hold their offices until the election and qualification of said commissioners, and the first meeting of the first board of commissioners elected hereunder, shall be on the first Monday after their election.