[Added 2-14-2017 by Ord. No. 2-2017[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 3-1-2017.
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them herein unless the context or use clearly connotes a different meaning.
The City of Hometown.
The City Council.
Shows, amusements, theaters, circuses, sporting events, or any other public or private entertainment or amusement.
A supported estimate of the cost of travel, meals, or lodging if such expenses have not been incurred or contracts and receipts for such expense if already incurred; and
A supported explanation of the purpose of the expense incurred in relation to the City of Hometown.
Any expenditure directly incident to official travel by employees and officers of the City or by wards or charges of the City involving reimbursement to travelers or direct payment to private agencies providing transportation or related services.
No officer or employee of the City shall be reimbursed with City funds for any travel, meal or expense incurred unless authorized and in accordance with the provisions herein specified.
The City, upon receipt of an expense reimbursement request form accompanied by any required documentation, may reimburse the travel, meal, and lodging expenses of any officer or employee up to the amounts hereinafter specified:
Type of Expense
Lodging (per night)
Meals (per diem)
Private vehicle (per mile)
Employer-furnished vehicle (per mile)
Private motorcycle (per mile)
Rental car (per diem)
Published coach fare
No officer or employee may be reimbursed for expenses unless they are actually incurred by the officer or employee in relation to, or in the course of, official City business, job or office related training or education, attendance or participation at any event or function as a representative or agent of the City, or such other matters as may be preapproved by the Corporate Authorities.
No officer or employee shall be reimbursed for an entertainment expense unless such expense is ancillary to the purpose of a program or function otherwise qualifying for reimbursement.
No expense reimbursement in excess of the amounts set forth in § 1.123 shall be made to any officer or employee without the approval of the Corporate Authorities by a separate roll call vote.
No expense reimbursement in any amount shall be made to any person holding an elected office without the approval of the Corporate Authorities by a separate roll call vote.