[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6 § A, 7-12-2007]
In order to carry out the purpose and intent of these regulations, the following zoning districts are established:
Agricultural District
Residential — Rural District
Residential — Suburban District
Single-Family Residential District
Two-Family Residential District
Mixed Use Residential
Manufactured Home Park District
Local Business District
General Business District
Light Industrial District
Heavy Industrial District
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6 § B, 7-12-2007]
For purposes of interpretation and administration of these regulations, the following districts shall be equivalent:
Table of Equivalent District Designations, current versus former:
A or R-A
R-A or R-E
R-A or R-E
R-A or R-1
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6 § C, 7-12-2007]
Overlay Districts establish procedures and conditions on land use that overlay additional and special regulations onto an established zoning district or designation, and shall apply to all territory in such a designated Overlay District as set forth in these regulations, and as may be described in the Comprehensive Plan in the examples of the Airport and Wind Energy Overlays. The Overlay retains the procedures and conditions of the underlying zoning designation, and where district regulations or conditions of the Subdivision Regulations may conflict, the stricter shall apply.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6 § D, 7-12-2007; Ord. No. 23-01, 3-8-2023]
Appendix A[1] is provided within these regulations as a table summary of those uses which have been evaluated and generally determined to be subject to conditions within specific district designations. The uses are based upon the Standard Industry Classifications, the issue of 1987 of the Federal Office of Management and Budget. Not all possible uses have been evaluated or are listed, and each zoning action or use will be specifically evaluated by the County as part of the application procedures of the Zoning Order or Subdivision Regulations in order to determine their characteristics and regulatory requirements.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is an attachment to this Chapter.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Code of Ordinances of Cass County, Missouri, to the contrary, no permit, license, variance, or other type of prior approval from the County is required to operate a no-impact, home-based business. For the purposes of this Section, a home-based business qualifies as a no-impact, home-based business if:
The total number of employees and clients on-site at one (1) time does not exceed the occupancy limit for the residential dwelling; and
The activities of the business:
Are limited to the sale of lawful goods and services;
May involve having more than one (1) client on the property at one (1) time;
Do not cause a substantial increase in traffic through the residential area;
Do not violate any parking regulations established by the political subdivision;
Occur inside the residential dwelling or in the yard of the residential dwelling;
Are not visible from the street; and
Do not violate any narrowly tailored regulation established under Subsection (C) of this Section.
The following provisions apply to home-based work:
The term "home-based work" means any lawful occupation performed by a resident within a residential home or accessory structure, which is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes and does not change the residential character of the residential building or adversely affect the character of the surrounding neighborhood.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Code of Ordinances of Cass County, Missouri, to the contrary, nothing with respect to home-based work shall be construed to:
Prohibit mail order or telephone sales for home-based work;
Prohibit service by appointment within the home or accessory structure;
Prohibit or require structural modifications to the home or accessory structure;
Restrict the hours of operation for home-based work; or
Restrict storage or the use of equipment that does not produce effects outside the home or accessory structure.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Code of Ordinances of Cass County, Missouri, to the contrary, no ordinance with respect to home-based work shall be construed to explicitly restrict or prohibit a particular occupation.
[Ord. No. 19-04, 8-15-2019; Ord. No. 23-01, 3-8-2023]
Definitions. The definitions contained in Article XIV, Section 1.2 and Section 2.2 of the Missouri Constitution are incorporated into this Chapter as is fully set forth. Additionally, for purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any public school as defined in Section 160.011, RSMo., or any private school giving instruction in a grade or grades not higher than the 12th grade, including any property owned by the public or private school that is regularly used for extracurricular activities, but does not include any private school in which education is primarily conducted in private homes.
Any elementary or secondary school, day care, or church with a written building permit from the City to be constructed, or under construction, or completed and in use at the time the marijuana facility first applies for either zoning or a building permit, whichever comes first.
The following regulations apply to all medical marijuana facilities, comprehensive marijuana facilities, and microbusinesses, including cultivation facilities, dispensary facilities, infused-products manufacturing facilities, testing facilities, transportation facilities, and wholesale facilities:
No new medical facility or marijuana facility shall be initially sited within one thousand (1,000) feet of any then-existing elementary or secondary school, child day care center, or church. In the case of a freestanding facility, the distance between the facility and the school, day care, or church shall be measured from the external wall of the facility structure closest in proximity to the school, day care, or church to the closest point of the property line of the school, day care, or church. If the school, day care, or church is part of a larger structure, such as an office building or strip mall, the distance shall be measured to the entrance or exit of the school, day care, or church closest in proximity to the facility. In the case of a facility that is part of a larger structure, such as an office building or strip mall, the distance between the facility and the school, day care, or church shall be measured from the property line of the school, day care, or church to the facility's entrance or exit closest in proximity to the school, day care, or church. If the school, day care, or church is part of a larger structure, such as an office building or strip mall, the distance shall be measured to the entrance or exit of the school, day care, or church closest in proximity to the facility. Measurements shall be made along the shortest path between the demarcation points that can be lawfully traveled by foot.
Outdoor Operations Or Storage Prohibited. Unless licensed as an outdoor medical marijuana cultivation facility or a comprehensive marijuana cultivation facility, all such marijuana facilities' operations and all storage of materials, products, or equipment shall be within a fully enclosed building.
On-Site Usage Prohibited. No marijuana may be smoked, ingested, or otherwise consumed on the premises of a medical facility or marijuana facility.
Hours Of Operation. All medical facilities and marijuana facilities shall be closed to the public, no persons not employed by the business shall be on the premises, and no sales or distribution of marijuana shall occur upon the premises or by delivery from the premises between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. Monday through Saturday and 10:00 P.M. and 9:00 A.M. on Sunday.
Residential Dwelling Units Prohibited. No medical facility or marijuana facility shall be located in a building that contains a residence.
Ventilation Required. All medical facilities and marijuana facilities shall install and operate a ventilation system that will prevent any odor of marijuana from leaving the premises of the business facility. No odors shall be detectable by a person with a normal sense of smell outside the boundary of the parcel on which the facility is located.
[Ord. No. 23-01, 3-8-2023]
Purpose. The intent of this Section is to permit temporary housing use in conjunction with the construction of a new permanent residential dwelling or repair of an existing residential dwelling.
Permitted Use. A recreational vehicle may be permitted as temporary living quarters in Zoning Districts "A," "R-R," "R-S," and "R-1."
Use Standards.
Duration shall be for up to one (1) year for the use as temporary living quarters; but shall not be permitted for more than thirty (30) days after the completion of the new permanent residential dwelling or repair of the existing residential dwelling. Should the permit for the new permanent residential dwelling or repair of an existing dwelling exceed the expiration of the permit; a new application for the use as temporary housing shall be submitted and only one (1) extension may be made in conjunction with the dwelling permit extension.
Only one (1) temporary recreational vehicle shall be allowed per associated dwelling permit.
The recreational vehicle may be temporarily connected to public electricity and may connect to public water supply; wastewater shall be connected to either a permitted wastewater treatment system or portable waste tank. If connected to a portable waste tank it shall be drained at a dedicated wastewater disposal site.
If at any time construction or reconstruction of the permanent residential dwelling is stopped, suspended, or abandoned for the period of one hundred eighty (180) days or more the recreational vehicle shall no longer be used as temporary housing.
An application for a temporary housing permit shall be submitted to the Cass County Building Codes Department at the same time as the application for the construction of a new residential dwelling or repair of an existing residential dwelling.
No later than thirty (30) days after the completion of the new permanent residential dwelling or repair of the existing residential dwelling, the recreational vehicle shall be disconnected from all public utilities and shall cease to be used as living quarters.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To preserve and protect land valuable for agriculture and as open space from other, non-agricultural activities and use. This district is not intended for the development of low density residential areas.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Residential uses are permitted within this district with a maximum of two (2) single-family residences permitted on an agricultural tract of land of not less than twenty (20) acres. Additional residences for persons or family members engaged in the agricultural operation may be permitted by Special Use Permit.
[Ord. No. 23-08, 10-4-2023]
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Farm Structures. No restriction, see definitions.
Residences. Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35 feet) at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory buildings other than farm structures. One (1) story with a maximum sidewall height of fourteen (14) feet, provided that a maximum sidewall height of sixteen (16) feet is allowed upon approval of submitted sealed engineered drawings.
[Ord. No. 23-08, 10-4-2023]
Property Line Setbacks.
Front. Shall have a depth of not less than fifty (50) feet from road right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear. Shall be a minimum fifty (50) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. Twenty (20) acres or more.
Minimum lot width shall be four hundred (400) feet at the road frontage or building setback line.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
Density. Residential uses shall be limited to densities established in the Subdivision Regulations. Single-family residences, considered as Farmsteads, when they were constructed as a farm residence on larger parcels, are allowed on lots of five (5) contiguous acres or more when such residences were in existence as of February 1, 2005. Such farmsteads shall be designated as Rural Residential in zoning and shall otherwise meet the standards of the Rural Residential District. Such residences may be exempt from the lot width ratios of R-R Districts.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To allow certain agricultural areas to be developed with low density, single-family residential uses with on-site individual wastewater systems. Such uses shall generally be situated beyond the "Urban Service Tiers" and contained within the "Mixed-Use Tiers" as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Farm Structures. No restriction.
Residences. Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35 feet) at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory Buildings Other Than Farm Structures. One (1) story with a maximum sidewall height of fourteen (14) feet, provided that a maximum sidewall height of sixteen (16) feet is allowed upon approval of submitted sealed engineered drawings.
[Ord. No. 23-08, 10-4-2023]
Property Line Setbacks.
Front. Shall have a depth of not less than fifty (50) feet from street right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot, provided no side setback shall be less than ten (10) feet, and need not be more than twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear. Shall be a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the depth of the lot, but need not be more than fifty (50) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. Three (3) acres.
Minimum lot width shall be two hundred twenty (220) feet at the road frontage or building setback line.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To allow certain areas to be developed with low density, suburban single-family dwellings either on community sewers, or with on-site individual wastewater systems in cases where the relevant City has no near-term plans for municipal sewer system extension. Such uses should be as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Farm Structures. No restriction.
Residences. Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35 feet) at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory Buildings Other Than Farm Structures. One (1) story with a maximum sidewall height of fourteen (14) feet, provided that a maximum sidewall height of sixteen (16) feet is allowed upon approval of submitted sealed engineered drawings.
[Ord. No. 23-08, 10-4-2023]
Property Line Setbacks.
Front. Shall have a depth of not less than fifty (50) feet from street right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot, provided no side setback shall be less than ten (10) feet, and need not be more than twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear. Shall be a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the depth of the lot, but need not be more than fifty (50) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. One (1) acre.
Minimum lot width shall be two hundred (200) feet at the road frontage or building setback line.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. For development of certain low density areas for the placement of single-family dwellings.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Principal Structure. Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory Buildings. One (1) story with a maximum sidewall height of fourteen (14) feet, provided that a maximum sidewall height of sixteen (16) feet is allowed upon approval of submitted sealed engineered drawings.
[Ord. No. 23-08, 10-4-2023]
Property Line Setbacks.
Fronts. Shall have a depth of not less than twenty-five fifty (25) feet from street right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot, provided no side setback shall be less than six (6) feet, and need not be more than fifteen (15) feet.
Rear. Shall be a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the depth of the lot, but need not be more than twenty-five (25) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. Twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet or twenty nine hundredths (0.29) acres.
Minimum lot width shall be one hundred (100) feet at the road frontage or building setback line. For lots fronting on two (2) streets, minimum width shall be one hundred twenty (120) feet.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. For development of certain moderate density areas for the placement of single-family and two-family dwellings.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Principal Structure. Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory Buildings. One (1) story with a maximum sidewall height of fourteen (14) feet, provided that a maximum sidewall height of sixteen (16) feet is allowed upon approval of submitted sealed engineered drawings.
[Ord. No. 23-08, 10-4-2023]
Property Line Setbacks.
Front. Shall have a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet from street right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot, provided no side setback shall be less than six (6) feet, and need not be more than fifteen (15) feet.
Rear. Shall be a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the depth of the lot, but need not be more than twenty-five (25) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. For single-family dwelling parcels, ten thousand (10,000) square feet. For two-family dwelling parcels, five thousand (5,000) square feet for each unit.
Minimum lot width shall be, for single-family dwelling parcels, seventy-five (75) feet. For two-family dwelling parcels, eighty five (85) feet. For lots fronting on two (2) streets, minimum lot widths shall be one hundred five (105) feet.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. For development of certain moderate density areas for the placement of two-family or multi-family dwellings by use of a Mixed Use Overlay.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Principal Structure. Three (3) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory Buildings. One (1) story with a maximum sidewall height of fourteen (14) feet, provided that a maximum sidewall height of sixteen (16) feet is allowed upon approval of submitted sealed engineered drawings.
[Ord. No. 23-08, 10-4-2023]
Property Line Setbacks.
Front. Shall have a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet from street right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot, provided no side setback shall be less than ten (10) feet, and need not be more than twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear. Shall be a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the depth of the lot, but need not be more that fifty (50) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. To be determined for each project under the Mixed Use Overlay process.
Minimum lot width shall be, for single-family dwelling parcels, seventy five (75) feet. For two-family dwelling parcels, eighty five (85) feet. For lots fronting on two (2) streets, minimum lot widths shall be one hundred (100) feet provided all other setbacks are maintained.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To provide residential and limited non-residential uses that are developed under a joint and common planning process in order to be compatible with neighboring use areas. Advanced planning in a joint effort with the County would be used to develop multiple, integrated uses in specific areas within the Urban Service and Mixed Use Tiers as established in the Comprehensive Plan. The underlying zoning designations would remain in place and the Mixed Use standards and project plan would overlay and be added to those requirements.
Permitted Uses. Shall be the same uses as allowed in all residential districts, and C-1, C-2, Commercial uses.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height. See underlying zoning district requirements.
Property Line Setbacks. See underlying zoning district requirements.
Lot Area. See underlying zoning district requirements.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To permit low-density manufactured home uses in a park-like atmosphere where such zones are compatible with adjacent land uses and the general welfare of the residents.
District Regulations. In District M-P, no structure or land shall be used and no structure shall be altered, enlarged, or erected which is arranged, intended, or designed for other than independent Manufactured Homes or Independent Trailer House Coaches and accessory service buildings.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
General Requirements. The manufactured home park shall have private streets and the individual home sites shall be held in the ownership of the park owner or his/her successor. The individual occupants other than the park owner if also a resident cannot purchase and own said tracts.
The tract to be used for a manufactured home park shall be not less than ten (10) acres.
Manufactured home parks hereafter approved shall have a maximum density of eight (8) units per gross acre and a minimum area of four thousand (4,000) square feet per home site, with a minimum width of thirty-five (35) feet.
Manufactured homes shall be so located on each space with no less than a five (5) foot setback from any manufactured home space boundary and a minimum twenty (20) foot clearance between units parked in parallel and fifteen (15) feet for units set perpendicular to another unit. No manufactured home shall be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet from any building within the park or from any property line bounding the park.
All manufactured home sites shall front upon a private roadway. Said roadway shall have unobstructed access to a public street, alley, or highway. The private road shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet in width if parking is allowed on the road or twenty-seven (27) feet in width if parking is prohibited on the road.
Walkways not less than forty-eight (48) inches wide shall be provided from the manufactured homes spaces to adjacent public sidewalks and any service buildings.
All roadways and walkways within the manufactured home park shall be hard-surfaced.
The entry road and interior roadways and walkways within the manufactured home park shall be adequately lighted at night with electric lamps.
A recreation area shall be provided at a central location in the manufactured home park area at the rate of two hundred (200) square feet for each manufactured home space up to five (5) homes, and one hundred (100) square feet per home spaces above two hundred (200) in number.
A solid or opaque, semi-solid fence or wall at least six (6) feet high, but not more than eight (8) feet high, shall be provided around the outer perimeter of the park and area of the home sites.
Said fence or wall shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the boundary of the M-P District, and from the interior line of the ten (10) foot landscape buffer, but shall be so located as to maintain good visibility at private and public road intersections and public walkways.
A ten (10) foot wide landscaped buffer which shall consist of trees, shrubs, evergreens, and grass shall be provided between the manufactured home park district and any adjoining property or property immediately across the public street which is zoned for residential purposes. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner to assure maintenance of the landscaping.
Laundry facilities and other services may be provided in common service buildings, but service buildings may not be used for living quarters.
A manufactured home park shall not be used for other than residential purposes. Manufactured homes may be offered for sale in the manufactured home park only by resident owners.
Skirting. Each manufactured home shall be skirted within thirty (30) days after placement in the park by enclosing the open area under the unit with a material that is compatible with the exterior finish of the manufactured home and is consistent with the quality of development of the park. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner to assure maintenance of the skirting.
Blocking. All manufactured homes shall be installed, blocked and anchored in accordance with the requirements of the State of Missouri and the Building Codes as adopted by the County.
Service Buildings.
Service buildings housing sanitation and laundry facilities, or any such facilities, if provided, shall be permanent structures complying with all applicable Building Codes as adopted by the County.
All service buildings when provided, and the grounds of the park shall be well maintained in a clean condition, and kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupant or the public or constitute a nuisance.
Service buildings and parking related to the service operations shall not occupy more than five percent (5%) of the area of the park and shall be located, designed, and intended to serve frequent trade or service needs of persons residing in the park and shall present no visible evidence of their commercial character from any portion of any residential district outside the park.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To provide commercial locations for small clusters of low volume and convenience retail and service use in and near residential uses. These commercial uses typically occupy small sites with strong connections to arterial streets in areas that are otherwise wholly residential.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Principal Structure. Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory Buildings. One (1) story with a maximum sidewall height of twelve (12) feet.
Signs, when permitted by these regulations shall be accessory structures in this district.
Property Line Setbacks.
Front. Shall have a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet from street right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet when adjacent to residential areas.
Rear. Shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. Shall be forty thousand (40,000) square feet, or ninety-two hundredths (0.92) acres.
Minimum Lot Coverage. Shall be fifty percent (50%).
Minimum Lot Width. Shall be one hundred (100) feet at the road frontage or building setback line.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To provide commercial locations for medium volume, free standing uses which are compatible with adjacent residential neighborhoods and rural areas. Retail uses, services supporting such uses, and services which require some proximity to residential areas as well as to arterial streets and highways are appropriate. Large commercial office or retail center uses are not appropriate for this district unless they are provided under planned Mixed Use Overlay procedures that complement the underlying zoning district.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Restaurants, pharmacies, gift shops, clubs and newsstands, when located in an allowed Use, such as a hotel, motel or office building, shall be an accessory use.
Employee restaurants and cafeterias, when located in an allowed business Use shall be an accessory use.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height.
Principal Structure. Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories from finished grade, not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet at the eave of the uppermost story.
Accessory Buildings. Two (2) story with a maximum sidewall height of thirty-five (35) feet.
Property Line Setbacks.
Front. Shall have a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet from street right-of-way.
When lots have frontage on two (2) roads, a front setback shall be required on both roads.
Side. Shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet when adjacent to residential areas.
Rear. Shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet.
Lot Area.
Minimum Lot Area. Shall be forty thousand (40,000) square feet, or .92 acres.
Maximum Lot Coverage. Shall be fifty percent (50%).
Minimum Lot Width. Shall be one hundred (100) feet at the road frontage or building setback line.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To provide locations for those production, manufacturing, assembly, and related industries in which the finished product is generally produced from materials which require minimal exterior material storage. Uses whose greatest impact on the surrounding uses is the generation of traffic in the movement of goods and personnel are appropriate. Commercial, retail and service uses in this district are generally those which serve the convenience of the industry or its employees.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Employee restaurants and cafeterias, when located in an allowed business Use shall be an accessory use.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height. Seventy-five (75) feet.
Front. Thirty (30) feet minimum.
Side. None, except minimum thirty (30) feet if abutting a residential property.
Rear. Twenty (20) feet. If abutting agricultural or residential property, a minimum of forty (40) feet is required. If the rear property line of a parcel designated as Industrial-1 coincides with the right-of-way of an adjacent rail line, the rear setback for structures may be adjusted to provide for connection to rail loading and unloading uses.
Minimum Lot Area.
Two (2) acre minimum per commercial development.
Five (5) acre minimum per industrial development.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To provide locations for production, manufacturing, assembly, storage and distribution industries and uses which generate traffic, noise, light pollution or waste handling conditions that the County considers as having the potential to create a negative impact on, or require separation from, any nearby residential uses. Commercial, retail or service uses also included in this district are generally those which serve the convenience of these principal industries or their employees.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height. Seventy-five (75) feet.
Front Yards. Minimum thirty (30) feet, except if abutting a residentially used or zoned property, a minimum of seventy (70) feet is required.
Side Yards. None, except minimum thirty (30) feet if abutting a residential property.
Rear Yards. Minimum forty (40) feet. If the rear property line of a parcel designated as Industrial-1 coincides with the right-of-way of an adjacent rail line, the rear setback for structures may be adjusted to provide for connection to rail loading and unloading uses.
Minimum Lot Area.
Two (2) acre minimum per commercial development.
Five (5) acre minimum per industrial development.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 6, 7-12-2007]
Intent. To provide locations for production, manufacturing, assembly, storage and distribution industries and uses which generate traffic, noise, light pollution or waste handling conditions that the County considers as having the potential to create a negative impact on, or require separation from, any nearby residential uses. In addition, such uses that the County considers as having the potential to be harmful to the environment, or which are regulated by Federal or State authorities are uses intended to be included in this district. Commercial, retail or service uses also included in this district are generally those which serve the convenience of these principal industries or their employees.
Permitted Uses. See Appendix A.
Special Use Permits. See Appendix A.
Maximum Height. Seventy-five (75) feet.
Front. Minimum thirty (30) feet. If adjacent to a residential neighborhood where density is equal to or greater than one (1) residence per ten (10) acres the setback shall be determined by a zoning action.
Side. Minimum thirty (30) feet except if adjacent to a residential neighborhood where density is equal to or greater than one (1) residence per ten (10) acres the setback shall be a minimum of one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) lineal feet.
Rear. Same as Side.
Minimum Lot Area.
Parking Requirements. See Article regarding Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
[Ord. No. 23-06, 4-26-2023]
Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The sound pressure level in decibels utilizing the "A" weighted scale defined by ANSI for weighting the frequency spectrum to mimic the human ear.
The intermittent reflection of the sun off the glossy surface of wind turbine blades.
The complete or partial destruction of property resulting from an identifiable event of a sudden, unexpected, or unusual nature.
A group of WECS, contained within the same WECOD, that are geographically adjacent, and each tower is less than one and twenty-five hundredth (1.25) times the minimum spacing distance from at least one (1) other WECS in the group.
The unit of measure used to express the magnitude of sound pressure and sound intensity.
Action by which the wind turbine is designed to limit its power output in high winds by changing the rotor's plane of rotation to a plane that is not perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction.
The distance measured from the ground immediately adjacent to the tower foundation to the center of the rotor hub.
The sum of the hub height and half of the turbines rotor diameter distance, measured at the highest point on the blade tip.
Places which have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places or designated as a National Historic Landmark
Ice build-up that is thrown by the spinning blades.
The enclosure located at the top of a wind turbine tower that houses the gearbox, generator and other equipment.
A line of record bounding a lot of record that divides one (1) lot from another lot, or from a public street, or private street, or any other public space.
A person with experience and training in the pertinent discipline, and who is a qualified expert with expertise appropriate for the relevant subject and has been approved by the County.
A planned and approved event in which the developer replaces older turbines with new turbines or retrofits existing turbines with more efficient components subject to an approved timeline.
The rotating part of a turbine, including the turbine blades. Rotor diameter means the cross-section dimension of the circle swept by the rotating blades.
Alternating changes in light intensity caused by the moving blades of a wind energy system which cast a repeating pattern of shadows on the ground and stationary objects, such as a window of a dwelling.
Frequency-weighted sound exposure for a 24-hour day calculated by adding adjusted sound exposure obtained during the daytime (0700 to 2200 hours) to the adjusted sound exposure obtained during the nighttime (0000 to 0700 and 2200 to 2400 hours) with a penalty of ten (10) dB added as defined by ANSI (American National Standards Institute).
A braking mechanism on wind turbines where the rotor blades are bolted onto the hub at a fixed angle. The rotor blade profile is aerodynamically designed to ensure that the moment the wind speed becomes too high, it creates turbulence on the side of the rotor blade that is not facing the wind. This stall prevents the lifting force of the rotor blade from acting on the rotor.
A wind-driven machine that converts wind energy into electrical power, also known as a wind energy conversion system (WECS).
A design in which the rotor on a wind turbine tower faces into the wind.
A zone within or distance from which a turbine may be perceived as dominating the visual landscape, determined to be a zone surrounding a turbine that is twenty (20) times the total height of the turbine.
The primary braking system, which uses a mechanical brake, pitch-control of the turbine blades, or stall-control to bring the turbine to a stop in such a way that stall-induced vibrations/noise are avoided.
A wind-driven machine that converts wind energy into electrical power for the primary purpose of sale, resale, or off-site use.
A wind-driven machine, less than one hundred seventy-five (175) feet in height, that converts wind energy into electrical power for the primary purpose of on-site use and not for commercial power production.
Intent And Purpose.
The intent of the Wind Energy Conversion Overlay District is to establish an area or areas where Wind Energy Conversion Systems—Commercial (WECS-C) and associated maintenance facilities are allowed by Conditional Use Permit. Interested property owners in the area that is proposed for designation shall instigate the initiative for the designation.
This Section has been adopted for the following purposes:
To assure that the development and production of commercial scale wind-generated electricity in the County assures the health, safety and general welfare of the public;
To promote the safe, effective, and efficient use of commercial wind energy conversion systems (WECS-C);
To minimize the degradation of the visual character of the area;
To minimize impact to environmentally sensitive areas, wildlife, and wildlife habitat;
To facilitate economic opportunities for local residents and the community;
To facilitate the supply of renewable energy in a manner that respects the geographic, social, and environmental context of the County.
Careful consideration as to practicable suitability of an area requesting designation with respect to the existing and reasonably assumable future land uses should factor heavily in the decision of whether or not an area should be designated for WECOD status.
Qualifying Underlying Zoning Districts. A WECOD may be requested in an Agriculture Zoning District.
District Boundary Requirements.
Two (2) Components. Each WECOD shall be composed of two (2) parts, the primary district and the buffer.
Primary District Area Requirements:
The smallest component of a primary district is one-quarter (1/4) section as defined by the Public Land Survey System. Therefore, when any portion of a lot that is included in a WECOD falls within a one-quarter (1/4) section, the entire quarter section shall be included in the WECOD.
A primary district must include a minimum of four (4) contiguous one-quarter (1/4) sections.
Buffer Area Requirements:
The buffer shall extend one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet outward from the perimeter of the primary district.
Procedures For Designating A Wind Energy Conversion Overlay District.
Application. Any petition for application for designation of a WECOD must be submitted to the Zoning Director. The petition for application shall be completed on forms provided by the Zoning Director and shall include information as required by herein (application content, fees, costs).
Determination Of Completeness. An application shall be deemed complete when the Zoning Director determines that all required application materials have been submitted and contain sufficient detail for review. An incomplete application will be returned to the applicant. The Zoning Director shall have up to thirty (30) days to make a determination of completeness.
Application Review Period. The Zoning Director shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from the determination of completeness to review the application materials and provide written comments to the owner. The owner shall have up to one hundred twenty (120) days to address the comments.
Independent Third-Party Review. If the Zoning Director determines that the County does not have the appropriate expertise to review any or all of the required application materials, the County may contract with an independent third party to conduct such reviews. In such cases, the applicant shall be responsible for the cost of the external review.
Notice. When the Zoning Director and applicant agree that the application is ready for public hearing, the Zoning Director shall give notice in a manner consistent with procedures described in this Section. The applicant shall pay all costs of public notice prior to any public hearing regarding the proposal.
Planning Board Recommendation. The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Planning Board shall vote on a recommendation to approve, modify, deny or table the request.
County Commission Recommendation. Upon receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Board and before the adoption of a WECOD, the County Commission shall hold at least one (1) public hearing thereon. The County Commission may approve, deny or remand the proposal back to the Planning Board for modification.
Application Content, Fees, Costs.
No action on the request will be taken until all of the required information has been submitted. Applications for establishing a WECOD shall include the following:
Satisfactory evidence that the applicant is the owner of the property or has written permission of the owner(s) to make such application;
Developer Information:
Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the developer and the developer's contact person for the project;
A statement from the developer providing relevant information regarding an overview of the company, the company's financial condition, the company's environmental management history, and the company's qualifications and experience in WECS-C development. Specific references regarding other WECS-C projects are required;
An identification and description of the expected owner and builder of the proposed project and a complete financial statement for such owner and/or builder including audits or reviews, whichever are applicable, for three (3) years preceding the date of application;
The name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address of the project manager in the event the project is approved and the name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address of any potential buyers of the project.
A Petition For Application On Forms Provided By The Zoning Director. For purposes of calculating the percentages described below, each legal lot will qualify for one (1) signature. The product of all calculations shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. The petition shall contain the following:
The notarized signatures of the owners of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the real property, as identified by legal lot, within the proposed primary district. The following formula shall be used:
Total acreage of primary district x 0.75 = total acreage for which signatures must be obtained.
The notarized signatures of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the owners of real property, as identified by legal lot, within the proposed primary district. The following formula shall be used:
Number of legal lots x 0.67 = number of signatures.
The notarized signatures of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the owners of real property, as identified by legal lot, within the proposed buffer. The following formula shall be used:
Number of legal lots x 0.67 = number of signatures.
A list including the name, address, and parcel number(s) of all property owners within the proposed primary district.
A list including the name, address, and parcel number(s) of all property owners within the proposed buffer.
A list including the name, address, and parcel number(s) of all property owners within one thousand (1,000) feet of the boundary of the proposed overlay district.
Relevant background information on the project, including rationale and need for the project by the landowner and developer, timeframe and project life, phases of development, likely markets for the electricity produced, and the possibilities for future expansion;
A narrative explanation of why the proposed project site was chosen by the applicant over alternative locations for the project in the region and reasons for preferring the proposed site over the alternatives considered by the applicant. The region shall be defined as all Counties adjoining and including Cass County;
The applicant's position regarding the consequences of not approving the project;
An overlay district plan, drawn to a scale where all features are legible, including the following:
A legal description of the proposed overlay district prepared by and bearing the seal of a land surveyor licensed to practice in the State of Missouri;
An aerial image showing the boundary of the proposed overlay district, displaying distinctly both the primary and buffer components of the proposed district. Image shall also distinctly display property boundaries of all legal lots within the proposed district and within one thousand (1,000) feet of the boundary of the proposed district;
The general vicinity of the project location within the County;
Scale and north arrow;
Acreage of the primary district;
Acreage of the buffer;
Location and physical dimensions of existing structures and general location and approximate physical dimensions of proposed structures, including all proposed individual wind turbines. If an exact number or dimensions of wind turbines is not known at the time of application, the site plan shall identify a maximum number and maximum dimensions that will be expected and a range from minimum number expected to the maximum;
Identify potential staging and maintenance areas;
Houses within one thousand (1,000) feet of the overlay district boundary and the approximate distance of such houses from the district boundary;
Any additional houses within one-half (1/2) mile of the district boundary;
Location of existing electrical lines and facilities, including transmission lines;
Approximate location of proposed electrical lines and facilities, including transmission lines and whether underground or overhead;
Existing topography;
Approximate proposed areas to be graded;
Approximate proposed removal of natural vegetation;
Wind characteristics and dominant wind direction;
Proposed setbacks of all proposed structures from the district boundary;
Projected methods of traffic circulation within the proposed district;
Anticipated ingress and egress locations for each proposed turbine location within the proposed district;
Location of all public roads within the proposed district and the location and distance to public roads in all directions surrounding the proposed district boundary;
Approximate location of any major known underground pipelines or other underground utilities;
Approximate location of any major known utility easements;
Location of any delineated 100-year floodplains, stream buffers, sinkholes, wetlands, and other environmentally sensitive areas.
A Visual Impact Assessment Developed By A Qualified Professional. The study shall provide accurate and site-specific visualizations from key observation points and a detailed description of the methods and supporting information. The assessment, shall include, at a minimum, the following:
Virtual simulations which may include 3D visualization models, photographic simulations, and animated visualizations as determined necessary by the Zoning Director;
Viewshed analysis to determine actual visibility and the characteristics of the views within the project area including different seasons, times of day and weather conditions;
Inventory of views to provide the basis for evaluating the extent of visibility. This inventory shall include written description of views, distance from proposed project, duration of view, and characteristics of the view from the following:
All houses located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the district boundary;
All houses within the district whose owners did not sign the petition for application;
Any applicable historic, cultural, or archeological significant sites;
Any applicable public roads;
Any applicable government-designated scenic byways, government-designated scenic overlooks, public parks, conservation areas, or wildlife refuges.
Photographic Simulations of key viewpoints shall be provided as determined necessary by the Zoning Director;
A summary of key findings and proposed mitigation techniques.
An estimated economic Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA) describing the impact of the project on the local and State economy in the following respects:
The amount of property taxes to be generated by the project;
The amount of sales taxes to be generated by the project;
The amount of other applicable taxes to be generated by the project;
Any distinction in the amount of taxes that will be generated and the distribution of the tax revenue if the facility is privately owned or acquired/owned by a public entity or public utility;
The construction dollars to be spent locally;
The number of construction jobs and estimated construction payroll;
The number of permanent jobs and estimated continuing payroll;
The benefit of the electricity generated by the project;
Any projected costs or benefits to tourism in the County;
Other projected economic benefits and costs of the project;
Costs associated with the impact on roads or other County infrastructure in the area and a draft transportation infrastructure plan and mitigation agreement.
An environmental assessment of the potential adverse impacts from the project and any proposed measures to mitigate or lessen the effects of the adverse impacts. The assessment and mitigation plan shall be conducted by a qualified professional, and include, at a minimum, all of the following:
Documentation that the owner/applicant has followed the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Land Based Wind Energy Guidelines and copies of all resulting studies and recommendations;
Impact on wildlife and wildlife habitat on the site and in the proposed WECOD;
Impact on any endangered or threatened species on the site and in the proposed WECOD;
Impact on flora on the site;
A report, bearing the seal of a qualified professional, detailing expected adjusted total day-night sound exposure (Ldn) at the nearest property line;
Any wastes, either municipal solid waste or hazardous waste, generated by the project at any point in its lifespan;
Electromagnetic fields and communications interference generated by the project;
Risk of fire from the project, including threat of lightning strikes;
Impact of the project on civilian and military aviation in the area;
Impact of the project on soil erosion;
Impact of the project on water quality and water supply in the area;
Potential hazards from ice throws and debris throws;
Dust from project activities;
Potential hazards from collapse or damage of turbines or system components in severe storms;
Impact on historic, cultural, or archaeological resources;
Impact of shadow "flicker" on houses from any WECS-C and estimated duration of the shadow flicker (in hours per year);
Potential hazards of "blade glint";
A general discussion of any potential changes to the above assessment items that could be anticipated when considering the cumulative impacts of other wind energy projects in the region. The region shall be defined as all Counties adjoining Cass County and including Cass County. When considering the cumulative impacts, only wind energy projects that are either existing, approved or applied for shall be considered. Speculative projects that are not publicly known are not required to be considered.
A copy of the written notification to the utility of the proposed interconnection;
Information, in as much detail as possible, on the type, size, maximum and minimum height, rotor size, rotor material, color scheme, rated power output, performance, safety, fire suppression systems, and noise characteristics of each proposed wind turbine model, tower and electrical transmission equipment;
A general description of the decommissioning and land reclamation strategy in the event the project is abandoned or upon the end of the useful life of the project. The applicant shall specify the anticipated useful life of the project;
The anticipated volume and designated route for traffic generated during the construction phase, including routes for oversized and heavy equipment, and the proposed method of providing assurances to the public entities responsible for the roads of repairs and on-going maintenance to the roads and bridges needed to support the project;
The anticipated volume and designated route for traffic generated during the utilization of the facilities, including routes for oversized and heavy equipment needed for maintenance and repairs, and the proposed method of providing assurances to the public entities responsible for the roads of repairs and on-going maintenance to the roads and bridges needed to support the project;
The anticipated operation and maintenance requirements (including estimated frequency of maintenance activities) for the turbines and internal transmission lines connecting the individual turbines within the project and the transmission lines connecting the system to the power "grid";
The anticipated location, width and proposed method of acquisition of transmission line easements required, including access requirements to the easements and any associated necessary restrictions on land use, development, and access within said easements;
The anticipated timeline for completing construction of all proposed structures within the proposed WECOD;
A general description of the plan for securing the site and the various structures and facilities from access by unauthorized persons;
A description of the Federal Aviation Administration requirements applicable to the structures and facilities on the site and the proposed methods for meeting those requirements.
Fees. The applicant shall submit an application fee, as established by the County Commission, with the application.
Costs. The applicant shall be responsible for the costs of all required public notice and the preparation of the application materials, including but not limited to all required surveys and property descriptions.
Notice Procedures.
The Zoning Director shall give notice of the application in the following manner:
By regular mail to the owners of all property within the proposed overlay district.
By regular mail to the owners of all property within one thousand (1,000) feet of the boundary of the proposed overlay district.
Publication in a newspaper having general circulation within the County.
Posting in a public area in the County.
Approval Standards. The following guidelines shall be considered by the Planning Board and the County Commission in evaluating the appropriateness of proposed locations for WECS-C and the proposed project components.
Purpose. The purpose of the guidelines is to assist decision-makers in uniformly analyzing the impacts of each proposed WECS-C project and thereby arrival at consistent and balanced decisions.
Natural And Biological Resources.
Biological Conflicts. WECS-C should not be located in areas that have a substantial potential for biological conflicts.
Vast Natural Landscape. WECS-C should avoid large intact areas, at least six hundred forty (640) acres in size, of native vegetation that has not been significantly disturbed by man-made developments such as power lines, gas lines, oil or gas wells, public roads, etc.
Migration Paths. WECS-C should avoid areas that would interfere with important wildlife migratory corridors and staging areas.
Nature Areas. WECS-C should avoid sites that are readily visible from government-designated scenic byways, government-designated scenic overlooks, public parks, conservation areas, and wildlife refuges.
Visual Clutter. To avoid clutter, the visual effects of ancillary structures, roads, and fences on the site should be minimized.
Visual Unity. A WECS-C project should maintain visual unity among clusters of turbines.
Color. To promote visual uniformity, the rotors, nacelles, and towers of all turbines in an array should appear similar and shall be a shade of white in color.
Density. To avoid objectional density each WECS-C must be at least six (6) times its rotor diameter from another WECS-C beginning at the nearest point on the base of each tower.
Power Lines. To avoid visual clutter, intra-project power lines having a voltage of thirty-four thousand five hundred (34,500) volts or less shall be buried unless the applicant can sufficiently demonstrate that burying the lines will violate other governmental or industry-wide guidelines/standards, violate applicable law, or have demonstrated that such lines will be hidden from public view.
Skyline. To avoid cluttering the skyline, transformers and other electric equipment should be hidden from view.
Soil Erosion And Water Quality.
WECS-C shall avoid construction activities on slopes that are steep or susceptible to erosion.
The number of improved private access roads and construction staging areas should be kept to a minimum.
The grading width of private access roads should be minimized. One-lane roadways with lay-bys are recommended.
The number and size of staging areas and crane pad sites should be minimized.
Historical, Cultural, And Archeological Resources.
WECS-C should avoid sites that are less than three thousand seventy (3,070) lineal feet from any places that have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places or designated as a National Historic Landmark.
Transportation Infrastructure Impacts.
All impacts to the transportation network should be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable.
Siting And Performance Standards.
Purpose. The following standards are to be achieved by each WECS-C project without exception. Because they are standards, they are considered to be requirements of any WECS-C project. The final decision on whether or not a particular standard is achieved by a WECS-C project shall be made by the County Commission after considering the recommendations of the Planning Board.
Noise Management.
Measurement, Modeling, And Analysis.
A noise study shall be conducted to demonstrate that the system does not exceed an adjusted total day-night sound exposure (Ldn) of forty-five (45) dBA measured from the property line.
The study shall be conducted by a qualified professional.
Measurement, modeling, and analysis shall conform to the version in effect at the time of the adoption of these regulations of the following: ANSI S12.18, ANSI S12.9-2005, IEC 61400, and ISO 9613.
Sound Level. The noise level caused by the operation of the project shall not exceed fifty (50) dBA during any daytime hours and forty (40) dBA during any nighttime hours, as measured at the nearest property line. The average adjusted total day-night sound exposure shall not exceed forty-five (45) dBA Ldn.
Addressing Complaints. Upon receipt of a complaint regarding noise from an existing WECS-C project by the Zoning Director, which the Zoning Director determines to be reasonable, the project owner shall, within thirty (30) days of notification, be required to provide a noise study conducted by a qualified professional to demonstrate that the system does not exceed the sound levels, as specified herein. If the WECS-C is determined to be out of compliance, it shall be shut down until compliance can be demonstrated.
Low Frequency Noise. To avoid disruptive low frequency noises, WECS-C shall be designed in accordance with good engineering practices including the following characteristics:
At least three (3) blades.
Upwind rotor.
A well-designed braking system.
No furling.
Natural And Biological Resources.
Vegetative Burning Buffers. In areas where grassland burning is practiced, appropriate "buffer" areas shall be used to enable infrastructure to withstand periodic burning of vegetation.
Avian Perches. No perches are permitted on the nacelles of turbines. WECS-C towers shall not use lattice-type construction or other designs that provide perches for avian predators.
Visual Impacts.
Blade Uniformity. To provide visual order to a WECS-C project, all individual turbines shall have the same number of rotor blades. All rotor blades shall spin in the same direction (i.e., clockwise or counterclockwise) in relation to the wind.
Height Uniformity. To promote visual uniformity, all turbines at a similar ground elevation shall have the same height from blade tip to the ground.
Clusters. Distinct groupings or clusters of turbines shall be limited to no more than twelve (12) turbines per cluster. Each cluster must be greater than one and twenty-five hundredths (1.25) times the minimum spacing distance from another cluster.
Locking. In light wind conditions, turbine rotor blades shall not be kept in a locked position except as necessary to meet operational or maintenance requirements.
Outdoor Storage. Except during construction, re-construction or removal, outdoor storage is not permitted provided that this restriction shall not apply to the project's designated operations and maintenance facility as approved by a Conditional Use Permit.
Repair Requirements. If turbines become inoperable for any reason, they shall be repaired within ninety (90) days unless the County Commission approves an extension upon request of the operator and showing of good cause why such extension should be granted.
Internal Components. To avoid cluttering the skyline, inverters and pendant power cables shall be located inside the wind turbine tower, nacelle or structure.
External Telecommunication. No telecommunications dishes, antennas, cellular telephone repeaters or other similar devices shall be attached to wind turbine towers unless mounted inside the tower.
Prohibited Markings. Aircraft obstruction markings of the turbines by use of alternating red and white bands shall be prohibited.
Prohibited Advertising. No billboards, logos, or advertising signs of any kind shall be located on the turbines.
Permitted Height. Height shall be determined by the hub height for each individual turbine. The maximum hub height shall be eighty (80) meters [eighty (80) meters is approximately two hundred sixty-three (263) feet].
Total Height. The overall height is determined by the sum of the hub height and half of the turbine's rotor diameter distance, measured at the highest point on the blade tip.
Soil Erosion And Water Quality.
Minimize Impact. Construction and maintenance shall be done in strict accordance with the erosion and sediment control plan submitted with the building permit so as to minimize soil erosion and damage to native vegetation.
Restoration. If native vegetation is damaged during construction, it shall be restored after construction is complete in areas not occupied by the WECS-C and related facilities and roads.
Property Setbacks. Individual wind turbines shall be set back one thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) feet from all property lines of the single discrete undivided lot of record upon which it is located to the nearest point on base of tower. Lease, easement, or other ownership interest of adjoining discrete lots does not remove the property lines between discrete lots from which the measurements are made.
Road Setbacks. Individual wind turbines shall be set back one thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) feet from all public road rights-of-way to the nearest point on the base of the tower.
Minimum Spacing. Each WECS-C must be at least six (6) times its rotor diameter from another WECS-C beginning at the nearest point on the base of each tower.
Minimum Clearance. Each WECS-C must maintain a minimum clearance of fifteen (15) feet from the ground, immediately adjacent to the tower base, to the rotor tip at its lowest point.
Lighting. Lighting of turbines shall be radar activated and in compliance with current FAA aircraft detection lighting system regulations. Any emergency reserve lighting shall follow "daytime white/nighttime red" standards.
Fire Suppression. All WECS-C shall be equipped with an automatic fire suppression system.
Markings. Individual wind turbine heights and markings shall comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations.
Decommissioning And Reclamation.
Purpose. The purpose of the security requirement is to ensure that adequate funding is available to be used to pay the costs of decommissioning and site reclamation, including removal of individual turbines and other above-ground project improvements subject to permit in the event of abandonment of individual turbines or abandonment of the entire project.
Submittal Of Security. The project owner of a WECS-C shall, at its expense, and not later than thirty (30) days before commencement of project construction, obtain and submit security in favor of the County for approval by the County Commission.
Form Of Security. Such security shall be in the form of a letter of credit, a cash escrow account, a performance bond, or other form of security which is acceptable to the County. Any entity providing security must be authorized to provide such security in the State of Missouri and must be acceptable to the County Commission. The security must contain such provisions, terms or conditions as the County deems to be necessary, including, but not limited to, those set out herein, unless specifically waived, in writing, by the County.
Amount. The security shall be in an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated decommissioning and reclamation costs and shall provide for an annual adjustment of the amount of the security based on the annual rate of inflation. Such amount shall be determined by the County Commission based upon estimates from knowledgeable contractors and such other information or factors that the Commission deems to be relevant.
Maintenance Of Security. The security may not be canceled, released, or in any way terminated without prior written approval from County Commission. The security shall be maintained and continued in force as long as such turbines or other above-ground improvements exist and until all decommissioning and site reclamation has been completed and paid for.
Additional Security — When Required. If the County Commission has any reason to believe that the security is insufficient, it may demand such other security as it deems to be necessary.
Survival Of Sale. The security must be written so as to survive any sale or transfer of the turbines and related project property or the insolvency of the project owner. It shall further apply to all successors and assigns of the project owner.
Individual Turbine. An individual turbine shall be considered to have been abandoned when the turbine is incapable of producing more than twenty percent (20%) of the average amount of electricity produced by such turbine in comparable previous time periods (adjusted for actual wind conditions), as determined by the Zoning Director, for a period of at least six (6) consecutive months and there is no demonstrated viable plan to restore the equipment to operating condition or if determined inoperable.
Entire Project. An entire project shall be considered to have been abandoned when at least fifty percent (50%) of the individual turbines in any WECOD are abandoned or considered to be abandoned, and there is no demonstrated viable plan to restore the equipment to operating condition. Except for any repowering event or casualty event subject to a County-approved schedule of completion not to exceed five (5) years.
Extension. An extension of the six-month time period may be granted by the County Commission upon the presentation of sufficient justification by the project owner.
Excavation. All underground equipment and foundation systems of WECS-C shall be removed to a depth of at least four (4) feet to allow for the cultivation of crops, restoration of pasture, or installation of underground utilities.
Owner Initiated. The owner/operator shall commence reclamation proceedings within ninety (90) days of the date of abandonment of an individual turbine and/or the entire project. Reclamation activities shall be conducted in accordance with the reclamation plan and the standards contained in these regulations.
County Initiated. Upon determining that an individual turbine and/or entire project has been abandoned, the Zoning Director shall notify the owner/operator by certified mail. The notice shall allow ninety (90) days for the commencement of decommissioning. The notice shall also inform the owner/operator of their right to request a hearing before the County Commission.
Abandonment And Reclamation Hearing. Upon request of the owner/operator or expiration of the ninety-day deadline, the Zoning Director shall schedule a hearing with the County Commission and provide the owner/operator notice as to the time and location of the hearing.
Hearing Purpose. The purpose of the hearing is to determine the validity of the determination of abandonment, establish whether the owner/operator intends to reclaim, and whether to authorize the use of security to complete the reclamation of the individual turbine site or the entire project.
Permit Procedures And Requirements.
Permit Holder. All Orders by the County Commission granting a Conditional Use Permit for a WECS-C project shall specify that the Conditional Use Permit is issued to the project owner.
Transfer Of Conditional Use Permit — Approval Required. The holder of the Conditional Use Permit for a WECS-C project may not transfer, assign, or otherwise convey the Conditional Use Permit to another without prior approval of the County Commission. The County Commission shall give such approval upon its finding that the party to which the Conditional Use Permit is to be conveyed will comply with all of the requirements of these regulations and all conditions of the Conditional Use Permit.
Building Permit Issuance. Upon signing of the Conditional Use Permit, the County may issue a building permit for the project following a thirty-day waiting period and prior to the start of construction. The building permit application shall contain all of the following information to be provided by the project owner:
All of the special conditions outlined in the Conditional Use Permit approval;
A site plan, in final detail, that includes all of the information required on the application site plan;
A final grading plan;
A final erosion and sediment control plan;
A final plan for site security;
A final decommissioning and reclamation plan;
Documentation of the establishment of the security for reclamation;
Documentation that the project is in compliance with all of the requirements of the following:
Federal Aviation Administration;
Federal Communications Commission, if applicable;
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, if applicable;
Missouri Department of Conservation, if applicable;
Any other Federal or State agency that has regulations applicable to the project.
The Zoning Director shall issue a separate building permit for the construction of each individual wind turbine structure and each related accessory structure and each structure within a staging area as determined by the Zoning Director.
Procedures For Vacation (Removal) Of The Overlay District.
Removal of a designated WECOD shall be accomplished by the same procedures as followed to establish the overlay district except as provided below.
Failure To Perform. Additionally, the County Commission shall have the authority, after a public hearing, to remove the overlay district if it is determined that no WECS-C have been constructed in the WECOD within a period of ten (10) years from the date of the County Commission Order that established the district.
Abandonment. If an entire project is deemed abandoned, the County Commission shall have the authority, after a public hearing, to remove the overlay district.
Conditional Use Permits — Wind Energy Conversion Systems.
Purposes And General Permit Requirements.
These regulations are intended to regulate the placement and construction of commercial wind energy conversion systems (WECS-C) in order to protect and promote the public health, safety, and welfare, to protect the environment, to promote the efficient use of land and to preserve property values.
No WECS-C as defined herein shall be constructed, erected, maintained or operated except under Conditional Use Permit issued in accordance with these regulations in areas zoned Wind Energy Conversion Overlay District (WECOD).
All Conditional Use Permits for WECS-C shall comply with the procedures and standards of these regulations and the Wind Energy Conversion Overlay District.
These regulations apply to WECS-C facilities and accessory facilities such as staging yards, maintenance yards, maintenance buildings, or laydown yards, in a Wind Energy Conversion Overlay District (WECOD).
Application Standards For A New WECS-C.
Limited Number Of Applications Per Month.
Up to three (3) applications from the same project owner may be submitted per month.
Each application may contain up to two (2) WECS-C that are located less than one and five-tenths (1.5) times the minimum spacing distance from each other.
The Zoning Director may allow groups of up to six (6) WECS-C to be included in one (1) application if:
All towers are in a single cluster;
Each tower within the group is less than one and twenty-five-hundredths (1.25) times its minimum spacing distance from at least one (1) other tower in the group.
Project Owner Information.
Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the project owner and the project owner's contact person for the project;
A statement from the project owner providing relevant information regarding an overview of the company, the company's financial condition, the company's environmental management history and the company's qualifications and experience in WECS-C development. Specific references regarding other WECS-C projects are required;
A description of the entity identified as the project owner and builder of the proposed project and a complete financial statement for such entity including audits or reviews, whichever are applicable, for three (3) years preceding the date of application;
The name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the manager of the project in the event the project is approved and the name, address and phone numbers of any proposed buyers of the project.
Site Plan.
A site plan drawn in sufficient detail to clearly describe the following:
General vicinity of the project location within the County;
Scale and north arrow;
Acreage of the site;
Physical dimensions of the property and the physical location of the project boundary including the property lines of the discrete lot;
Any previous survey work of record within the project boundary and any deed work showing consolidations of separate lots into the single proposed lot upon which the project is proposed;
Location and physical dimensions of existing structures and location and physical dimensions of proposed structures, including the proposed wind turbines and accessory structures;
Houses within one thousand (1,000) feet of the parcel boundary and the approximate distance of such houses from the proposed tower, and any additional houses within one-half (1/2) mile of the proposed tower;
Location of existing electrical lines and facilities, including transmission lines and whether overhead or underground;
Approximate location of proposed electrical lines and facilities, including transmission lines and whether overhead or underground;
Existing topography;
Proposed grading and removal of natural vegetation;
Wind characteristics and dominant wind direction;
Proposed setbacks of all proposed structures from the project boundary;
Anticipated ingress and egress locations and projected methods of circulation on the project property;
Location of and distance to public roads in all four (4) directions surrounding the project perimeter;
Approximate location of any major known underground pipelines or other underground utilities;
Approximate location of any major known utility easements;
Location of any delineated 100-year floodplains, stream buffers, sinkholes, wetlands, and other environmentally sensitive areas;
Approximate area/size of land disturbance.
A summary of the economic Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA) that was submitted and reviewed as part of the approval process for the WECOD in which the proposed WECS-C is located and:
A description of how the proposed WECS-C relates to the CBA;
A description of any mitigation measures identified in the CBA.
A summary of the environmental assessment of the potential adverse impacts from the project that was submitted and reviewed as part of the approval process for the WECOD in which the proposed WECS-C is located as well as:
A description of how the proposed WECS-C relates to the assessment;
Identification of any proposed measures to mitigate or lessen the effects of the adverse impacts that relate to the construction and operation of the proposed WECS-C.
A copy of written notification to the utility company(s) of the proposed interconnection with their corresponding service(s).
Detailed information on the type, size, height, rotor size, rotor material, color scheme, rated power output, performance, safety and noise characteristics of the proposed wind turbine model, tower and electrical transmission equipment.
A decommissioning and land reclamation plan to be implemented in the event the project is abandoned or upon the end of the useful life of the project. The plan shall include a statement specifying the anticipated useful life of the project.
A summary of the Transportation and Infrastructure Mitigation Plan developed during the approval process for the WECOD in which the proposed WECS-C is located in addition to:
A description of how the proposed WECS-C relates to that plan.
The mitigation measures that are to be implemented and a schedule of when such measures are to be completed.
If applicable, the Missouri Department of Transportation approval of the plan for the site-specific project.
If applicable, any local municipalities approval of the plan for the site-specific project.
A plan for the physical security of the site and the structure(s) authorized by the Conditional Use Permit.
A Federal Aviation Administration Determination of No Hazard (if required), or a written statement from FAA that the tower is exempt from such requirements.
The project owner has demonstrated compliance with United States Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines and compliance with all recommendations resulting there from.
Approval Standards For A New WECS-C.
It is the responsibility of the project owner to provide sufficient information and documentation to allow approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP).
Before authorizing the issuance of a CUP for a WECS-C, the County Commission shall satisfy itself that the following approval standards are met:
The project owner has addressed mitigation as identified in the economic Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA) that was submitted and reviewed as part of the approval process for the WECOD in which the proposed WECS-C is located;
The project owner has addressed measures to mitigate or lessen the effects of the adverse environmental impacts that relate to the construction and operation of the proposed WECS-C as identified in the environmental assessment of the potential adverse impacts that was submitted and reviewed as part of the approval process for the WECOD is which the proposed WECS-C is located;
The project owner has notified applicable utilities of the proposed interconnection;
The type, size, height, rotor size, rotor material, color scheme, and noise characteristics of the proposed wind turbine model and tower are similar to all other towers in the same WECOD;
A satisfactory Decommissioning and Land Reclamation Plan has been submitted including procedures to address project abandonment or upon the end of the useful life of the project;
The project owner has negotiated a draft agreement with the County Commission to mitigate traffic and road related impacts as identified in the Transportation and Infrastructure Mitigation Plan;
Adequate measures are proposed to protect the physical security of the site and the structure(s) authorized by the Conditional Use Permit;
The project owner has submitted a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Determination of No Hazard (if required), or a written statement from FAA that the tower is exempt from such requirements;
The project owner has demonstrated compliance with United States Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines and compliance with all recommendations resulting therefrom;
The proposed WECS-C complies with all requirements and standards of the Wind Energy Conversion Overlay District;
The County Commission may use testimony and evidence, presented in the public hearings to establish the WECOD or to impose additional conditions on the CUP.
Standard Conditions.
The following conditions shall be attached to each Conditional Use Permit granted under this Section, unless the County Commission specifically omits one (1) or more.
Prior to construction of any structure authorized by this permit, the owner shall enter into a transportation and infrastructure mitigation agreement approved by the County Commission.
Any alteration to any lot line, as it existed at the time of application submittal, that results in a conflict with any adopted standard or condition of approval, shall be cause for revocation of the permit.
The owner shall submit an annual report detailing monthly power generation for each WECS-C for the previous twelve (12) months. The annual reporting period shall commence on the date the Conditional Use Permit is issued. Reports are due within sixty (60) days of the end of each annual reporting period.
The owner shall continue to comply with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines.
Any division of land, regardless of the acreage involved, on which a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a WECS-C has been issued is subject to review by the Zoning Director. The Zoning Director's review is to ensure that the proposed division is compatible with the requirements of the CUP.
If proposed division is not compatible with the requirements of the CUP, it is prohibited.
The owner shall record, in the land records of the Cass County Recorder of Deeds, a Notice of Land Division Review (NLDR). The NLDR shall be on forms provided by the Zoning Director and shall clearly state the requirements of this condition.
All WECS-C shall be equipped with an automatic fire suppression system that meets the applicable NFPA standard or is otherwise approved by the fire district with jurisdiction.
Wind Energy Conversion System, Small (WECS-S).
A special use permit is required in accordance with the processes applicable to Section 400.660. The tower unit must be set back from the nearest property line a distance equal to the tower height plus fifty (50) feet, and may be no nearer than six hundred (600) feet from the nearest adjacent residential dwelling.