[Added 11-21-2016 by L.L.
No. 7-2016]
[Amended 9-14-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987]
By authority of the resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees
on the 17th day of July 1963, pursuant to the provisions of § 7-718
of the Village Law, the Planning Board of the Village of Larchmont
has the power and authority to approve or disapprove plats for subdivisions
as provided in Article 12-A of the General Municipal Law. In pursuance
of this authority, the Planning Board hereby promulgates the following
requirements relating to the submission and consideration of subdivision
A. It is declared to be the policy of the Village Planning Board to
consider land subdivisions as part of a plan for the orderly, efficient
and economical development of the village. Land to be subdivided shall
be of such character that it can be used safely for building purposes
without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace.
Proper provision shall be made by the developer for drainage, water,
sewerage and other needed improvements as required by the Village
Engineer. The proposed streets shall compose a convenient system conforming
to the Official Map, or Zoning Map if there is no such Official Map, and shall be properly
related to the proposals shown on the Master Plan if and when such
a plan is adopted by the Village Board. Streets shall be of such width,
grade and location as shall be required by the Village Engineer to
accommodate the prospective traffic, to afford adequate light and
air and to facilitate fire protection. When required by the Planning
Board, park areas of suitable location, size and character for playgrounds
or other recreational purposes shall be provided for on the subdivision
B. Should any provision of these regulations conflict or be inconsistent
with any provision of the Village Law, such provision of the Village
Law shall govern. However, should any provision of these regulations
conflict with any regulation, ordinance or local law of the village,
then these regulations shall govern. In order that land may be subdivided
in accordance with this policy, these regulations are hereby adopted.
For the purpose of these regulations, certain words used herein
are defined as follows:
A map of the subdivision, which shall show the subdivision
lot outlines and which shall give particular attention to the details,
limits and types of all proposed construction of pavements, curbs,
sewers, drains, water and other appurtenances.
A print of and identical with the proposed final plat submitted
for the approval of the Planning Board. On approval, it is filed with
the Village Clerk for future reference in determination as to whether
requirements of the Planning Board, with respect to the subdivision
shown thereon, have been complied with.
A comprehensive plan adopted by the Village Board of Trustees
pursuant to § 7-722 of the Village Law, which may or shall
indicate the general location recommended for the various functional
classes of public works, places and structures and for the general
physical development of the Village of Larchmont, and includes any
unit or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendment to
such plan or parts thereof. Wherever reference is made hereinafter
to the "Master Plan," such reference shall apply only if such Master
Plan has been adopted by the Village Board of Trustees.
[Amended 9-14-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987]
The map of the Village of Larchmont adopted by the Village
Board or additions resulting from the approval of subdivision plats
by the Planning Board and the subsequent filing of such approved plats.
If no Official Map shall be adopted, the Zoning Map of the village
shall be considered the Official Map for purposes thereof.
The final map, drawing or chart on which the subdivider's
plan of subdivision is presented to the Planning Board for approval,
in ink on tracing cloth, which will be submitted to the County Clerk
for recording.
The preliminary drawings indicating the proposed layout of
the subdivision to be submitted to the Planning Board for its consideration
as a declaration of intent.
Such specifications relating to street and sanitary improvements
as may be required by the Village Engineer or Planning Board.
The division of any parcel of land, in accordance with the
applicable zoning, for the purpose of immediate or future sale or
building development into two or more plots, lots, or sites.
[Amended 8-3-1964; 7-5-1967; 11-21-2016 by L.L. No. 15-2016]
The duly designated Engineer of the Village of Larchmont,
or any licensed professional engineer employed by the Village Board
and directed by said Village Board to provide services for the Planning
The map which forms a part of the Zoning Ordinance adopted
and/or amended by the Village Board of Trustees.
Whenever any subdivision of land, as hereinbefore defined, is proposed to be made either as a new subdivision or where plats already filed in the office of the Clerk of Westchester County are entirely or partially undeveloped, before any permit for the erection of a structure shall be granted, the subdividing owner thereof or his/her agent shall apply in writing to said Planning Board for approval of such subdivision. For such subdivision he/she should first file with the Planning Board a preliminary layout and, subsequently, a final layout and a formal plat as hereinafter specified in §§
381-69-H through
381-69-R of this chapter, the intent being that the Planning Board be afforded a review of any previously filed subdivisions that have not been fully developed.
[Amended 9-14-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987]
The preliminary layout, final layout, street profiles, parks,
playgrounds or other recreational areas and the formal subdivision
plat and all procedures relating thereto shall in all respects be
in full compliance with the provisions of §§ 7-728,
7-730, 7-732, 7-734 and 7-736 of the Village Law, with any other provisions
of law applicable thereto and with these requirements, except where
variation from these requirements may be specifically authorized by
the Planning Board. Five copies each of the preliminary layout, designated
as such, at a scale of 50 or fewer feet to the inch and indicating
existing contours, waterways or any rock outcroppings and other pertinent
topographic features as further specified or required by the Village
Engineer shall be filed with the Planning Board. The Planning Board
will then study the preliminary layout in connection with the topography
of the area, the existing requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, the
Master Plan, if any, and the Official Map or Zoning Map and will take
into consideration the general requirements of the community, the
character of the neighborhood and the best use of the land to be subdivided.
Particular attention will be given to matters enumerated in the sections
of the Village Law referred to above, as well as to specific requirements
for parks, playgrounds, school sites, boulevards and main thoroughfares,
the adequacy of street connections and the suitability of the land
for development.
After arriving at tentative conclusions, the Planning Board
will discuss the preliminary layout with the subdivider or his/her
agents at a regular meeting or a special meeting duly convened of
said Board. After such discussion, the Planning Board will communicate
in writing to the subdivider:
A. All specific changes which it believes desirable in the preliminary
B. The character and extent of the required improvements for which waivers
may have been requested and which, in its opinion, may be waived without
jeopardy to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
A. The subdivider, following receipt of this communication with respect to the preliminary layout and the changes, if any, to be made therein, shall, within six months thereafter, make a submission to the Planning Board satisfactory to the Village Engineer, which shall consist of five copies of the final layout of the subdivision plat, accompanied by two separate sets of prints showing the completed detailed construction drawings, including but not limited to street profiles, construction details, etc., in accordance with the provisions of §§
381-69-H through
381-69-R of this chapter. Before the Planning Board accepts submission of the final layout, including the construction drawings, and prior to setting the date for the public hearing, it shall obtain from the Village Engineer or other duly designated official a certificate stating that the street or streets and any improvements already constructed by the subdivider or improvements to be constructed in accordance with the construction drawings, as approved, are satisfactory to him/her.
[Amended 11-21-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
B. If the certification is with respect to improvements already made,
said official shall certify as to such parts of said improvements
that are satisfactory as of the date of his/her certificate. Before
the Planning Board accepts submission of the final layout of the subdivision
plat, the subdivider shall obtain the approval of any governmental
agency having jurisdiction in the premises. Upon receipt of all such
certifications and approvals in writing and in satisfactory form,
the Planning Board shall accept submission of such final layout and
shall set a date, within 30 days of such submission, to hold a public
hearing as required pursuant to § 7-728 of the Village Law.
The Planning Board will then, within 45 days from and after the date
of the final submission above provided, approve, modify or disapprove
such final layout and the construction drawings by endorsement thereon,
and, upon approval, the subdivider shall submit to the Planning Board
the original tracings, in ink on cloth, of the final plat and the
detailed construction drawings. These tracings shall then be turned
over to the Village Engineer for safekeeping. If the Planning Board
requires any modifications of the subdivision plat or the construction
drawings at the public hearing, the subdivider shall be required to
make such changes to the final plat and construction drawings as submitted
and resubmit new prints with the tracings to the Planning Board at
the next meeting, with the approval of the Village Engineer, and final
action by the Planning Board will not be taken prior to the further
meeting at which these plans are submitted.
[Amended 9-14-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987]
C. If and when the Planning Board approves the final layout of the subdivision
plat or the construction drawings, the resolution adopted by the Planning
Board shall be deemed to require that the subdivider complete all
improvements in accordance with the plans and construction drawings
as provided in § 7-730 of the Village Law and with the provisions
of these regulations in all respects, except so far as they are specially
waived by the Planning Board, or, alternatively, to file with the
Planning Board a performance bond for a term not to exceed three years,
which in all respects shall comply with § 7-730 of the Village
Law and which shall be approved by the Village Board, as provided
in said § 7-730 of the Village Law. Except where the subdivider
indicates by notation on the plat that streets, highways or parks
are not offered for dedication to the public, the subdivider shall
also, by the terms of said resolution, be required to tender offers
for deeds of cession, in form satisfactory to the Village Attorney,
of all lands included in the beds of streets and highways and for
easements or parks as required by the Planning Board, and a note or
endorsement shall be placed upon the plan or plat reading as follows:
"Approval of this plat by the Planning Board does not constitute an
acceptance by the village of the dedication of any street, highway,
park or other public open space, but such acceptance shall become
effective only upon the adoption of a resolution by the Village Board.
[Amended 9-14-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987]
The subdivider shall observe the following general requirements
and principles of land subdivision:
A. In general, the proposed subdivision shall conform to the Official
Map or Zoning Map and Master Plan, if there is one.
B. The arrangement of streets in the subdivision shall provide, where
practicable, for the continuation of principal streets in adjoining
subdivisions, and such continuations shall be of a width at least
as great as that of such existing connecting streets. Every subdivision
shall preferably have two connections to existing highways, one of
which may be through the streets of an adjoining subdivision. Where
the proposed subdivision abuts a state or county highway or a heavily
traveled street, the Board may prohibit direct vehicular access to
the highway from abutting lots.
C. In general, main highways and secondary highways shall not be less
than the width shown on the Official Map or as designated by the Planning
Board. Parkways and boulevards shall be such width as may be designated
by the Planning Board. As a general rule, the width of local streets
shall not be less than 50 feet. No street less than 33 feet in width
shall be accepted by dedication, except by unanimous vote of the Board
of Trustees.
D. Dead-end or cul-de-sac streets shall not, in general, exceed 400
feet in length, shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and shall be
equipped with a turnaround roadway with a minimum radius of 45 feet
to the curb at the closed end.
E. Except where a block abuts a main thoroughfare, in general each block
shall be planned to provide two rows of lots, but irregularly shaped
blocks indented by cul-de-sac streets may be considered to be acceptable
when designed in a manner acceptable to the Planning Board.
F. Property line radii at street intersections shall be not less than
25 feet, and future curblines shall be generally concentric therewith.
Side lines of lots, so far as practicable, shall be at right angles
or radial to street lines.
G. Corner lots shall be increased in size to comply with front yard
requirements on both streets, and consideration to future back and
side yards shall also be given.
H. Grades of all streets shall be the reasonable minimum but shall not
be less than 1% nor more than 6% for main and secondary highways nor
more than 10% for local streets. All changes in grade shall be done
by means of a vertical curve.
I. Paved rear service streets of not less than 20 feet in width or,
in lieu thereof, adequate off-street loading space, suitably surfaced,
shall be provided in connection with all lots designed for commercial
J. In front of areas designated and zoned for commercial use, or where
the proposed subdivision requires and the subdivider proposes to file
a petition for a change in zoning to permit such use, the street width
shall be increased by such amount on each side as may be deemed necessary
by the Planning Board and to assure the free flow of through traffic
without interference by parked or parking vehicles and to provide
adequate and safe parking space for such commercial or business district.
K. In general, street lines within a block, deflecting from each other
to any extent whatever, shall be connected with a curve, the radius
of which for the inner street lines shall be not less than 370 feet
on main highways, 275 feet on secondary highways and 125 feet on local
streets. The outer street line in each case shall be parallel to such
inner street line, and future curblines shall be generally concentric
L. In any subdivision the Planning Commission may require recreation,
park or play areas for public use of up to 10% of the gross area of
the subdivision.
[Amended 7-5-1967]
M. Variations of the general requirements above outlined may be permitted
or required by the Planning Board, on application to the Planning
Board, when, in its judgment, special factors warrant such a variation.
N. All applicable provisions of Article 7 of the Village Law of the
State of New York and of § 239-k of the General Municipal
Law shall apply to the proceedings of the Planning Board.
[Amended 9-14-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987]
O. Electric and telephone wires.
[Added 7-5-1967]
Electric and telephone wires shall be installed underground,
except that the Planning Commission may waive this requirement at
the request of the applicant in cases where the Commission shall determine
that the installation of underground service will result in practical
difficulty or hardship. In making such determination, the Commission
shall take into account the following:
The size and nature of the subdivision.
Unusual topographic or other natural conditions.
The type of service existing in the area adjacent to the subdivision
at the time of application for waiver.
The Planning Commission may grant a full or partial waiver of
this requirement and, in approving such waiver, may require the installation
of electric and telephone wires on poles or may require a combination
of underground and overhead service.
P. If any subdividing owner, purchaser or any other person intends to
erect a building or structure on one or more lots, plots or sites
in any subdivision submitted for approval, or which have ever been
the subject of subdivision approval, the Planning Commission may require
that such person submit to the Board of Architectural Review for its
approval, pursuant to Local Law No. 2, plans of all types of buildings proposed to be erected
on all lots, plots or sites in such subdivision and the location thereof.
[Added 7-5-1967]
Q. Standards for Street Design.
R. The provisions of §
381-68-N of the Site Plan Article of this Code shall apply as well to subdivisions and subdivision applications. In each case where §
381-68-N uses the words "site plan," these words, for purposes of this §
381-69-H, Subsection R, shall be deemed to read "subdivision." Where §
381-69-N uses the phrase "this §
381-69-N," it shall be deemed for the purposes hereof to read "this §
381-69-H, Subsection R."
[Added 11-21-2016 by L.L.
No. 10-2016]
S. Lot arrangement and dimensions.
[Added 11-21-2016 by L.L.
No. 15-2016]
The lot arrangement shall be such that there will be no foreseeable
difficulties, for reasons of topography or other conditions, in securing
building permits to build on all lots in compliance with applicable
laws and regulations, and in providing driveway access to buildings
on such lots from an approved street.
Lot dimensions shall comply with the applicable district's dimensional
requirements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Board may
require lots of larger size than such dimensional requirements where
it finds that due to topographic or subsoil features, such are required
for proper drainage, water supply, waste disposal, or other environmental
T. Land of such a character that it cannot be used without danger to
health or peril from fire, flood, or other menace, shall not be subdivided
for residential purposes, nor for any other permitted use that might
increase danger to the health, safety, or welfare of any person or
property, or aggregate a flood hazard. Such land may be set aside
for such uses as shall not involve such danger.
The preliminary layout shall be a pencil tracing at a scale
of 50 or fewer feet to the inch. This preliminary layout is in the
nature of a declaration of intent and is for the purpose of permitting
the Planning Board to pass upon the general character of the proposed
subdivision, so as to expedite the approval of the final layout and
plat by the Planning Board and the Village Engineer. The preliminary
layout shall provide the following information:
A. The proposed subdivision name or identifying title.
B. The name and address of record owner (if corporate, the name and
address of the principals).
C. The date, true North point, scale and tentative new street names.
D. The map of the tract showing boundaries, agreeing with a certified
E. Natural features of importance, such as watercourses, swamps and
F. The location and names of existing streets and highways, easements
or other public properties or rights.
G. The topographic survey showing existing contour lines and waterways
at sufficient intervals to establish the character of the terrain.
H. A scaled plat showing proposed street locations, limits of work,
approximate proposed lot dimensions and approximate areas of the lots.
I. A dimensional typical section indicating proposed pavement and sidewalk
areas and curbing treatments.
J. The location of existing and proposed sewers, drains and water mains.
K. If the submission covers only a portion of the tract, a light dashed
line sketch of the prospective future streets for the balance of the
tract shall be shown on the same drawing.
L. The location of the property with respect to surrounding property
and streets; also the names of all adjoining property owners of record
or the names of adjoining developments.
M. The widths of pavement and sidewalks of adjoining streets.
N. An area map at a scale of one inch equals 400 feet as an insert on
the same drawing showing all streets and property within 1,000 feet
of the applicant's property. All property held by the applicant (in
whole or in part, individually or corporately) in the area should
be identified.
O. The approximate location and dimensions of all property proposed
to be set aside for playground or park use.
P. Zoning districts and boundaries thereof applicable to the subdivision,
also such provisions of the corresponding section of the Zoning Regulations
as the Planning Board may require to be noted on the plan.
The final layout and plat shall be a map, in ink on tracing
cloth, to a scale as required by the Planning Board, properly prepared
and certified and showing the following:
A-F. Items A through F inclusive, as listed under §
381-69-I, shall also apply to the final layout and plat.
[Amended 11-21-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
G. Lots, numbered and in substantial agreement with §
381-69-I, with final bearing, distances and curve data and also showing proposed permanent monument locations and monument tie lines such as are necessary to permit re-establishment of lot corners within the subdivision. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of a foot. Permanent monuments, not iron pipes, shall be set at all block corners and at intervals of approximately 500 feet or such other distance or at change of bearing lines as the Planning Board may determine to be appropriate.
H. Streets, showing the width of the right-of-way and referenced by
notation to construction drawings which will show widths of proposed
pavement; location of sidewalks; typical sections with details of
pavements, curbs, sewers, drains and other data pertinent to the proposed
I. A note providing for County Health Department approval and the approval
of any governmental agency having jurisdiction in the premises.
J. The county block and sheet number applicable to the subdivision.
K. A note stating that existing contours and waterways are indicated
on the detailed construction drawings.
L. Necessary title boxes, notation providing for Planning Board approval,
a statement of dedication of all streets within the subdivision and
delineation of limits of said streets, provision for Village Engineer's
approval, subject to satisfactory compliance with the construction
drawings, and such other references or notes as the Board may require.
If the intention is that streets shall remain as private streets,
a notation as follows shall be added to the final plat: "No offer
of dedication of streets, highways or parks, if any, shown on this
map is made to the public."
A final layout of the entire tract, in ink on tracing cloth,
accompanied by necessary specifications shall be submitted to the
Village Engineer. The detailed construction drawings shall be at the
same scale as the final layout and plat and shall provide the following
A-F. Items A through F inclusive, as listed under §
381-69-I, shall also apply to the detailed construction drawings.
G. The width, location, horizontal geometries and limits
of paving of all streets, parking areas or other public ways proposed
by the developer and the locations and limits of all proposed sidewalks,
if any.
H. Existing contours, at an interval suitable to the Village Engineer,
shown tied into a top cut line, based on the profiles and cross sections
of the proposed streets, the flow lines and top of bank lines of streams
that are to remain; also, general locations of necessary swales with
several spot elevations indicated so as to establish the fact that
adjacent lands are saved harmless from any flooding that might otherwise
be induced by filling and grading of the lots of the subdivision.
I. Typical cross sections of roadways and sidewalks, showing curbs,
gutters, depth and character or the surface and of the subbase, conforming
to the current standard details and requirements of the Village Engineer.
J. The location and size of all new water mains and connections to existing
mains and the location of fire hydrants. If alternative means of supplying
water are provided under the Public Health Law, the method and evidence
of approval by the County Commission of Health shall be submitted.
K. The location and size of all new sanitary sewers and connections
to existing sewers, the location of manholes and the type of construction
and location and detail of cradles or other supports where required
by field conditions or rulings of the Village Engineer or Planning
Board. Laterals for each lot shall be carried to the property line,
unless this requirement is specifically waived by the Planning Board
and a note on the final plat states that connections to the main sewer,
along with necessary pavement repair, must be made by the individual
lot owners. If alternative means of sewering and treatment are to
be provided under the Public Health Law, details and evidence of approval
by the County Commissioner of Health shall be submitted and the final
plat shall be noted to this effect.
L. The method of collecting and discharging stormwater; details of catch
basins, culverts, storm sewers, etc., conforming to the requirements
of the Village Engineer.
M. Any water mains, sanitary sewers or other public facilities to be
carried over or under private property shall be in permanent easements,
not less than 10 feet in width, having satisfactory access to a public
highway or other public open space. Details of such easements and
evidence of their existence shall be provided.
N. Profiles showing existing and proposed elevations along the center
lines of all streets to the same horizontal scale as the plan, but
with an enlarged vertical scale. Where a proposed street intersects
an existing street or streets, the elevation along the center line
of the existing street or streets, within 100 feet of the intersection,
shall be shown. All elevations must be referred to established United
States government or approved local bench marks, where they exist
within 1/2 mile of the boundary of the subdivision.
O. The Village Engineer may require supplementary existing ground profiles,
plotted on the proposed profile at locations where steep slopes exist,
showing present existing elevations on either or both sides of the
street at fifty-foot intervals parallel to the center line. These
supplementary existing profiles are developed by measuring existing
elevations at approximately five points on a line at right angles
to the center line of the street. Said elevation points shall be at
the center line of the street, each property line and points approximately
25 feet inside each property line. Cross sections plotted up on tracing
paper may also be required in certain areas as directed by the Village
P. Necessary roadway details of street pavements, including curbs and
gutters, sidewalks, granite monuments with covers, manholes and catch
basins; the location of proposed street trees, if any; streetlighting
standards or all utility poles showing which will carry streetlights
or street signs; the location, size and invert elevations of existing
and proposed sanitary sewers, stormwater drains and fire hydrants,
and the exact location and size of all water, gas or other existing
or proposed underground utilities or structures. Utilities governed
by fixed elevations, such as sewers and drains, shall be shown on
profiles with notation showing waterline clearances at crossings.
Q. In the cases of large subdivisions that are to be improved by sections,
each section shall be clearly defined on a final plat and construction
plan and a profile by dimensions and notes so that applicable bond
coverage ties in with the final plat.
After completion of the construction work, a marked-up print
of the construction drawings, made by a licensed professional engineer,
showing adjustments or alterations to final construction drawings
shall be submitted, showing all approved changes and final locations
of all street line utilities, including all sanitary sewer spur locations.
This print shall be known as the "as-built drawing." When this print
is approved by the Village Engineer, the tracings for the construction
drawings shall be brought up-to-date in ink by the same licensed professional
engineer engaged by the subdivider, and the tracing shall be certified
by that engineer or other duly qualified professional engineer suitable
to the Planning Board.
Where the subdivider intends to dedicate to the village title to the land in the bed of street, title to the land in the bed of streets shown on the final layout and plat shall be retained by the subdivider, and, when selling individual lots of the subdivision, the subdivider shall reserve title to the fee of the streets for the purposes of dedication to the village. Except that where the subdivider intends to retain the streets or other areas as private streets, parks, etc., as set forth in §
381-69-G of these regulations, then and in addition to the notations previously specified, all plats shall also bear the following notation: "Title to land in the bed of all streets shown on this plat will be retained by the subdivider for purposes of dedication. The contract or deed for any lot or part thereof shown on this plat shall in no case include title to any part of the street."
The proposed subdivision final layout and plat shall be properly
endorsed by the County Health Department, as required by the County
Sanitary Code, before any public hearing is scheduled. The plat should
be in final form before being presented to the Planning Board or County
Health Department for approval.
Any erasures made on a plat after Planning Board approval, but
prior to its signing as hereinafter set forth, shall be initialed
by the Chairman or his/her duly designated representative. No changes,
erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made in any subdivision
plat after approval has been indicated by signature on the plat, as
hereinafter set forth.
Every subdivision plat submitted to the Planning Board for its
approval shall carry the following endorsement.
Approved by resolution of the Planning Board of the Village
of Larchmont, New York, on the _____ day of __________ 20 _____, subject
to all requirements and conditions of said resolution. Any change,
erasure, modification or revision of this plat, as approved, shall
void this approval.
Signed this _____ day of __________ 20 _____.
In the event that legislation exists that is applicable to any
Planning Board resolution that requires the subdivider to provide
parks or other reserved areas, it shall be understood that any park
requirements made by the Planning Board are subject to a satisfactory
agreement between the Village Board and the subdivider as to the adequacy
of and manner in which any amount of money and/or other consideration
may be granted, between the village and the subdivider, in exchange
for the title to any parklands. All agreements shall be subject to
the approval of the Village Board and the Village Attorney.
The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall
not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the Village
Board of any street, park, playground or other open space shown on
said plat. The Planning Board will require said plat to be endorsed
with appropriate notes to this effect. The Planning Board will also
require the filing with the Village Attorney of a written agreement
between the applicant and the Village of Larchmont covering future
title and maintenance of park areas and title to the beds of the streets,
with a description in proper form for recording, as well as any necessary
instruments to insure completion of landscaping and installation of
equipment in any park or playground area in accordance with such separate
plans for said park or playground area as may be required by the Village
Before any building permit shall be issued, the subdivider shall either have completed all improvements required by the Planning Board in its resolution approving the subdivision plat and shall have obtained the approval of the Village Engineer who shall certify that all improvements are in accordance with the standards and specifications as set forth in §§
381-69-H through
381-69-R of this chapter or, alternatively, shall have furnished a performance bond, issued by a bonding company, conforming in all respects to the Planning Board resolution approving the subdivision, which bond shall have been approved by the Village Board and the term of which has not expired.