[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the City of Englewood 11-10-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-02 as Ch. 2 of the 2003 Revised Health Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Board of Health — See Ch. Ch. 8, Art. III.
The Board shall organize annually on the first day of January in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be feasible, at which time it shall elect, by a majority vote of all of the members of the Board and from its members, a President and a Vice President.
[Amended 10-18-2017 by Ord. No. 17-02]
A majority of the whole number of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business but a smaller number may meet and adjourn from time to time. Its regular meetings shall be held each and every month in the office of the Board of Health, Englewood, New Jersey, at 8:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, which is not a legal holiday, or on such date as may be decided upon at the organization meeting. The Board shall determine and establish the rules of its own proceedings, and shall pass, promulgate or adopt such rules, regulations, orders, ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions pertaining to the purposes and objectives of the Board as may be necessary to properly carry out the provisions of applicable state laws governing the powers and duties of local boards of health. The President shall have the power to call special meetings of the Board when necessary, and, in case of this neglect or refusal to do so, it shall be lawful for any three members of such Board to call any special meetings by written or printed notice to each member, served personally or left at their places of residence at least 48 hours previous to the time appointed for such meeting. All meetings shall be in conformance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.
The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by a majority of all Board members, a Director of Health Services, a Secretary, a Health Officer, one or more Registered Environmental Health Specialists, a Registrar of Vital Statistics, and such other officers and employees as the President may from time to time deem necessary, all of whom shall hold their respective offices until December 31 of the calendar year of their appointment and until their respective successors are appointed and shall qualify, except that the Registrar of Vital Statistics shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 26:8-13.
The salaries or other forms of compensation of the aforesaid officers and employees shall be such as are fixed at the time of their appointment by resolution passed by a majority of all members of the Board.
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Board. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and have all such other powers as may, by law or by the provisions of this code, be vested in such officer. During the intervals between regular meetings, the President shall represent the Board in all executive and judicial matters. The President shall also have the power to appoint, with the consent of the Board, such other officers as may from time to time be required to be appointed and provision for whose appointment is not otherwise made in this code.
The Vice President, in the absence, disability or disqualification of the President, shall serve in the place of said President, with all the aforesaid powers and duties of the President.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the proceedings of the Board, shall conduct all the official correspondence of the Board, maintain proper copies of the same, tabulate and complete all reports required by any superior authority, local, state or national, and make such other reports as may be required or directed by the Board. The Secretary shall procure all books, stationery and other supplies as may be required by the Board and shall keep adequate records of all applications for permits and the action of the Board, if any, thereon, and all such other pertinent information as may be necessary for a complete record of each such matter.
The Director of Health Services shall plan, supervise and coordinate public health and human service programs in the Health Department of the City of Englewood as the senior administrative officer of said Department.
The Health Officer shall be the general agent of the Board of Health in the enforcement of the Health Code and other ordinances of the Board and the sanitary laws of the State. The Health Officer shall act within such additional authority as may be conferred on a licensed Health Officer by the state or the Board consistent with such state license.
The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall keep all such records of that office as required by the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State of New Jersey and N.J.S.A. 26:8-29. The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall additionally perform such duties as may be directed by the statutes or regulations of the State of New Jersey, the provisions of this code or as they may, from time to time, be directed by the Board. The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall file with the Secretary of the Board a monthly report on the vital statistics collected by the Registrar of Vital Statistics, which report shall consist of a review and analysis of the data collected.
The Counsel, when appointed, shall be the legal adviser of the Board, and shall, when required, attend its meetings. The Counsel shall, when ordered to do so by the Board, represent it in all litigation to which it may be a party and perform all such other legal services as may, from time to time, be required of the Counsel by the Board.
The Registered Environmental Health Specialists, when appointed, shall assist the Health Officer in the performance of the duties of the Health Officer under the direction and supervision of the Health Officer or in the absence of the Health Officer. The Registered Environmental Health Specialists shall possess a valid registered environmental health specialist license from the state and shall perform such duties as may additionally be directed by the statutes or regulations of the State of New Jersey, the provisions of this code or as they may from time to time be directed by the Board. Each Registered Environmental Health Specialist shall make a written report at each regular meeting of the Board.
[Added 9-10-2008 by Ord. No. 08-05]
Position created. There shall be established in the Department of Health, City of Englewood, the position of Animal Cruelty Investigator at a salary set by salary ordinance.
[Amended 10-18-2017 by Ord. No. 17-02]
Appointment and term of office. The Animal Cruelty Investigator shall be appointed by the Board of Health and shall serve a term of three years, commencing on the adoption of this section and ending on the third anniversary thereof, or until the successor shall be appointed and qualified.
Duties. The duties of the Animal Cruelty Investigator shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Enforce all laws and ordinances enacted for the protection of animals, including, but not limited to, animal control, animal welfare and animal cruelty laws of the state and local ordinances.
Conduct investigations and initiate and prosecute complaints and/or violations of animal control, animal welfare or animal cruelty laws of the State of New Jersey, as well as local ordinances.
Engage in the apprehension and arrest and detection of offenders who have violated animal control, animal welfare and animal cruelty laws of the state, as well as local ordinances.
Working in consultation and cooperation with the Police Department, under the direction of the Health Officer as well as the Director of Health Services when applicable, and when necessary cooperatively, determining whether probable cause exists for the application and issuance of a search or arrest warrant and implementing same.
Qualifications. To be appointed to the position of Animal Cruelty Investigator, a person must hold a certified animal control officer certificate from the State of New Jersey, have and maintain the New Jersey State animal cruelty investigators certification pursuant to N.J.S.A. 4:19-15.16a.
All officers and employees of the Board shall, by virtue of their respective appointments, be vested with the power and authority to make any and all inspections or examinations that are required to be made by local boards of health under the statutes of this state, or that are required by any code, ordinance, regulation or order of the Board. They shall report to the Health Officer any violations occurring in the interim between meetings of the Board, and all persons are hereby forbidden to interfere with or obstruct such inspections or examinations.