[Ord. 21A, 9/2/1982, § 5.01; as amended by Ord. 44, 6/11/1998; and by Ord. 2015-05, 8/13/2015]
For the purpose of regulating and restricting the location of trades, industries, multiple family houses, single-family houses, and other uses of property, the number of square feet of lot area per family house, the width of lots, the location and size of yards, and the size and height of buildings, the Township is divided into classes of use districts termed respectively:
Class A
Agricultural Districts
Class RF
Residential Forest Districts
Class R-1
Low-Density Residential Districts
Class R-2
Medium-Density Residential Districts
Class R-3
Special Purpose Residential Districts
Class R-4
High-Density Residential Districts
Class C-1
General Commercial Districts
Class I-1
Industrial Districts
Class F-P
Floodplain District