The discharge of trucked or hauled septage into the City of Port Jervis sewer system and public sewers tributary thereto will be permitted only with the written approval (license) of the Director. Only trucked or hauled septage that is generated within the boundaries of the City of Port Jervis shall be permitted to be discharged into the sewer system. Applicants for such license shall apply on a form provided by the Director. These forms may require information such as vehicle specifications, vehicle license number, vehicle color, NYSDEC permits issued under 6 NYCRR Part 364, approximate daily or monthly septage volume expected, service area, and any other information that the Director may require, to determine whether the trucked or hauled septage could adversely impact the POTW. The application shall be accompanied by a fee prescribed by the Director, not to exceed $1,000.
The licensee of trucked or hauled septage will also be charged a fee for each dumping, in accordance with Article XII. The dumping fee shall be paid prior to dumping.
The applicant for a license to truck or haul wastes shall be the owner of the vehicle or vehicles to be used for such discharge. Any false or misleading statement, in any license application, shall be a basis for invalidating the license. All licenses, issued by the Director, for this purpose, shall be for one year, but at the discretion of the Director, a license may be issued for a period of days or weeks. The Director shall supply the DEP operator with a copy of any license issued prior to the commencement of discharge into the sewer system. In an emergency, the Director shall give the DEP operator notice of the circumstances and of the need to commence trucked or hauled activities to alleviate the crisis immediately. A copy of the license paperwork will be supplied to DEP as soon as practicable thereafter. The licensee shall also be duly permitted by the NYSDEC under 6 NYCRR Part 364 ("364 permit"). If, for any reason, the 364 permit is revoked, the 364 permit lapses or becomes invalid, then the license issued under this article shall become invalid immediately. All acts performed in connection with the license shall be subject to the inspection and regulations, as established by the Director, the terms and conditions of the license and all local and general laws, ordinances, and regulations which are now or may come into effect, and such license may be suspended or revoked, at any time, by the Director for willful, continued, or persistent violation thereof.
At the discretion of the Director, the Director may limit and permit discharging on an emergency basis only, as determined by the Director, and the Director may require discharging only at certain locations within the POTW, and only at certain times, and only on certain days of the week, or seasons of the year as shall be stated on said license or as may be relocated by the Director, after appropriate notice. The time and conditions for permissible discharge shall be as set forth on the license, or as may be revised by the Director, after appropriate notice. The Director will consult with the DEP operator regarding the timing and location of the discharges and regarding the character of the septage to be discharged.
Each discharge of trucked or hauled septage shall be made only with the approval of the Director. The Director may require inspection, sampling, and analysis of each load prior to the discharge of a load. Any extra costs associated with such inspection, sampling, and analysis shall be paid by the licensee.