The Office of City Attorney is hereby created in and for this City.
The City Attorney shall prosecute or defend, on behalf of the City, all cases in which the interests of the corporation or any officer thereof are involved and which arise from or as a result of the provisions of any ordinance. The City Clerk shall furnish him with certified copies of any ordinance, bond or other papers in his keeping necessary to be used or filed in any suit or proceeding.
The City Attorney shall, when required, advise the City Council, or any officer, in all matters of law in which the interests of the corporation are involved, and he shall draw such ordinances, bonds, forms and contracts or examine and pass upon the same, as may be required of him by the Mayor, the City Council or any committee thereof.
The City Attorney shall direct executions to be issued upon all judgments recovered in favor of the City, and shall direct their prompt service. He shall examine all the bills of officers of courts, and of other officers of the law, and shall certify to their correctness and the liability of the City therefor.
The City Attorney shall institute and prosecute an action in every case of violation of a City ordinance, when instructed to do so by the Mayor, City Council or any committee thereof, or when in his judgment the public interest shall so require upon the complaint of any other person.
The City Attorney shall annually, on or before the first meeting of the City Council in April of each year, report, in writing, to the City Council a detailed statement of all suits instituted and pending in the courts of record wherein the City is plaintiff or defendant. In said report, he shall state the names of the parties to the suits, the date of the commencement of each suit, the nature thereof, and the several steps taken by him to bring the same to a final issue. He shall also give a list of all cases disposed of during his term of office, and subsequent to his last report, with such explanatory remarks as he may think proper to add thereto, to the end that the Council may be kept fully advised as to the legal affairs of the City.