Authority. As authorized by MGL c. 41, §§ 81K through 81GG, the "Subdivision Control Law," and under the authority delegated to the Town of Lexington by Article 89 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, known as the "Home Rule Amendment," the Lexington Planning Board adopts these Rules and Regulations governing the subdivision of land in Lexington.
Title. These Regulations are known and may be cited as the "Subdivision Rules and Regulations" or as the "Subdivision Regulations" or, within this document, as "these Regulations."
Gender Neutrality. These Regulations are gender neutral, any reference to the masculine gender should be interpreted to include the female gender and vice versa.
Unapproved Subdivision Prohibited. No person may make a subdivision, as defined in the Subdivision Control Law, of any land within the Town of Lexington, proceed with the improvement or sale of lots in an unapproved subdivision or the construction of a street or the installation of municipal services within them or undertake preliminary steps, such as the clearing of land, excavation, site preparation or other preparatory steps, leading to the construction of a street or the installation of municipal services or facilities, for which requirements or standards are in these Regulations, unless and until a definitive subdivision plan has been submitted to, approved, and endorsed by the Planning Board and recorded in the Registry of Deeds or the Land Court, and only then according to the conditions of approval and the procedures set out in these Regulations.
Complying Plans Must Be Approved. In accordance with MGL c. 41, § 81M, the Planning Board must approve any duly filed subdivision plan if the plan conforms to the provisions of these Regulations and conforms to the recommendation of the Board of Health.
Issuance of Building Permits The Building Commissioner may not issue any permit for erection of a building until first satisfied (a) that the lot on which the building is to be erected is not within a subdivision, or (b) that a way furnishing the access to the lot within a subdivision as required by the Subdivision Control Law is shown on a recorded plan, constructed according to that plan, and that any conditions endorsed thereon limiting the right to erect or maintain buildings on such lot have been satisfied, and (c) that all other applicable requirements have been met.
Purpose. The powers of the Town of Lexington and of the Planning Board under the Home Rule Amendment of the Massachusetts Constitution are exercised to promote the general welfare and convenience, protecting the health and safety of the residents of Lexington and of adjoining communities that may be impacted by the construction of a subdivision in Lexington by:
Identifying and securing, for present and future residents, the beneficial impacts of growth and development;
Identifying and avoiding the negative impacts of growth and development; and
Ensuring that future growth and development are of a type and design and are in a location served by adequate public services and facilities.
Means. These Regulations are intended to achieve those purposes by:
Providing adequate access to all of the lots in a subdivision by streets and walkways that will be safe and convenient for travel;
Lessening congestion in such streets and in the adjacent public streets;
Reducing danger to life and limb;
Securing safety in the case of fire, flood, panic and other emergencies;
Ensuring compliance with the frontage and access provisions of the Lexington Zoning Bylaw;
Securing adequate provision for water, sewerage, drainage, underground utility service, fire, police, and other services where necessary in a subdivision;
Coordinating the streets and walkways in a subdivision with each other and with the streets and walkways in adjacent neighborhoods;
Facilitating a detailed review by Town officials and by the public of proposed subdivisions to determine the adequacy of the facilities proposed to be provided and their impact on public facilities and services and on adjoining land; and
Establishing a sequence of review that progresses from the general to the detailed to avoid unnecessary delay or expense to both the Town and the applicant.
The Planning Board may create forms for the convenient administration of these Regulations. These forms are not part of the Regulations. Forms may be added or deleted, and the content of the forms may be revised from time to time by administrative action of the Planning Board.
Consistency with State Law. In the case of conflict between these Regulations and state law, and for matters not covered by these Regulations, the Subdivision Control Law, MGL c. 41, §§ 81K to 81GG, inclusive, and amendments to them, apply.
Separability. The provisions of these Regulations are separable. If any provision of these Regulations, or any decision or determination in the administration of them, is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, invalid, or void, the court's decision does not affect any other provision of these Regulations or the administration of them.
Invalidation by Changes to State Law. Any part of these Regulations that may later be invalidated by a new state law, or by amendment of an existing state law, must automatically conform to the new or amended state law and will be deemed effective immediately, without recourse to a public hearing and the required procedures for amendment and repeal of these Regulations.