In addition to the general purposes listed in § 425-3, the following specific community development objectives, created as a direct result of a community-wide visioning process in 199, and incorporated into the Wolf Creek Slippery Rock Creek Council of Governments Comprehensive Plan, have been considered as a basis upon which the regulations and controls of this chapter are derived.
By the year 2007, Springfield Township should be primarily a rural, small-town community; keep its natural/scenic qualities, its ability to farm, personal freedoms and other high qualities of life; and plan of a targeted and limited development area in which to provide for economic development opportunities, yielding higher-pay job opportunities and thriving local businesses, and not resulting in sprawl or undesirable impacts or costs for the community.
Maintaining low density residential development.
Promote low density, single-family residential development.
Control location of multifamily residential development.
Provide housing for all economic levels.
Promote the preservation of historic residential structures.
Promote the preservation of active farmland.
Encourage participation of farm owners in the Agricultural Security Area Program.
Provide farm owners the opportunity to develop property within certain guidelines.
Discourage the subdivision of farm tracts into small building lots, unless public open space is guaranteed.
Encourage farmers to participate in county and state programs that support and promote sound farming practices, such as surface water protection and erosion and sedimentation control.
Economic development.
Provide for commercial/industrial development in limited areas.
Identify areas with adequate infrastructure that can support commercial and/or industrial development.
Create site development controls to protect adjacent properties.
Provide adequate opportunities to expand the tax base.
Provide for a variety of commercial and industrial development opportunities.
Ensure that existing facilities and services are maintained at a level that meets the needs of current residents and businesses.
Promote construction standards that address Township goals.
Require development applications to address the health, safety and general welfare needs of Township residents.
Create a safe, well-constructed road system within the Township.
Promote an adequate, safe nonvehicular circulation system with the Township.
Encourage efficient land use patterns that minimize traffic congestion.
Encourage new development to provide for alternative modes of transportation.
Encourage identification and protection of rights-of-way for future public use
Historic preservation.
Encourage preservation of cultural and historic sites.
Cooperate with other agencies, both public and private, in the promotion of preserving identified sites.
Encourage new development to be architecturally compatible with existing structures and sites.
Encourage adequate recreational opportunities for Township residents.
Encourage new development to provide open space and/or recreation areas.
Encourage development of community-wide recreation programs and facilities.
Natural resources preservation.
Discourage development on, or in, identified environmentally sensitive areas.
Promote the preservation of identified environmentally sensitive areas and natural resources.
Land use.
Encourage development that enhances the rural character of the Township.
Promote open space requirements for new development.
Encourage a variety of housing opportunities in the Township.
Promote development arrangements that require less linear footage of roads, sewers and water lines.
Finally, this chapter is adopted to implement the Wolf Creek Slippery Rock Creek Council of Governments Multimunicipal Comprehensive Plan.